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Because of overdependence on the exploitation of natural resource and deficiency of new source for economic development, it's often very difficult for resource-based economy to maintain sustainable development. So exploiting the new source for development and transition of regional economy is the primary task for the transition of the resource-based economy as a matter of course.
     After1990s, aiming to explore the new source of economic development and the reconfiguration of economic structure, many resource-based regions and cities have made lots of exploration and experimentation, and much of the exploration and experimentation is dominated by the government. And then the transitional model dominated by government was created generally. Although this model has generated some positive effects, but because of the deficiency of the power from market's self-organization and the private capital, the adjustment of industrial structure still be operated along with the industrial chain of the traditional resource-based industries. And then the situation over dependent on natural resource in many regions still be very difficult to change.
     On the foundation of concrete investigate and theoretical to the economic development in Shanxi Province, I find that, difference to previous transitional model, along with the development of resource-based economy, the power of private capital has been stimulating, and the function of market's self-organization has been generating, a new situation of the transition of the resource-based economy has been emerging. The opportunity for the emergence of the new situation was created by the strengthening industrial regulation and the flowing out of the private capital. This private capital is exploring new development model reflecting the combination of capital and technology through the brand-new-or intra-entrepreneurship currently. Simultaneously, through generating entrepreneurial environment for the brand-new-or intra-entrepreneurship, the governments of all levels in Shanxi is increasing the speed of adjustment of industrial structure and the transition of resource-based economy.
     Reflecting from the development practices and experiences in Shanxi, the transition of the resource-based economy is an evolutionary process of a complex adaptive system in essence. In the process, entrepreneurs are the key agents, the entrepreneurship actions and the adaptive functions of the market's self-organization are the radical power for the improvement of the transitional process. The key role of the government is to support the institutional environments for the entrepreneurship actions and the self-organizational function of the market. Under the situation of deficient of entrepreneurship and the function of market's self-organization, the transitional process dominated by government is unsustainable.
     In this dissertation, with the theoretical methods of comples adaptive system, I studied the basic function of how to make the combination of private capital and technology, and how to explore the new driving power which could upgrade the traditional resource-based industries and start new industries along with the brand-new-or intra-entrepreneurship process. And I will also study the main government function to promote the brand-new-or intra-entrepreneurship process.
     During the evolutional process of complex adaptive system, the internal agents could adapt to the external change of environment. Especially when the environments change radically, adaptive agents will do new exploration through adjusting their own cognitive and behavioral modes, which will introduce new development elements, and self-development and the structural change of the system. In the complex adaptive system, any agent could not adapt to the environment change alone. All agents adapt to the environmental change through interrelation and interaction among each other. And on the foundation of the interrelation and interaction, all agents could explore new opportunities and models for development. And of course on the same foundation of the interrelation and interaction, all agents, could explore new rule system to replace the old one, and which could enlarge the positive explorative results and introduce the adaptive adjustment and reformation of the system.
     During the economic transition in Shanxi recent years, the strengthening industrial regulation by governments influenced the old development model of private capital radically. Under the new condition, entrepreneurs could not survive by the exploitation and utilization of natural resources, and they have to explore new survival opportunities by the brand-new-or intra-entrepreneurship. Under the new condition, the topic of the brand-new-or intra-entrepreneurship actions is exploring the combination of capital and technology. From the brand-new-or intra-entrepreneurship practices in Shanxi, the fields of the combination of capital and technology are various, including high technology industries and the import of technology in agricultural and traditional industries. With the pushing power of brand-new-or intra-entrepreneurship, the industrial structure in Shanxi is changing, which show as the moderation of agriculture and traditional industries and the emergence and development of new industries through the combination of capital and technology. For enlarging the positive influence resulted from the brand-new-or intra-entrepreneurship actions to the economic transition and development, the governments of all levels in Shanxi are constructing the entrepreneurial parks-such as Agglomeration Area of Innovative, Commercial&Manufacturing Industries in Changzhi County-as spatial carriers and generating the industrial policy system as soft carrier. The new entrepreneurial environments are now improving the adjustment process of the industrial structures. But the evolutional tendency is still uncertain, which is resulted from the uncertainty of the combination of capital and technology, and also from the uncertainty of the government role for enhancing the function of market's self-organization.
     On the foundation of concrete summarizing for the practice experiences about economic transition and development in Shanxi Province, with application of theoretical methods of complex adaptive system, I studied the intrinsic function and logic of how brand-new-or intra-entrepreneurship could drive the transition of resource-based economy in Shanxi Province. The main conclusions in this dissertation are following:
     Firstly, from1996to2005, although Shanxi has explored the model for the transition of resource-based economy all the time, but under the condition of deficiency of economic agents and the power of market's self-organization, and with the dominance of state-owned economic firms, the economic transition has to depend on the government. The economic transition in this period was propelled main through the deepening exploitation of natural resource and the extend of industrial chain. And the new driving power for economic development was still not found. Under the pressure of maintaining the economic development, the opening for private capital in natural resource-based industries has enhanced the dependence on the natural resource of the whole economic development. Although the economic growth has been maintaining all the time, but overdependence on natural resources and the extensive mode of economic development has also generates hidden troubles for the sustainable development in Shanxi.
