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In a society of knowledge economy, knowledge has gradually become a decisive factor to form companies' competitive advantages, and knowledge capital has become the first economic factor for company to create its value. Competition between companies is more and more drastic now; what's more, its goal is shift from materials to talented personnel, especially those knowledge employees, the owner of knowledge capital in the companies. According to management practice in China in recent years, more and more companies face great challenges in management on knowledge employees, esp. those high-knowledge ones, for instance, consultant companies and IT companies etc. the following phenomena are very common in those companies --a serious shortage of motivation means, staff's frequent jump, rising in management cost etc. motivation, one of the major functions in human resource management, becomes the hardest and key one. Thus how to encourage knowledge employees is an essential problem for managers of new economic era
    to solve. In management practice, many experts made a lot of research on material motivation means, which can be measured. With this study advantage, it has formed a perfect, structural system, and, it also develops in the new era, for example, the stock-share motivation etc. comparatively speaking, there are less research on the immaterial motivation, let alone to form a perfect, systematic structure. Research on the immaterial motivation should be put on the agenda as the richening of material situation, the rising in management cost as well as the decreasing of marginal effect in material motivation.
    This paper, proceeding from the compensation in a broad sense, studied immaterial motivation problems of knowledge employees, and their immaterial compensation structure, i.e. the structure of knowledge employees' immaterial needs. It starts from the research on knowledge employees' characteristics to study the structure of their intrinsic needs and the relation between these needs and their being motivated levels for grasping the availability of the being motivated levels about their intrinsic needs. It obtains some conclusion primarily as follows.
    1. The paper gains a more complete immaterial compensation structure, corresponded to material compensation structure, which contain base compensation
    factor, incentive compensation factor and benefits factor.
    2. The paper finds two immaterial compensation structures, anticipant structure and effective one. The former behaves tendency of knowledge employees' immaterial want, the latter reflects actuality of knowledge employees' immaterial want. They have provided foundation and direction for knowledge employees' motivation.
    3. For knowledge employees, theirs cognition about the configuration of immaterial compensation is pretty good, however it is effected by some background characteristics about the practical one, such as salary and years of work experience.
    Through research it can form a comparatively overall structure of immaterial compensation that's easy to practice. Ti aims to promote further study on immaterial motivation, and tries to serve as a guide in management practice to motivate knowledge employees in companies.
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