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This thesis tries to discuss the problems about the condition and correlation of ethnic folk literature with a tourism context for its living and inheritance. The thesis first briefly introduces document data collections and the current society condition as the background, pointing out the present condition, former research achievement and weaknesses between tourism and ethnic folk literature research domestically and internationally. Then it directly turns to the concrete ethnic literature element folk song about“Sanjie Liu”as a start point. By selecting a case and using the field work method, the thesis surveys and analyses the present living condition and inheritance mechanism about“Sanjie Liu”in ethnic literature under tourism background. On the basis of document collections and questionnaire method, this thesis is to analyze the research result on an objective angle. Making the field work analysis as the foundation, the thesis is from the theoretic perspective to discuss the possibility and opportunity on how to make reciprocity between tourism and ethnic literature, then it comes up with the theory analysis result and the thesis’conclusion.
     The first part starts to outline the social background, under which the ethnic literature encounters tourism, and also the research status quo of the two. The part points out that the related research in this field represents one direction in future and has an important significance.
     The second part begins to discuss the“Sanjie Liu”culture element which spreads is popular among people at Guangxi area. Setting a cultural time and space coordinate as a mark, this part elaborates“Sanjie Liu”culture in different context about its formation, development, transform, adaptation, and the reason on inheritance as well as the condition and influence. This forms a regional history culture trace about culture brand.
     The third part is the survey of a case study and it is the thorough positivism research part in this article. The thesis selects Yangshuo County as a field work site and the“Impression Sanjie Liu”as concrete research object. It deliberately analyses how the ethnic literature“Sanjie Liu”folk song is embodied, used, adapted and demonstrated in“Impression Sanjie Liu”and its situation and influence in order to discuss the arrangement and demonstration of the content in“Impression Sanjie Liu”. This part uses the field work method to look into the research object and collect the first hand information from Yangshuo government officials,“Impression Sanjie Liu”management circle ,stuff members, farmer actors and other locals participating in tourism ,scholars ,tour guides ,tourist both from home and abroad respectively to get their explanation and understanding. It also innovatively collects first hand feedback information by using the mass communication media internet to have a comprehensive observation to the research object.
     The whole fourth part emphasizes on the borrowing, adaptation and display of the ethnic literature. It refers to the culture questionnaire data statistics and the first hand information from the field work to expand the discussion of ethnic literature elements such as“Sanjie Liu”folk song in“Impression Sanjie Liu”with the original existence form, the regenerated form starting from 1960’s and the derived forms under the tourism background, such as the likes of related commodities. It also applies the inter-cultural comparison method to analyze and elaborate the influence on ethnic literature’living and inheritance through the process. With an objective angle of view, this part discusses the possibilities and opportunities about the mutual benefit between tourism and ethnic literature.
     The fifth part uses the fourth part as a basis. Having referred to the case study of”Impression Sanjie Liu”, it analyses the reasons and puts forward the positive and negative effects for ethnic literature under tourism exploitation context and how to deal with the bad effects. This part starts from the positivism and ends in theory discussion.
     The last part takes a comprehensive view of the full thesis, elaborates the achievement and deficiency of research and has a thought about it. It once more discusses the reciprocity for the living space and the inheritance of the ethnic literature in tourism context and the important significance of conservation for the intangible cultural heritage.
     The writing thread of the whole thesis starts from theory research to positivism and returns the theory. On a cultural anthropology outlook, the thesis applies field work method, depth interview and culture questionnaire method to analyze the object with an objective view and work out the conclusion. That tries to avoid the mode which commences a research with a cultural angle to be the theoretic discussion and directly get the qualitative conclusion. Having analyzed the possibility and opportunity about the reciprocity between tourism and ethnic literature, the thesis points out the“Impression Sanjie Liu”left the original display context, but it is still in the field covered by the original culture context. There is an academic foundation for the mutual benefit for tourism and the ethnic literature and no conflict between the two essentially, it is the dissemination process that cause the controversial problem. The thesis also indicates finding the realistic value and expanding the living space for the ethnic literature is the way to develop and conserve the intangible cultural heritage under a new social context.
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