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This dissertation mainly studies the legal system of securities insider tradingconstituent elements in the major capital markets jurisdictions and China, by means ofnormal and functional comparative, analyzes their structures and implementations,explores the essential roots of differences, summarizes the deficiency of legislativeintent of Chinese anti-insider trading legislation and its adverse impact on the legalsystem, and then for the purpose of enhancing the effectiveness of insider tradingregulation, establishes the essential system interests and reconstructs the system.
     In addition to Introduction and Conclusion, this article consists of five chapters:
     Chapter Ⅰ “The Object Elements of Securities Insider Trading: Inside Informationand Its identification”, indicates that inside information is the decisive factor of insidertrading. In regard to the composition of insider information, the materiality andnonpublic factors has been recognized by every jurisdiction, which define the nature ofinside information by quantity and quality. Conversely, the the relevance and precisefactors, which could dstruction the effectiveness and efficiency of the insider tradingidentification, have no independent value. In defining of materiality, The specificpattern which can not list all the material information in advance, are hardly adaptedto the highly fact-dependent identification practice. While, the abstract pattern whichadopts a “reasonable” investor test, taking into market reactions, expected impact ofthe overall activities of the listed companies, reliability of the source of informationand attitudes of the insiders, could ensure the completeness and accuracy of regulation.In defining of nonpublic, though the formal pattern and essential pattern bothdedicate to promoting the truthfully, accurately, completely and timely disclosedisclose of materil nonpublic information to the investors, depriving of insiders’ unfair informational advantage, the former is closer to the objective truth of informationpubliction by using a market reaction test and excees the latter on rationality andefficiency.
     Chapter Ⅱ “The Subject Elements of Securities Insider Trading: Special orGerenal”, focuses on the opposition between special approach and gerenal approach onsubject elements overseas in jurisdictions. The formor emphasizes the means throughwhich the insiders access to information, and requires there should bespecific relationship about dentity, employment or contract between the insiders andthe source of information. However, the latter focuses on the fairness and efficiency ofthe securities market, and refers to the fact of possession of information as the subjectelements only. The special approach is increasingly passive in the face of the reality ofinsider trading practice, whose list of insiders is far from being complete, and has toafterwards confirm after each new insider type appears, but also causes the complex oflegal norms and could not be able to provide investors with a clear behavioralexpectations. Contraryly, the gerenal approach abandons the requirements of meas ofaccessing to information, which disregards of the specific relationship between insiderand the source of information, not only is able to include all the outsiders whichoutside the special approach and ensure the comprehensiveness of the scope ofregulation, but also benefits to improve the simplicity and certainty of the legal normsto provide investors with good behavior guidelines and prediction.
     Chapter Ⅲ “The Subjective Elements of Securities Insider Trading: Debatebetween Knowledge and Use”, points out that the identification of subjective elementsis the most prominent problem in the insider trading judicial and enforcement practice.The knowledge factor should become an essential element for the purpose ofsafeguarding the legitimate rights of behaviors and avoiding objective imputation.With regard to the content of knowledge, it is should include the presence of a learnedinside information and understand the information is material and nonpublic. Thedegree of fault can be either intention and negligence. To alleviate the difficulties ofproof, the legitimate means of knowledge identification should incloud proving by indirect evidence and using presumption. Altrough the motivation factor of usinginsider information, which emphasizes the causal association between insider tradingand inside information, has reasonable basis, its drawbacks should not be ignored. Onthe one hand, the transaction motivation is too complex to effectively identified, theuse factors can only be presumpted even if in the recognized jurisdictions. On the otherhand, the use factor which contains a higher risk of abuse, can easily become insider’sshield to evade responsibility. Threrefore, abandoning the use factor and stipulatingstrictly statutory exemptions, which not only can ensure the innocent behavior is notimplicated, but also avoid the risk of opportunism of insider, should become aneffective alternative for use factor.
