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Phyllanthus urinaria L.as the raw material,established the HPLC detects the content of phyllanthin by quantitative an alysis,the content of phyllanthin in different areas and parts of phyllanthus urinaria L.were measured;Deep and systematical researches had done to the extraction、isolation and purification of phyllanthin from phyllanthus nurinaria L.,isolation and purification factors were studied and established;The purification of phyllanthin was identified by mass spectra.The main research content is as folows:
     The HPLC detects the content of phyllanthin by quantitative analysis.The conditi ons of deter mining liquid phase chromatogram are as folows:chromatogr am column C_(18)(250mmx4.6mm,),the wavelength of detector at 230nm,tempera ture at 30℃,sample size20μL,rate at 0.8mL/min,met hanol:water(80:20v/v)as mobile Phase.In this case,at least 5 components alcohol extactive can be separated well from impurities.Good linear relatio nships between the peak area values and concentrations have beenfound.The relationship of the phyllanthin is good in the range of 2.72μg/mL-136μg/mL.
     The content of phyllanthin in different areas and parts of phyllanthus urinaria L.were measured by HPLC.The results showed that the content of phyllanthin in phyllanthus urinaria L.from Hainan was 0.664%,Guangxi and Guangdong zhanjiang were 0.565%and 0.178%,the content of phyllanthin in leaf,fruit, steam,root and branch were 1.04%,0.03%,0.02%,0.018%,0.01%.
     The extraction technics of phyllanthin was extracted from Phyllanthus urinaria L.by ethanol ultrasonic extraction,through oneway and orthogonal experiment the optimum parameters of extracting phyllanthin had been determined. It was showed that the main factors influencing extraction efficiency were as follows:the ethanol concentration>the ethanol amount>extraction times.The optim um parameters was:the concentration of ethanol is 95%,the multiple of ethanol to material is 25,extraction time is 20min,by two extractions,the content of phyllanthin was 0.687%.
     The purifying technology of phyllanthin.The study compared adsorption properties of seven macroporous resins,includingHPD100,HPD100A,HPD700, D101、D201、NKA-Ⅱ、NKA-9、HPD 100 resin was determined as the best sorbent.The optimum purification condition o btained was:the driedre sina sre ference,the flow rate on absorption is 1BV/h,9BV80%ethanol,the flow rate on desorption is 2.0BV/h.Under these conditions,the purity of phyllanthin has greatly improved from 9.47%to 55.2%,
     Through silica gel chromatographic column to purify phyllanthin from overall phyllanthin,the purify of phyllanthin obtained was 83%.Phyllanthin was purifid from overall phyllanthin to obtain pure phyllanthin by crystal and recrystal means.its purify was up to 96.79%.
     Purification of phyllanthin under-the-MS identification,the results showed phyllanthin was purified from phyllanthus urinaria L.and standards of quality spectrum basically the same.
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