     Secondly, after2005, the province government in Shanxi began to make reform of strengthening regulation in the coal industry, which influenced the resource-based industries and the whole resource-based economic system in Shanxi dramatically. On the one hand, along with the increasing of industrial concentration, the improvement of the organizational administration and the extension of industrial chain, the industrial quality of traditional resource-based has been increased genenally. On the other hand, with the strengthening of industrial regulation in coal industry, a lot of coal entrepreneurs and private capital had to evacuate from the coal industry. Some of these entrepreneurs had gone to Xinjiang and Neimenggu and continued to invest and start new ventures in resource-based industries. Simultaneously, a greater part of these entrepreneurs had started new ventures in non resource-based industries in Shanxi, including modern agriculture, traditional manufacturing industries, high-tech industries and producter service industries and so on. On the whole, the brand-new-or intra-entrepreneurship by coal entrepreneurs are mainly around the orientation of the combination of private capital and technology. On the foundation of importing new technologies and introducing structural change, the brand-new-or intra-entrepreneurship actions are evolving to the radical driving power for the transition of resource-based economy in Shanxi. Along with the modernization of traditional industries and the emergence and development of new industries, Shanxi has entered the key transitional stage which is characterized by the enhancement of the qudlity of traditional driving power for economic development and the emergence of the new driving power for economic development.
     Thirdly, under the exploration of economic transition driven by the brand-new-or intra-entrepreneurship, the governments of all levels in Shanxi had also made adaptive actions, including the construction of hard-ware environment such as spatial carriers and the generation of soft-ware environment such as policies system. But the governments' comprehension and attention on the basic driving power for the development and transition of the resource-based should still be strengthened.In the future exploration of economic transition, the governments should pay more attention on the brand-new-or intra-entrepreneurship actions started by coal entrepreneurs, and also should construct high quality entrepreneurial environment adaptively for the entrepreneurship actions. The high quality entrepreneurial environments include public technology platform for the combination of private capital and technology, the policy system for attracting high quality talents and so on. The main role of the high quality entrepreneurial environments is to decrease the risk and entrence barriers for brand-new-or intra-entrepreneurship actions.
     All in all, in the exploration of transitional model after2005, Shanxi has made some achievements, but the new transitional model driven by the brand-new-or intra-entrepreneurship actions is still in the emergence stage, and which should be strengthened and consolidated. And simultaneously,the key role of the governments in this stage is to enhance the quality of the combination of paivate capital and technology thtough construction of high quality entrepreneurial environments.
① "The Dutch Disease" (November 26,1977). The Economist, pp.82-83
    ② Auty, Richard, Sustaining Development in Mineral Economies:The Resource Curse Thesis[M]. Oxford University Press, New York,1993.
    ① 关于相关文献更详细的说明见“文献综述”章。
    ② Sachs Jeffrey and Andrew Warner, The Curse of Natural Resources[J].European Economic Review (Elsevier), 2001, vol.45(4-6), pages 827-838, May.
    ① Auty,Richard, Sustaining Development in Mineral Economies:The Resource Curse Thesis[M]. Oxford University Press,New York,1993.在该书中,Auty对玻利维亚、智利、秘鲁、牙买加、赞比亚和巴布亚新几内亚等六个以矿产资源为支撑的资源型发展中国家的经济史进行了考察,结果发展,这些国家的发展战略虽然符合新古典经济学的要素禀赋理论,但他们的增长速度和发展水平却明显慢于非资源型国家,这一现象与现有经济学理论明显不相容。于是,他开始从自然资源和资源型产业的发展方面寻求新的解释,并创造了“资源诅咒”这一术语。
    ② 当然,针对“资源诅咒”的计量经济学研究的批评之声也是不绝于耳的。如Maloney就对资源诅咒的统计检验提出了三点质疑:其一,他认为20世纪70年代至20世纪末的25年左右时间里,世界经济政治格局经历了几次程度不等的债务危机,同时这一时期也是很多国家经历社会变革的重要时期。因此,选择这一时期的数据进行统计检验并不科学;其二,“资源诅咒”现象的出现严重依赖于“资源丰裕程度”这一衡量指标的设计;其三,“资源诅咒”现象究竟是资源部门的内在属性所致,还是源自于其他因素难以通过统计检验加以厘清(Maloney,2002).就连资源诅咒概念的创造者Auty教授也认为,关于“资源诅咒”的验证性研究,很难解释在第一次增长的黄金时代(the First Golden Age of Economic Growth,1870-1913)和第二次增长的黄金时代(the Second Golden Age of Economic Growth,1950-1973)里,众多资源丰裕国家实现了工业化的起步和经济腾飞,如美国、德国等等(Auty,2001).
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