     Chapter Ⅳ “The Objective Elements of Securities Insider Trading: BehaviorForms and Exemption Stuations”, believes that both suppressing unlawful act andtencouraging legitimate investment are necessary for the development of securitiesmarket. For the definition of insider trading’s behavior forms, in is should insist on akey standard of harms to the fairness and integrity of the securities market, whetherhas caused actual harm or has a real danger of causing damage, whether for personalinterests or the interests of others, whether the relevant securities trading results hasoccurred, do not affect the establishment of insider trading. For the enaction ofexemption stuations, should follow the principles of conduciving to the developmentof the securities market, only behaviors which has no causal association with insiderinformation, such as trading according to pre-existing plans, trading bynon-human entity which has established an effective information isolation system,trading which faithfully implements customer instruction, or behaviors which couldmaintain and promote the normal and orderly operation of securities market, such asmarket making, takeover of listed companies, trading to exercise of the legalobligations, and behaviors of state bodies could be able as the exemption stuations ofinsider trading.
     Chapter Ⅴ “Comparison of Constituent Elements of Securities Insider Trading inOverseas Jurisdictions and China: Norms, Intents and Functions”, conculds that there are convergences and divergences in the overseas legal system of securities insidertrading elements, it is the division of legislative intent between anti-fraud and mrketitegrity, which leads to the differences in norms design. The legal system of securitiesinsider trading constituent elements which based on the intent of anti-fraud has beenlagging behind the one which based on market itegrity intent. In this article’s opinion,insider trading is not fraud which directly damages to the interests of the individualinvestors, the theoretical basis of the anti-fraud legislation is questionable. Therefore,in is appropriate to define insider trading as unfair securities trading which indirectlydamages to the interests of investors generally, the legal system of securities insidertrading elements which based on the intent of market itegrity maintainance intent fitsthe nature of insider trading more than the anti-fraud legislation. The unique duallegislative intent of Chinese anti-insider trading legislation, which equates the personalinterests and the overall interests of investors, brings about the logical defects andnarrow subsumtion of the system, and leads to the troubles of the applicable practice.In order to solve the dilemma of anti-insider trading legislation and the needs of insidertrading regulation, the most appropriate appraoch is abandoning the anti-fraud mindsetand confirming the market itegrity maintainance as the essential system interests, onthe basis of which reconstructing the legal system.
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    ①Dale A. Oesterle, The Over-Used and Under-Defined Notion of "Material" in Securities Law,14University ofPennsylvania Journal of Business Law167,167(2011).
    ①Northway, Inc. v. TSC Industries, Inc.,512F.2d324(7th Cir.1975).
    ②Hui Huang, International Securities Markets: Insider Trading Law in China, Kluwer Law International,2006,p.208.
    ①Richard C. Sauer, The Erosion of the Materiality Standard in the Enforcement of Securities Laws,62TheBusiness Lawyer317,321(2007).
    ②401F.2d833,849(2d Cir.1968).
    ③Oran v. Stafford,226F.3d275,282(3d Cir.2000).
    ④Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§5:2.
    ①Richard C. Sauer, The Erosion of the Materiality Standard in the Enforcement of Securities Laws,62TheBusiness Lawyer317,326(2007).
    ②Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§5:2.
    ③401F.2d833(2d Cir.1968).
    ④Richard C. Sauer, The Erosion of the Materiality Standard in the Enforcement of Securities Laws,62TheBusiness Lawyer317,326(2007).
    ⑤William Wang and Marc Steinberg, Insider Trading,3rd editon, Oxford Unitersity Press2010, p.117.
    ⑥530F.3d1085,1098(9th Cir.2008).
    ①Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§5:2.
    ②Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§5:2.
    ①See Greenfield v. Heublein, Inc.,742F.2d751(3d Cir.1984).
    ②“balancing of both the indicated probability that the event will occur and the anticipated magnitude of the eventin light of the totality of the company activity.” See Basic. Inc. v. Levinson,485U.S.224,238-39(1988).
