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With the rapid development of science and technology in the era of knowledgeeconomy, employees’ knowledge has become the key strategic resource of enterprisedevelopment and knowledge sharing has also become the important measures to enhancecompetitiveness. Especially in this diversified, personalized market where opportunitiesfleet soon, enterprise is developing into flat, flexible, and networked organization, whichhas made the enterprise evolve into a complex social network constituted by differentkinds of main body and its relationships. In the network, relationships betweenemployees’ knowledge sharing and its structure form the "trunk", and their knowledgebecomes the "blood". All this have changed the traditional hierarchical, specialized anddual relationship,"world is flat" has become people’s own experience in the real world,and no matter from connotation or denotation, behavior of employees knowledge sharinghas changed dramatically, which has brought new opportunities and also put forward anew challenge for researchers in this field.
     In the system of employees’ knowledge sharing, due to the particularity ofemployees’ knowledge, dynamics of the structure of social relations and diversitybetween elements, the complexity of knowledge sharing behavior has increasedsignificantly, which brings huge impact on traditional knowledge management and alsoputs forward new requirements about employees’ knowledge sharing in the complexsocial network. Especially, the various processes in complex social network have shapedand coordinated a certain number of knowledge sharing behavior of employees and theirinteractive relationship strategy, which will react these behaviors and relationshipstrategies as well and make it appear different traditional equilibrium. In the modernknowledge specialization system, employees’ interdependence on the knowledge makesknowledge sharing become the indispensable condition for the enterprise operation. Butsince employee is an independent behavior decision-making individual, all of themmaintain autonomy to some degree, and for various reasons, they pursue different profits;Therefore, to promote employees' knowledge sharing, it is necessary to research theessence of these processes and understand the logic behind the behavior and thetheoretical basis of their behavior strategy choice.
     On this basis, the paper systematically researches the problems of the enterpriseknowledge sharing behavior of employees from the perspective of complex social network. In this study, the paper will divide employees’ knowledge sharing behavior intotwo dimensions: relationship behavior and strategy behavior; Through the integrated useof theoretical tools, such as behavioral economics, social network analysis, network gameand case analysis method, it also researches the generating mechanism behind employees’knowledge sharing behavior strategy in the complex network, and explores the mutualinfluence mechanism between knowledge sharing relational network and sharing strategybehavior, so as to promote the employees’ knowledge sharing and improvecompetitiveness.
     In this study, the thesis has mainly researched the above question systematicallyfrom the following four aspects.
     ①The connotation, relationship,formation mechanism and structure characteristicsof complex social network in knowledge sharing.
     This paper starts with the background and the employees’ social relationship of theemployees’ knowledge sharing behavior. At the beginning, we analyze the formationmechanism and node degree distribution of knowledge sharing relationship networkthrough random relationship behavior. There is a breakthrough on the knowledge sharingbehavior of employees’ social relationship, considering the costs and benefits andexternalities of the relationship, we draw lessons from Jackson and Goyal’s research andconstruct a dynamic game model of employee social relations strategy network, the gamemodel reflects the connection relationship between costs and benefits clearly. Thus,wecan simulate the emergence and development of knowledge sharing relationship networkwhen there is personal motivation that generate or cut off the knowledge sharingrelationship between employees. Through the simulation we can make a prediction thatthe formation and characteristics of the structure of the network under the cost effect andexternalities and a further discussion about the relationship between the stability andefficiency of the network, and provide a theoretical foundation for the analysis of whatkind of network structure is for the employees to share knowledge.
     ②The analysis of dynamic process of employee knowledge sharing behavior on thecomplex social network.
     Actually,there are two related questions in this research. One is the structuralconnectivity, which is how two persons connected. Another question is the connectivity inthe knowledge sharing behavior, namely, individual knowledge sharing behavior hasimplied effect on others in the system, individual behavior model must include strategicbehavior and strategic reasoning. Our research based on these studies and used the graph theory model of evolutionary game theory to depict and analyze the dynamic process ofknowledge sharing strategic behavior of employees through frequency dependent Moranprocess. Then we found that on complex social networks, the fixed probabilitiesdetermine whether the choice is advantageous to the mutation strategy to replace theoriginal one. Under complex social network structure, we try to use the mean field theoryto find out the condition which is conducive to knowledge sharing strategies in theevolutionary process. Finally, we found that the condition is the average degree ofneighbor nodes greater than the link cost and expanded Nowak’s et al. research.
     ③The influence of social network structural complexity on strategy choice ofemployee knowledge sharing behavior.
     In a complex social network environment, the results of staff’s individual behaviorshould not be isolated, it is constrained by the structure of employee’s knowledge sharingnetwork and react to individual behavior. On the basis of the model, the paper introducesheterogeneous connection and active connection between employees, and explores howdifferent employees’ social network structure impact employee knowledge sharingbehavior strategy, find out the influence law for how the change of the network structureinfluence employee knowledge sharing behavior strategy choice. Thesis further studiedthe influence law. The law is on the same network structure under different topologicalnode position affects employee knowledge sharing behavior strategy choice and to clarifythe connection heterogeneity of employee knowledge sharing behavior of employees’strategy choice.
     ④A appropriate case for analyzing and testing complex social network theory ofknowledge sharing behavior.
     On the basis of theoretical analysis, the paper chooses China Mobile Group DesignInstitute Co.,Ltd for case study, make use of the social network analysis tools, describethe relationship between these data through quantitative language, use social networkanalysis software to analyze the features (cohesive subgroups, accessibility, networkdensity, centrality, betweens, structural holes, small world, etc.) of complex network inthe system. In exploring how knowledge sharing influenced by its social network relation,the qualitative and quantitative research methods for complex social network in staffknowledge sharing has been combined. Thesis put forward the correspondingcountermeasure and the suggestion, which to promote employee’s knowledge sharing inthe enterprise.
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