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Since the industrial revolution, with more human activities, resulting in the increment of greenhousegases’ concentration in atmosphere, especially on the concentration of CO2, and most placespresented significant warming tendency. In China, the annual average temperature had increased by1.38℃from1951to2009, with the rate of0.23℃per10a. As a major grain production region, thecrops in Northeast China always are affected by extreme climate events, especially by heat stress anddrought disasters, while maize as the main grain crop, occupying an important position in agriculturalproduction in Northeast China, therefore, the research of projected future changes of heat stress&drought and their impacts on maize yield in Northeast China need to be strengthened. This paperanalyzed the future changes of heat stress and drought during crop growing season in NortheastChina under SRES A1B scenario, and utilized the link of PRECIS and CERES-Maize to assess thepossible impacts of future heat stress and drought on maize yield.The main conclusions of thisresearch are as follows:
     1. In terms of heat stress, it would perform increasing trend in the crop growing season during2011-2100in the Northeast China, and the tendency would gradually increase in2020s,2050s and2080s. In next three periods, the high value areas of increment might focus on the west and northeastin Heilongjiang province,while low value areas of increment might mainly locate at the north inDaxing'anling region and eastern belt areas in Northeast China;
     2. In terms of drought, crop growing season over Northeast China would present drought trend in next90years. The drought trend present obviously in2050s, but the drought occurrence show severely in2080s. Future high value of drought frequency regions might concentrate in the west in NortheastChina, particularly in the Qiqihar and Daqing in Heilongjiang, Baicheng in Jilin and Chaoyang inLiaoning. While low value of drought frequency regions might locate at east in Jilin and Dandongregion in Liaoning;
     3. In terms of yield change of NW areas VS SE areas. Normal years, yield in NW areas under rainfedcondition might be averagely higher8.4percentage than the SE areas in four periods, under irrigation,the yield gap would be further expand, increasing by8percentage averagely. Drought years, yieldsboth in NW areas and SE areas might be less than normal year obviously under rainfed condition, andNW areas might be less26percentage than the SE areas averagely, but under irrigated condition, theyield in NW areas would be higher8percentage than SE areas. Heat stress years, both of NW areasand SE areas’ yields might be low, especially on NW areas’ yield, and the yield gap between NWareas and SE areas would be reduced under irrigated condition;
     4. In terms of yield change of future periods VS baseline. Normal years, under rainfed and irrigatedconditions, future yield in NW areas would averagely increase by14.4%and9.7%, while future yieldin SE areas would averagely decrease by9%and10.4%under rainfed and irrigated conditions.Drought years, yields both in NW areas and SE areas might be higher than baseline under rainfedcondition, increasing by27.3%and17.1%individually, but under irrigated condition, yields in NW areas and SE areas might be less15.7%and8%than baseline individually. Heat stress years, both ofNW areas and SE areas’ yields would increase by13%under rainfed condition, however, underirrigated condition, compared with baseline, NW areas’ yields might decrease by4.6%averagely andSE areas’ yields might decrease by6.5%averagely in future.
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