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Biomass as a widely distributed, abundant, renewable and environment-friendlyresource has been received considerable attention. The products of biomass pyrolysisare strong reductive substances as solid, liquid and gaseous. They are widely used asreductors in reduction of metal and nonmetal oxides, especially for minerals.Therefore, the biomass is used to prepare manganese monoxide by its pyrolysisprocess in stead of traditional coal. The results not only broaden the application ofbiomass, but also are a new technology for preparation of manganese monoxide withhigher efficiency and lower energy consumption. And it also can do better in improvethe mitigation of increasingly serious energy crisis, environmental and human health.
     Firstly, the pyrolysis process of five kinds of biomass, such as rice straw, sawdust,wheat stalk, corn stalk and bamboo powder, was investigated by thermogravimetricanalysis. The pyrolysis kinetics analysis was investigated based on thethermogravimetric data. The biomass pyrolysis components of gas, liquid, solid-statewere analyzed by gas chromatography, scanning electron microscopy and Fourierinfrared spectroscopy. The results showed that the pyrolysis process of biomass couldbe divided into four stages including evaporation of moisture, evaporation of boundmoisture, fast pyrolysis and slow pyrolysis; the biomass pyrolysis followedindependent parallel first-order reaction kinetic model; the gaseous products weremainly CO2, CO, H2, CH4, C2H4and C2H6, the solid products were mainly carbon andoxygen, while liquid products were various types of organic compounds.
     Secondely, the process of preparation of manganese monoxide by biomasspyrolysis was simulated by the reductors of biomass and the represents of biomasspyrolysis, such as H2, CO and biomass liquid products. The manganese oxide ore andthe main components of ore, such as MnO2、Fe2O3and SiO2, were reducted base onthe studies in the factors of reduction degree, reaction temperature and valence changeof manganese ore. The results illustrated that the biomass volatiles were the mainagents in reducing the manganese oxide ores. The reduction mechanism included twosteps that are biomass thermal degradations to releasing gaseous reductive volatilesand then reducions of the manganese oxide ore by volatiles reductors. The maincomponents of ore, such as Fe2O3and SiO2could improve the reduction efficiency ofmanganese ore by biomass pyrolysis.
     Thirdly, the optimum conditions of preparation of manganese monoxide bybiomass pyrolysis reduction were determined based on the investigation of influencefactors, such as biomass/manganese ore ratio, reaction temperature, reaction time, types of biomass, particle size of biomass, particle size of manganese ore, flow rate ofinert air and amount of oxygen. By the analysis of X-ray powder diffraction, scanningelectron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy on the reduced sampleand GC analysis on gas composition of the outlet gas, the reduction mechanism wasspeculated. The reduction process of manganese oxide ore by biomass pyrolysis couldbe divided into four stages including evaporation of moisture, evaporation of boundmoisture, main reduction and slow reduction. Kinetic results showed that thereduction process followed the first order kinetic model and the reduction rate wascontrolled by the reaction between biomass volatiles and manganese oxide ore.
     Lastly, in order to promoting this method in industry, the flow process andtechnology programs were planed in mid-industrial scale. The methods ofanti-oxidation were worked out based on the investigation on the influencing factors(such as reaction temperature, reaction time, particle size of biomass and materialsthickness) and the mechanism of oxidation of manganese monoxide. The estimationof energy balance, material balance and economics were evalualed, which showedthat the preparation of manganese monoxide by biomass pyrolysis was effective,economically feasible and environment-friendly for industrially preparing manganesemonoxide.
     With regard to the national demonstration project on the reduction of manganeseoxide ore by the biomass pyrolysis, an efficient method of preparing manganese oxideis put forward with the advantages of lower energy consumption and the friendlyenvironment. The reduction process was studied on the reaction mechanism, influencefactors, reduction mechanism and reduction kinetics. The technology of preparingmanganese oxide of biomass pyrolysis was designed. It is a theoretical basis for thecomprehensive utilization of lower grade manganese ore resources.
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