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     本文首先简述了地震层析成像发展历史及基本原理,分析研究了各种射线追踪和反演算法的优缺点,并将折射层析方程组和反射层析方程组联立起来,进行旅行时联合层析成像。由于综合利用了折射波和反射波的信息,联合层析成像扩大了有限观测角,增加了射线密度,因此理论上其精度要比单一的折射层析或反射层析的精度高。然后本文对Jun Korenaga的折射和反射联合层析成像软件中的网格节点设置方式进行了改进,并进行了两个模型的数值模拟以及一个不同尺度模型的对比试验,模拟结果表明改进后的软件的反演效果有所提高并且广角地震数据比其他数据的层析反演效果好;对比试验结果表明对中等尺度(排列长度几公里以上)及以上的地震数据进行联合层析成像的效果比小尺度(排列长度几公里以内)的地震数据的效果好得多。
Seismic tomography is a technique which deduces and draws the physical properties of underground structure from the inversion of seismic data. Its main purpose is to determine the fine structure of the Earth’s interior and local inhormogeneity ( Wencai Yang, 1993 ). Tomography is originally used in medical research. With the increasing development of geological tomography, the research on geological tomography has achieved great successes and received increasing acceptability and expansion.
     According to the differences in the used seismic data, seismic tomography can fall into four types-transmission tomography, reflection tomography, refraction tomography and surface wave tomography. Transmission tomography, which conducts observation in cross-wells, is studied deeper than the other types. It is followed by refraction tomography, of which the advantage is that it utilizes long offset records. Research on reflection tomography is far away from maturity. Although reflection tomography studies deeper subsurface structure than refraction tomography does, it has lower inversion accuracy. In order to improve the inversion accuracy of seismic tomography, researchers begin to carry out simultaneous inversion of two or more types of seismic data.
     This paper outlines the development and the basic principles of seismic tomography, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of various ray tracing methods and inversion algorithms. This paper also deduces simultaneous tomography equation from reflection tomography equation and refraction tomography equation. The inversion accuracy of simultaneous tomography, in theory, can be improved, since it utilizes both reflection data and refraction data and this combination can increase observation angle. Then this paper improves the distribution of grid nodes in Jun Korenaga’s joint reflection and refraction tomography program, and then carries out numerical simulation with two models. The results show that the improved program has higher inversion accuracy and simultaneous tomography with wide-angle seismic data has better results than other kinds of seismic data. In addition, a comparison experiment is conducted and its result shows that seismic data of intermediate scale and large scale (the length of seismic arrangement is more than several kilometers) is more appropriate for simultaneous tomography than small scale data (the length of seismic arrangement is less than several kilometers).
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