    ①Franklin A. Gevurtz, Corporation Law,2nd ed., West,2010, p.579.
    ②97F.3d663(2d Cir.1996)
    ③Council Directive89/592/EEC of13November1989coordinating regulationson insider dealing.
    ③See CESR’s Advice’s on Level2Implementing Measure for the proposed Market Abuse Directive, para.24and27.
    ④Directive2003/6/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of28January2003on insider dealing andmarket manipulation(market abuse).
    ⑤Commission Directive2003/124/EC of22December2003implementing Directive2003/6/EC of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council as regards the definition and public disclosure of inside information and thedefinition of market manipulation.
    ①See CESR,Market Abuse Directive: Level3–second set of CESR guidance andinformation on the commonoperation of theDirective to the market,2007, p.6.
    ②Guido Ferrarini, The European Market Abuse Directive,41Common Market Law Review711,721(2004).
    ③FSA, FSADisclosure Rules and Transparency Rules2.2.6.
    ①Report of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (Australia),Fair Shares for All: Insider Trading in Australia (October1989) para4.4.
    ③Ashley Black, The Reform of Insider Trading Law in Australia,15The University of New South Wales LawJournal214,229-230(1992).
    ④Juliette Overland, The Future of Insider Trading in Australia: What Did Rene Rivkin Teach Us,10Deakin LawReview708,720(2005).
    ⑥Lew Chee Fai Kevin v. Monetary Authority of Singapore[2012]SGCA12.
    ③530F.3d1085,2(9th Cir.2008).
    ①William Wang and Marc Steinberg, Insider Trading,3rd editon, Oxford Unitersity Press,2010, p.145.
    ②董新义:《韩国资本市场法上内幕交易规制研究》,载《河北法学》2012年第2期,第161页;Report of theEmerging Market Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissioms: Insider Trading—How to Jurisdictions Regulatie It (March2003), p.57.
    ②See New York Stock Exchange, Listed Company Manual§202.5.
    ③William Wang and Marc Steinberg, Insider Trading,3rd editon, Oxford Unitersity Press,2010, p.143.
    ④401F.2d833(2d Cir.1968).
    ②William Wang and Marc Steinberg, Insider Trading,3rd editon, Oxford Unitersity Press,2010, p.145.
    ③401F.2d833,845(2d Cir.1968).
    ④SEC Release Nos.33-7787,34-42259, IC-24209, File No. S7-31-99(Dec.20,1999), part II. B.2.
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    ⑤Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§5:4.
    ⑥989F.2d596(2d Cir,1993).
    ①Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§5:4.
    ②97F.3d663,667(2d Cir.1996).
    ③139F.3d641,648(8th Cir.1999).
    ①Directive2004/109/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of15December2004on theharmonisation of transparency requirements in relation to information about issuers whose securities areadmitted to trading on a regulated market and amending Directive2001/34/EC.
    ②See CESR,Market Abuse Directive: Level3–second set of CESR guidance andinformation on the commonoperation of theDirective to the market,2007, p.5.
    ③Blanaid Clarke, Inside Information and the European Market Abuse Directive(2003/6), in Paul U. Ali and GregN. Gregoriou(eds.), Insider trading: global developments and analysis, CRC Press,2008, pp.112-113.
    ②Juliette Overland, The Future of Insider Trading in Australia: What Did Rene Rivkin Teach Us,10Deakin LawReview708,718(2005).
    ③Explanatory Memorandum to the Corporations LegislationAmendment Bill1991(Cth), para.328.
    ④Report of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (Australia),Fair Shares for All: Insider Trading in Australia (October1989) para4.5.8.
    ⑤Keith Kendall, Information that is "generally available" under the insider trading provisions in Australia,21(1)Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation29,34(2006).
    ①Keith Kendall, Information that is "generally available" under the insider trading provisions in Australia,21(1)Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation29,34(2006).
    ①Victor Brudney, Insiders, Outsiders, and Informational Advantages Under the Federal Securities Laws,93Harvard Law Review322,329(1979).
