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Chinese Private Firms (CPF) reaches a peak of succession after three decades of reform and opening up. Based on the background, the paper explores the implication, conformation and performance of the context of control agency in CPF, aiming to illuminate theoretically CPF in breaking through growth dilemma and sustainable development.
     Firstly, the concept of the context of control agency in CPF is explored. The original data are gained through23interviews with senior managers from20CPF in two stages. The concept is founded with the data based on Grounded Theory. The results show that the context of control agency in CPF is defined by the3-dimension properties of authorization, self-efficacy and adaptation, in which authorization is the foundation and motivation, self-efficacy is the agents'behavior property and adaptation reflects the sustainablity of control agency.
     Secondly, the scale of the context of control agency in CPF is developed. The scale captures the properties of the context of control agency of CPF. The results show that:the context of control agency of CPF is defined by the3-dimension properties of authorization, self-efficacy and adaptation, the3-dimension properties, which show significant discrepancy in different industries, firm sizes and business strategies. In general, agents are authorized inadequately and adapt best to the large-scale firms.
     Thirdly, the conformation and performance mechanisms of the context of control agency in CPF are studied. Agent behavior, owner behavior, organizational culture and trust are regarded as the important factors influencing the context of control agency in CPF, and the process of efficiency is further explored, the relevant theoretical models are constructed and empirically tested. The results show:Economic agent behaviors are negatively related with the context; Stewardship agent behaviors are positively related with the context; Patriarchal owner behaviors are partially negatively related with the context; Transformational owner behavior are positively related with the context; Institutions and work atmosphere are positively related with the context; Trust is positively related with the context, and plays an intermediary role in agent behaviors, owner behaviors and organizational culture influencing process of the context; The context is significantly positively related with agency performance.
     Finally, the results of study are systematically summarized and discussed. The innovation, limitation and prospects are proposed.
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