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目的:从新疆株细粒棘球绦虫原头蚴中克隆PDZ结构域蛋白(Echinococcos granulosus structural domain protein of the PDZ, EgPDZ),进行序列测定和生物信息学分析。方法:设计EgPDZ基因特异性引物,用RT-PCR方法从细粒棘球绦虫原头蚴RNA中克隆EgPDZ基因并将其克隆至pMD18-T载体,测序确定序列并进行生物信息学分析。结果:RT-PCR扩增出一长度约600 bp的基因,测序显示其长度为627bp,编码208个氨基酸,等电点为4.76,为一新基因,命名为EgPDZ。SMART功能分析预测EgPDZ蛋白16~88氨基酸为PDZ结构域。同源性比较表明,EgPDZ与多房棘球绦虫EmPDZ同源性为97.60%,与血吸虫和人等其他种类PDZ基因同源性在18.16%~26.42%之间,而PDZ结构域的序列相似度为42.47%~98.63%。进化树分析表明EgPDZ与EmPDZ相聚集,与其他物种同源性较低。结论:成功克隆出细粒棘球绦虫EgPDZ新基因,为进一步研究该基因在细粒棘球绦虫与宿主相互作用中的功能奠定基础。
Objective:To clone and characterize EgPDZ from Echinococcus granulosus (Eg) protoscolex, which has the same domain as PSD-95, Dlg and ZO-1 (PDZ), and was analyzed by bioinformatics. Methods:The specific primers for EgPDZ were designed and the EgPDZ gene was amplified by RT-PCR from Eg protoscolex RNA. Then the EgPDZ gene fragment was cloned into pMD18-T vector for sequencing and analyzed by bioinformatics method. Results:The PCR products of EgPDZ was about 600 bp and identified as a new gene by sequence analysis, named as EgPDZ, whose length is 627 bp and encode 208 amino acid which has a PI of 4.76. The SMART analysis predicts that, the 16th to 88th amino acid of EgPDZ protein is PDZ domain. The bioinformatics analysis shows that, the EgPDZ sequence is 97.60% identity to EmPDZ and 18.16%-26.42% identity to PDZ gene of other species, such as schistosome and human being etc. However, The PDZ domain sequence of EgPDZ gene has a higher identity to that of other species is about 42.47%-98.63%. Phylogenetic analysis showed that EgPDZ clustered with EmPDZ, and has a lower homology to other species. Conclusion:A new EgPDZ gene was cloned from protoscolex of Echinococcus granulosus, which laid a foundation for further study of EgPDZ function in the host-Eg interaction.
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