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     结果:泡球蚴攻击感染的小鼠在感染20天后,腹外可看到小米粒大的包囊,之后,腹腔逐步膨隆,活动减弱,毛发稀疏。同时出现互相撕咬现象,个别小鼠咬头,有些小鼠出现哮喘等过敏样症状,多数小鼠尿道口红肿,导致尿道水肿,排尿不畅,解剖发现膀胱充盈,肾脏灰白色,未做任何处理,很快死亡。所有实验鼠包括正常对照,感染对照,免疫和免疫后感染鼠模型的成活率为73% (102/140)并且各感染组病灶的大小和重量比较的差异无显著意义;Th1/Th2关键转录因子和细胞因子在血清中的表达量检测结果显示:比较CE免疫组、AE免疫组、卡介苗免疫组、感染对照组、CE免疫攻击组和AE免疫攻击组与PBS对照组小鼠的转录因子(GATA-3mRNA和T-betmRNA)和其标志性细胞因子(INF-γ及IL-4)以及其它细胞因子包括GM-CSF、IL-2、IL-6、IL-10和IL-17的表达量,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。比较卡介苗免疫攻击组与PBS对照组的转录因子(T-betmRNA)和其标志性细胞因子(INF-γ)以及其它Th1/Th17型的细胞因子(GM-CSF、IL-2和IL-17)的表达量,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。而比较卡介苗免疫攻击组与PBS对照组及感染对照组的转录因子(GATA-3mRNA)和其标志性的细胞因子(IL-4)和其它Th2细胞因子(IL-6和IL-10)的表达量,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。卡介苗免疫攻击组T-betmRNA的表达量与IFN-γ成正相关(r=0.71,P<0.05)。
     结论: Th1/Th2细胞免疫反应在泡球蚴感染的昆明鼠动物模型宿主体内可以长期共同存在处于平衡状态,反映了宿主对泡球蚴产生的抗感染免疫和由寄生虫抗原诱导宿主产生的免疫病理反应的相互作用和相互适应的复杂调节过程。实验证明卡介苗(BCG)有上调Th1型免疫反应的作用,用BCG可以干预或治疗由泡球蚴抗原诱导的晚期泡球蚴(AE)病人的免疫抑制状态。
Objective: To investigate the cellular immune effects of either immunization by natural antigens of Echinococcus spp. and BCG or challenge by the protoscolexes of E. multilocularis (Em) in mice model of Kunming spp.
     Methods: After either immunized mice with BCG (0.1 IU/ml), natural antigens (0.1mg/ml) of Echinococcus spp. By subcutaneous injection 0.2ml/per mice firstly, and boosted 0.1ml/per mice after a month for twice. After immunization above, half numbers of mice were challenged by use of E. multilocularis protoscolexes. Every immunized and challenged group had 20 mice with half and half females and males. The normal control and infectious control (no-immunization but only infectious) group had 10 mouse, respectively with half and half females and males. A quantity of the signature Th1/Th2 cytokines of IFN-γ/IL-4 and other cytokines (GM-CSF or IL-2/IL-6 and IL-10/ IL-17) in serum by using capture-ELISA, and of the transcriptional regulators of T-bet and GATA-3 in spleen-tissue by using qRT-PCR was undertaken. The data analysis were carried out by use of SPSS for a comparison of the average expression amounts of various proteins between different groups and the 95% CIs was set-up for significant difference.
     Results: After 20 days challenging of alveolar echinococcosis protoscolexes, the successful infectious mice (73%, 102/140) can be observed some allergic symptoms and abdominal lesion growth signs. Comparing the weight and size of lesions in various infectious group showed all in the insignificant findings. During the whole time infection-period after E.multilocularis protoscolex challenge, both key transcription factors and signature cytokines showed a homogeneious expression patterns. But it was very different in BCG immunized mice of either post-challenge or non-challenge, showing regulated the expressions of T-bet mRNA and signature cytokine of IFN-γand other Th1/Th17type of cytokines (IL-2, GM-CSF,IL-17) though insignificant impact of GATA-3 mRNA and its signature cytokine of IL-4 and or other cytokines ( IL-6/ IL-10) expressions were found.
     Conclusion: The long term balanced co-existence of Th1/Th2 reactions in mice model with alveolar echinococcosis (AE) infection may reflect a regulation mechanism for optimally adapted immune responses to a plethora of invading pathogens by adjusting a fine balance between protective and immunopathological inflammatory processes. BCG may be used for intervention when immune-suppression is induced in AE sufferance.
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