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For enterprises competitive intelligence system (CIS) construction, it's important to avoid paying too much attention to technology, while neglecting the subjective concerns on information acquisition and usage, and its characteristics of acceptation and innovation. Therefore, we need to emphasize on human functions in information circulation. In this dissertation, the author conducts the CIS construction study under the guiding principle of people-oriented information ecology. CIS2.0 is put forward on the basis of CIS problems analysis, then a CIS2.0 structure model is proposed based on the information ecology theory, a 3-level system framework is proposed at last.
     Document survey, deduction and induction, questionnaires are used in conducting the study. The subject is spreaded out by 7 parts.
     In chapter one, Introduction. Set forth the idea, structure and the content of the study, and points out the study methods and innovations after introducing the background, intention and the significance.
     In chapter two, relevant theories review. The review and comments are proposed from CIS, information ecology and the correlations between CIS and information ecology respectively, which form the theory foundation of the study.
     In chapter three, questionnaires survey on CIS operation. It's reported that information ecology unbalance is resulted by the internal organization mechanism, which can be summarized as 3 factors, namely, people, information and the influence of environment on people and information, while the most important factor is people.
     In chapter four, it's necessary to carry out people-oriented information management in order to solve information ecology unbalance of CIS. After analyzing Information ecology theory, this dissertation proposes CIS2.0 paradigm. The people-oriented CIS2.0 is differentiated from the technology-centered CIS 1.0 on the aspects of construction principle, guidance, concrete design object and the relationship with the environment. After the comparison, it's concluded that CIS2.0 should be constructed to be a hybrid social-technical system.
     In chapter five, construction of CIS2.0 structure model is based on information ecology. According to the information ecology theory, one system should have the self-organization function, and thus adapts to the outside environment automatically in order to survive and develop. To get the self-organization function, people participation is needed. Information ecology stresses the description and observation on people characteristics and their information behaviors. Through organization learning and information sharing, interactions among people, interactions between people and the environment can be realized, information can be fully mined and freely circulated, and the utilization efficiency and value of information will also be increased. Such CIS2.0 can meet enterprise. The proposal constructs a dynamic, open-ended, valuable, innovative CIS2.0 structure model.
     In chapter six, construction of the CIS2.0 system framework is based on information ecology. The CIS2.0 system framework here is founded on the innovative CIS2.0 structure model, which gives full play to people-oriented guidance. Such a CIS2.0 system framework is composed of 3 levels, namely, the surface-level subsystem of the information practitioner, the middle-level subsystem of information storing and information flow management under people-controlling, and the bottom-level subsystem of information environment support, guarantee and promotion. Constructions of the 3 subsystems are realized.
     In chapter seven, conclusions and forecasting. Conclusions and contributions are summed up finally. It also discusses the limitation of the research, as well as several directions on future research in the field.
     Innovations of the study are included but not limited to the following.
     Firstly, introduces the information ecology into CIS construction, proposes the CIS2.0 paradigm and formulizes the CIS2.0. This research proposes a people-oriented information ecology management guidance, studies on the functions of the relevant information ecology theories and their applications in CIS construction, puts forward the CIS2.0 paradigm explanatorily, which is all of importance for the combined study on information ecology and CIS construction from both practice and theory aspects.
     Secondly, innovative CIS2.0 structure model based on information ecology is constructed. In this dissertation, CIS2.0 structure model is set about from the people-centered information management guidance, with the foundation of organizational information ecological factors and the relevant information ecology theories, analyzes the motive power of the CIS2.0, constructs a people-centered CIS2.0 structure model with the characteristics as open-ended, dynamic, innovative, and so on.
     Thirdly, a CIS2.0 system framework is designed and constructed based on information ecology. The innovative CIS2.0 system framework is guided by information ecology's people-oriented principle, reflects the new CIS2.0 structure model, which included 3 levels as information practitioners, information content, and information environment, which guarantes the information acquisition and circulation inside CIS2.0, thus improves the CIS2.0 running efficiency.
     All in all, the study is conducted from the information ecology, CIS2.0 construction problems are resurveyed from the new perspective and some new CIS2.0 construction views are explored. Hope that my crude remarks may induce someone to come forward with his valuable contributions, or can guide the CIS2.0 extension.
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