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China is one of the largest producing countries of livestock and poultry breeding in the world, and also a soy source protein feed demanded country. Protein content is the main nutrition indicator of the protein feed. Feed contains forbidden nonprotein nitrogen adulterant such as melamine will cause urinary tract stones, renal failure, bladder calculi bladder cancer even lead to death. Scholars at home and abroad can effectively detect melamine/cyanuric acid in feed using chemical analysis methods, but the methods have the disadvantages of the low automatic degree, the destructiveness to the sample, the pollution to the environment, the complex analysis process and the high cost. Moreover, for the other spectral analysis methods, the synchronous analysis ability of multiple target objects in feed is limited. This thesis carried out the analysis method research of melamine/cyanuric acid in soy source protein feed materials using near infrared microscopy imaging. The research provides a new idea for nonprotein nitrogen analysis in feed. The research also provides a reference for the development of other more nonprotein nitrogen adulterant analysis in protein feed materials and feed products based on image and spectral information. The research is significant to the on-line analysis system development of feed safety quality and promoting the development of feed automated analysis technology. The main innovation achievements obtained as followed.
     (1) Based on the variance analysis of single factor and multi-factor of near infrared microscopy (NTRM) imaging instrument parameters and considering the image quality, NIRM image collection efficiency and the analysis results of the soy source protein feed materials containing1%(w/w) different particle size melamine adulterant, the final instrument parameters were recommended as follows:pixel size=25μm, interferometer speed=1cm/s, resolution=32cm-1, scans per pixel=4.
     (2) Based on the research of near infrared microscopy imaging analysis of the melamine particle covered by different thickness soy source protein feed materials particles, it is concluded that the melamine particles covered by the particles with thickness more than100μm will be detected difficultly. The analysis of melamine in different varieties soy source protein feed materials found that the analysis effect had a great difference. Based on the melamine analysis in different soy source protein feed materials with different particle size, it is concluded mat the melamine analysis effect had a small difference when the particle size is less than500μm.
     (3) Based on NIRM imaging, using partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), support vector machine discriminant analysis (SVM-DA), multivariate curve resolution-alternating least squares (MCR-ALS) and image threshold segmentation, The qualitative analysis of0.00025%~5.000%(w/w) melamine in soy source protein feed materials was carried out, and the melamine in soy source protein feed materials containing more than0.050%melamine have been detected. The quantitative analysis of0.050%~5.000%(w/w) melamine in soy source protein feed materials was carried out and the percentages of added melamine were correlated to the predicted melamine concentrations. The correlation coefficient (R2) of the PLS-DA, SVM-DA and MCR-ALS methods were0.936,0.9426and0882, respectively. Using NIRM imaging combined with (MCR-ALS) and image threshold segmentation, the qualitative analysis of0.010%~5.000%(w/w) cyanuric acid in soy source protein feed materials was carried out, and the melamine in soy source protein feed materials containing more than0.050%melamine have been detected. Based on the quantitative analysis of soy source protein feed materials containing0.050%~5.000%(w/w) cyanuric acid, the percentages of added cyanuric acid were correlated to the predicted cyanuric acid concentrations and the correlation coefficient (R2) was0.9367.
     (4) Using NIRM imaging and MCR-ALS, the synchronous analysis model of melamine and cyanuric acid in soy source protein feed materials was built. Combined with image threshold segmentation, the qualitative analysis of0.050%~2.000%(w/w) melamine and cyanuric acid melamine in soy source protein feed materials was carried out, and the melamine in soy source protein feed materials containing more than0.050%melamine and cyanuric acid have been detected. The qualitative analysis results show that the method can synchronously analyze melamine and cyanuric acid in soy source protein feed materials effectively. Based on the quantitative analysis of soy source protein feed materials containing0.050%~2.000%(w/w) melamine and cyanuric acid, the percentages of added melamine and cyanuric acid were correlated to the predicted concentrations, and the correlation coefficient (R2) of melamine and cyanuric acid were0.8952and0.7779, respectively.
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