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苏珊·朗格(Susanne K. Langer,1895~1985)是美国二十世纪著名的哲学家、美学家、符号学家,通常将她与卡西尔视为符号美学的开创者之一,而本论文的主要目的是探讨朗格符号思想的发展轨迹以及其符号理论研究逐步嬗变超越的过程,揭示朗格在符号体系建构、符号美学以及符号心智认知方面的主要贡献。本文从历时性考察与逻辑分析出发,主要采取文献检索法、共时对比法以及理论分析法相结合的研究方法,把朗格的符号学理论统摄为一个连贯的整体,从而更好地呈现朗格符号理论思想的全貌,指出其符号理论思想在当今符号哲学语境下给我们的启悟。故此,本文是一个跨学科的研究,是对符号在语言、艺术及心智中的整体性探讨。
Susanne K. Langer (1895-1985) is one of the famous philosophers, estheticians, semioticians in the20th century in America, who is often looked upon as the founder of semiotic aesthetics, together with Cassirer. The present dissertation attempts to trace her developmental process in semiotic research; indicate her change and transcendence in semiotic thinking; investigate her contribution to the development of modern semiotics in the aspects of the construction of a semiotic system, semiotic thinking in aesthetics and semiotic minding. Based on the diachronic observation and logical analyses, this thesis adopts the combined research methods of literature retrieval, synchronic comparisons and contrasts and theoretical analyses, so as to maintain her semiotic theory as a general system, expose her comprehensive and coherent thinking in semiotics and explore her heuristic and enlightening ideas in contemporary philosophical context. Therefore, this is an interdisciplinary research and a holistic examination of the functions of the symbols in language, art and mind fields.
     This investigation finds that Langer's semiotic thinking has extensive criticism and adoption from the contemporary-philosophy. Though she adopts the cultural symbolic critical perspective from Cassirer in definition of the relations between human beings and the world, she surely benefits a lot from her tutor Whitehead, especially his universal outlook which is based on the process, generation and relation perspectives. Moreover, Langer inherits the zest in logical analyses from the logical positivism and the enthusiasm in meaning interpretation from the empiricism. Upon the clashes and dialogues with the contemporary philosophical ideas and semiotic theories, Langer proposes her own creative thinking regarding such categories as intuition, abstraction and logic, which lays a solid polynary foundation for her general semiotic theory. Langer defines a symbol from the perspective of function, discriminates signals from symbols on the basis of the different logic scheme, indicates the necessity of symbol-oriented meaning interpretation in terms of the human instinct of symbolic transformation. The classification and distinction of discursive symbols and representational symbols is a leap in her semiotic thinking. The earlier research in mathematic and scientific symbols renders her aware-of the nature of discursive symbols, especially the features and experimental generation of language as the typical discursive symbol. Nevertheless, the logic power of language also determines its limitation in interpreting our inner feelings, which is intended for the representational symbols. Langer's research in art symbols as the typical representational symbol is the highlight in his entire semiotic theory. Her definition of art and her illumination of the nature of art in terms of the symbolic feeling, expressive form, and its semblance and illusion enlighten us considerably in artistic criticism. Also, Langer realizes that there exists a concrete mental image in artistic symbol projection, and the minding activity is the source of art symbols. Thus, Langer proposes that art is the key to the mystery of human minding and the way to art is the way to the mind. Langer's establishment of an act theory and act principles is a research in-the genesis of symbols, which traces the construction of the symbolic world, reflects her endeavor and achievements in interdisciplinary and multi-methodology exploration, and affords a supportive epistemological and interpretive framework for her semiotic theory.
     Langer's semiotic theory accords us a new way to meaning interpretation and a fresh theory in semiotics, which is based on her holistic, polynary, dynamic, and dialogic research perspective; and which is also the motive for her to interpret the meaning of being from both the rational and the perceptual perspectives. However, there inevitably exist drawbacks in her theory. Her attempt in seeking an ultimate for minding in physiology and biology is kind of fundamentalism and an antinomy and her illusion interpretation can not be supposed to include all of the artistic types. Despite these, Langer's semiotic theory still has much enlightening significance in present philosophical and semiotic contexts, and her methodological innovative ideas are definitely worth learning, which is also the incentive and pursuit of this paper.
① 现实实有”、“摄入”范畴的译文引自周邦宪译的《过程与实在》,贵州人民出版社,2006年版。
    ③ 《哲学新解》的英文书名是philosophy in a new key",可见,朗格视符号为打开哲学之门的一把新钥匙,并将它用于阐释各种·哲学议题,揭开符号模式观念以及形式与内容的多样关系。
    ④ 《哲学新解》的第一版是在1942年,在1951年第二版中,朗格说她更愿意追随莫里斯,用signal一词代替她之前的sign。朗格认为皮尔士的解释项(interpretant)不在她的信号sign关系中,在符号svmbol关系中,她和莫里斯一样都误将皮尔士的interpretant理解为subjectivity(主体)或sign-user信号使用者。
    ⑧ 这里指卡尔·布勒所阐述的信号符号,表征符号,象征符号三分法,后发展为其语言论的三个功能,即表达功能、显示功能,和表现功能。雅各布斯在继承和发展前人成果的基础上,提出了自己的语言结构功能模式,即著名的语言六要素和六功能说:所有的交际行为都由六个要素组成,即说话者、受话者、语境、信息、接触手段和代码;它们分别对应情感功能、意动功能、指涉功能、诗性功能、交际功能和元语言功能。据赵毅衡选编,滕守尧译,雅各布森的“语言学与诗学”,《符号学文学论文集》,百花文艺出版社,2004。
    ⑨ 在1942年《哲学新解》的第一版中朗格用symbol符号一词指称艺术,1953年《艺术问题》出版,朗格表示,她在看过读者对《情感与形式》的评价后,更愿意接受Melvin Rader教授的建议,将艺术称为一件“表现性形式”。
    12 这一译文转引自《情感与形式》刘大基译本,也有评论家将其译成“姿势”,笔者认为,无论哪种,所解释的内涵相近,这里取前一种翻译。
    14 《成长与形式》1942年,只不过汤普森关注的是动植物而已。
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