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Disability sport organization plays an important role in the sustainable development of disability sport.The theoretical and practical areas need to explore the issue about how to make full use of the social forces and form a disability sport organization system of amounts of folk organizations to satisfy the people with disabilities'diversified physical activities needs and achieve the purpose of disability sport development.
     The dissertation is an empirical study about how the United State's disability sport organization emerges and evolves based on the perspective from the theory of'Self-organization' and how the system operates with the corporation of different organizations.The dissertation combined the research methods of literature study, interview and case study and took disability sport organizations as investigation object. Through the interviews with staffs from the various organizations and scholars in disability sport and observing the disability sport activities, the main conclusions are as follows:
     1.Due to the folk disability sport organizations, disability sport in USA has covered from those veterans from the wars to almost all kinds of disabilities and has developed from rehabilitation to education, competition and leisure. The development process of disability sport is divided into Emerging period, Organizations Period, Mainstream Acceptance Period and Paralympic period.
     2.The structure and the function of the system gradually becomes from Disorder to Sequence, from Low-scale to High-scale and from Simplicity to Complication, even divided into two sub-organizations-elite sport and non-elite sport.
     3.The system can not evolve without the social environment-the understanding and the acceptance of disabilities by the mainstream, veteran sport rehabilitation, laws and regulations about disability sport, disabilities'sport needs, international disability sport development, social model and'Small Government, Big Society'model.
     4.The system is formed by factors, such as disability sport organizations, making the system open, far away equilibrium and non linear. With the horizontal and vertical corporations between the United States Olympic Paralympic division and five national disability sport organizations and disability sport organizations and local organizations,the system achieves the self-organization.5. The system is facing the problems such as lack of overall plan, lack of interactions
     with the main sport and segregation from those people without disabilities. In the future, overall plan, corporation with the main sport and the opportunities created to make disabilities and people without disabilities perform together.
     6. Due the social characteristics of the system, disability sport in China should learn from the disability sport of the United States based on the national conditions.
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    [1]David Legg, Claudia Emes & David Steward. History Overview of the Paralympics, Special Olympics, and Deaflympics. Journal of Palaestra,2004, Vol.20(1):30
    [4]Karen DePauw. Disability Sport. Champaign:Human Kinetics,2005.45
    [6]Silvers, A., Wasserman, D. Integration, disability and sport:past and future research directions. Journal of Sociology of sport,2004, Vol.18(1):39
    [7]Peter R., Giacobbi Jr. & Michael Stancil. Physical Activity and Quality of Life Experiences by Highly Active Individuals with Physical Disabilities. Journal of Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly,2008,Vol.25(9):189
    [8]Orelove F., Wood, J. An evaluative review of Special Olympics:Implications for community integration. Journal of Education and Training of Mentally Retarded,1982, Vol.17(17):325
    [9]Cooper RA, Quatrano LA & Axelson PW. Research on physical and health among people with disabilities:a consensus statement. Journal of Rehabilitation Recreation Development,1999, Vol. 26(8):142
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    [12]Blinde, E.M., McClung, L.R. Enhancing the physical and social self through recreation activity:Accounts of individuals with physical disabilities. Journal of Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly,1997, Vol.13(9):344
    [13]Vandlandewijck, Y.C.,Chappel, R.J. Integration and classification issues in competitive sports for athletes with disabilities. Journal of Sport Science Review,1996, Vol.5(1):67
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    [18]Elizabeth Moberg-Wolff, Sarah Kiesling. Adapted recreational and sports programs for children with disabilities:A decade of experience. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 2008, Vol.25(9):155
    [19]Thomas H Sawyer. Inclusion in sport activities:disabilities and the ADA. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance,2002, Vol.73(5):7
    [20]Pensgaard, A.M., Sorensen, M. Empowerment through the sport context:a model to guide research for individuals with physical disabilities. Journal of Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 2002, Vol.19(7):57
    [21]Wolff, E.A., Fay, T., Hums, M. A. Raising the bar:Inclusion of people with disabilities in sport. Journal of Sociology of Sport,2004, Vol.5(1):147
    [22]Greg Reid. Future directions of inquiry in adapted physical activity. Journal of National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education,2000, Vol.52(2):370
    [23]Candace Ashton-Shaeffer, Heather J. Gibson, Cari E. Autry & Carolyn S. Hanson. Barriers to disability sport. Journal of Sociology of Sport,2001, Vol.18(2):97
    [24]Passo M. Improving access to outdoor recreational activities on public lands. Minneapolis, MN:Wilderness Inquiry,2000
    [25]U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Surgon General's Call to Action to Improve the Health and Wellness of Persons with Disabilities. Washington, DC:Office of the Surgeon General,2005
    [26]Van der Ploeg, vander Beek AJ, van der Woude LHV, van Mechelen W. Physical activity for people with a disability:a conceptual model. Journal of Sports Med,2004, Vol.34(10):639
    [27]Raymore LA. Facilitators to leisure. Journal of Leisure Recreation,2002, Vol.34(2):47
    [28]Scherer MJ, McAnaney D & Sax C. Opportunity is possible; performance is action: measuring participation. Journal of Disability Rehabilitation,2007, Vol.28(6):1467
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