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     选用昆明种小白鼠120只,雌雄各半,体重在18~22g。将小白鼠随机分成6个组,一个阴性对照组,5个剂量组,每组雌雄各10只,然后按每只0.2ml经口灌胃,对照组灌服80%二甲亚砜,试验组灌服甘氨酸水杨醛铜配合物(用80%二甲亚砜配制的)悬浮液。Bliss法计算LD50可知甘氨酸水杨醛铜配合物的LD50为1271.7 mg/kg,95%的可信范围为1135.0~1424.9mg/kg,证明本品为无毒级。
     试验选用300只1日龄健康AA雏鸡,随机分为6个组。对照组I为基础日粮组;对照组II在基础日粮中添加金霉素,前期(0~2周龄)添加量为100 mg/Kg,后期(3~6周龄)添加量为60 mg/Kg;试验组I、II、III、IV在基础日粮中分别添加甘氨酸水杨醛铜配合物,前期添加量分别为2g/kg、1.5 g/kg、1 g/kg、0.5 g/kg,;后期添加量分别为1 g/kg、0.75 g/kg、0.5 g/kg、0.25 g/kg。试验期42天。结果显示:全期平均日增重试验组I比对照组I提高了9.84%(P<0.05);试验组II、III、IV、V的平均日增重比对照组I分别提高了-0.71%、2.76%、10.67%(P<0.05)、4.19%;全期平均料重比对照组I和试验组I、II、III、IV、V差异均不显著(P>0.05)。试验组III、IV可提高肉鸡体重、胸肌率、腿肌率、部分免疫器官指数、减少滴水损失、降低腹脂率。试验组III在肉鸡饲养中可以达到与金霉素同样的效果,试验组III为最适宜添加量。
     按照NY/T843-2004和(GB15199-94)规定,肉类中铜含量(以Cu计)应≤10 mg/kg。测定了主要组织(肝脏、肾脏、骨骼、胸肌、腿肌)中铜元素的含量。结果表明:试验组III、IV样品铜含量均未出现超标情况,为较适宜的添加剂量。
     本文研究表明,甘氨酸水杨醛席夫碱及铜配合物有一定的抑菌作用。用甘氨酸水杨醛铜配合物替代日粮中的抗生素饲喂肉仔鸡是可行的,前期(0~2周龄)添加量分别为1g/kg、0.5 g/kg,;后期(3~6周龄)添加量分别为0.5 g/kg、0.25g/kg甘氨酸水杨醛铜配合物,为较适宜的添加剂量。
The in vitro antibacterial activity of salicylaldehyde-glycine ligands and its complex with Cu(II) was studied and acute toxicological test on the complex with Cu(II) was conducted.Finally, the effects of the two derivates of glycine replacing CTC in diet on production performance, carcass characteristics and some immunity index of broiler was studied to evaluate the possibility of the complex with Cu(II)replacing CTC in diet of broiler.
     The salicylaldehyde- glycine and its complex with Cu(II) were synthesized. The antibacterial activity of this ligands and complexes against four bacteria (E.coli, S.aureus, sh.lexneri, S.typhimurium) was determined by using concentration dilution method. The results showed that antibacterial activity of the salicylaldehyde-glycine and its complex was stronger against G+(S.aureus)and G-( E.coli, sh.lexneri, S.typhimurium). Complexes are stronger than ligands.
     One hundred and twenty mice of Kunming breed, about 18~22g of live weight, half of female and male, were used in this experiment. they were divided into control, test groups of five (with 20 mice in each group). The animals were poured 80% of dimethylsulfoxide through mouth and the mice in test groups were poured 80% of dimethylsulfoxide and Complexes respectively. The result showed that the LD50 =1271.7 mg/kg of complex with Cu(II).
     Three hundred 1-day-old AA+ broiler chickens were randomly divided into control group and test groups of I, II, III and IV. The control group I was fed diet. The control groupII was fed diet with CTC.Broilers in the test group I ,II , III and IV were fed diet replacing CTC with (2、1.5、1、0.5g/kg)(0~2 weeks) and (1、0.75、0.5、0.25g/kg)(4~6 weeks)of Salicylaldehyde-glycine complex with Cu(II) diet respectively. The results showed that average daily gain of birds in group I, II, III, IV and V was increased by-0.71%、2.76%、10.67%(P<0.05)、4.19%;Feed Conversation ratio was not divergent in control group and test groups of I, II, III,IV and V. the Salicylaldehyde-glycine complex with Cu(II) improved the growth performance, brisket rate, leg portion rate, the indexes of immune organs;decreased abdomen fat of broilers on the 42nd day to some degrees. It showed that the effect of test group III were equal with the control groupII, test group III was the best group.
     According to NY/T843-2004 and (GB15199-94)Cu in chicken tissues≤10 mg/kg, Detected Cu in chicken tissues (liver tummy , kidney, bone , brisket , leg portion) The results showed that the test group III and IV were all not over the standards ,They were proper test group.
     In conclusion, the two derivates of glycine had property of inhibiting bacteria. Replacing antibiotics with the complex in broiler diet is practicely and supplementation with the levels of 1、0.5g/kg(0~2 weeks) and 0.5、0.25g/kg (4~6 weeks) had the best effect on broiler.
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