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The test paper generating is an optimized problem to multi-objective parameter with certain restriction. The optimization is implemented very difficultly by traditional method. The quality and efficiency of auto-generating test paper is all determined by the test questions-database designs and get problems-terms algorithm. The aim of the research is to design an algorithm that can get a group of test problems terms quickly, which fit the restriction of test requirement. A great deal of articles from inside and outside analyzed, Genetic Algorithm is selected as the way to produce test paper, and a general-purpose system of auto-generating test paper is designed. The system can search for the best answer according to such restriction conditions as test question types, terms scalar, knowledge points, difficulty degree, distinguish, exposition, the latest time and answer time. Finally, it can find the best answer and get ideal test paper.In this research, traditional test generate steps is analyzed, and a suitable mathematics model about generating test paper is formed, and the structure of test questions-database base on education measure theory is designed and education statistics is built. According to the mathematics model, a producing test idea that the test questions are grouped base on their types has been built. Through testing proved, the grouping method is more advantage than that of no-grouping method, some relation data about these testing have been provided. In this thesis, the traditional genetic algorithm have been improved at many aspects, and the author made a program of testing system using c#. The testing system not only proved that the article's theory is correct, but also many practical problems in generating test paper have been resolved perfectly. These work make the generating test paper system have a good effect in practice. In a word, the main work of the research can be show as follows:1. Establish a model of generating test paper problem and simplify it.2. Using ADO.NET technique, the test library will be divided into several tables base on different types so that searching scope can be decreased and reading hard-disk time can be cut down.
    3. The national code is used in the improved genetic algorithm in order to decrease space of chromosomes.4. The crossover probability and mutation probability are improved on self-proper theory, so that the proper numbers of crossover probability and mutation probability can be found. The Genetic-Mutation Algorithm is introduced. When the premature phenomena trend has been detected, the number of mutation probability can be changed to enhance mutation chances, and to run out premature.5. Simulated Niche is introduced in the selection operator, its rules as follow: when the filial generation's fitness is better than those of their father generation, the filial generation instead of their father generation, otherwise, the father generation is remained. It can maintain multi-seeds effectively and avoid to run into the trap of the part best value.6. The problem of test questions' mark in application has been resulted, the timing adjusted strategy has been researched about selection terms, blank terms and ask terms.7. The auto-generating test paper system based on improved genetic algorithm has been achieved using C#. In this thesis, some main interfaces and code are provided.
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