    ②Stephen M. Bainbridge, Insider Trading inside the Beltway,36Journal of Corporation Law281,286(2011)..
    ①CESR, Market Abuse Directive: Level3–second set of CESR guidance and information on the commonoperation of theDirective to the market,2007, p.7-9.
    ①Exchange Act Release Nos.33-7781,34-43154, IC-24599, File No. S7-31-99,73S.E.C. Docket3(Aug.15,2000).
    ③Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§5:3.
    ①See generally Matthew Barbabella et al., Insider Trading in Congress: The Need for Regulation,9Journal ofBusiness&Securities Law201(2009).
    ②In re Blythe&Co.,43SEC1037,1040(1969).
    ③P Osode, The New South African Insider Trading Act: Sound Law Reform or Legislative Overkill?,44Journal ofAfrican Law239,243(2000).
    ①CESR’sAdvice’s on Level2Implementing Measure for the proposed MarketAbuse Directive, para.19.
    ①CESR, Market Abuse Directive: Level3–second set of CESR guidance andinformation on the commonoperation of theDirective to the market,2007, p.4-5.
    ①P Osode, The New South African Insider Trading Act: Sound Law Reform or Legislative Overkill?,44Journal ofAfrican Law239,243(2000).
    ③Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§5:3.
    ④14F. Supp.2d508(S.D.N.Y.1998).
    ①Corporations and MarketsAdvisory Committee (Australia), Insider Trading Report (November2003), para.3.7.
    ①Manning G. Warren III, European Securities Regulation, Kluwer Law International,2003, p.161.
    ①Michael Blair, George Walker and Robert Purves (eds.), Financial Services Law,2nd Edition, OxfordUniversity Press,2009, p.402.
    ①Z. Su, M. A. Berkahn, The definition of insider in section3of the securities markets act1988: A Review andComparative with Other Jurisdictions, Massey University School of Accountancy Discussion Paper Secries,2003, p.1.
    ①D. Gordon Smith, The Critical Resource Theory of Fiduciary Duty,55Vanderbilt Law Review.1399,1402(2002).
    ⑤Kardon v. National Gypsum Co.,83F. supp.613,614(E.D.Pa.1947).
    ②401F.2d833,849(2d Cir.1968).
    ①United States v. Chiarella,588F.2d1358,1365(2d Cir.1978).
    ①SEC v. Brethen,1992WL420867(S.D. Ohio1992).
    ②Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§3:4.
    ①Fed. Sec. L. Rep.(CCH)82,812, at83,948n.42(Jan.22,1981).
    ②Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§4:3.
    ①Kathleen Coles, The Dilemma of the Remote Tippee,41Gonzaga Law Review181(2006).
    ②Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§4:11.
    ①Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§3:8.
    ②Chiarella v. United States,445U.S.222,238(1980)(Stevens,J., concurring).
    ①791F.2d1024(2d Cir.1986).
    ②58F.3d933(4th Cir.1995).
    ①Michael G. Capeci, SEC Rule10B5-2: A Call for Revitalizing the Commission's Efforts in the War on InsiderTrading,37Hofstra L. Rev.805(2009).
    ②See generally William Wang and Marc Steinberg, Insider Trading,3rd editon, Oxford Unitersity Press,2010,pp.432-469.
    ①590F. Supp.756(W.D.Okla.1984).
    ①Nagy, Donna M. Nagy, Insider Trading, Congressional Officials, and Duties of Entrustment,91BostonUniversity Law Review1105,1122(2011).
    ②Stephen M. Bainbridge, Insider Trading inside the Beltway,36Journal of Corporation Law281,293(2011).
    ①Donna M. Nagy, Insider Trading and the Gradual Demise of Fiduciary Principles,94Iowa Law Review1315,1340(2009).
    ③Donna M. Nagy, Insider Trading and the Gradual Demise of Fiduciary Principles,94Iowa Law Review1315,1344(2009).
    ①Klaus J. Hopt, The European Insider Dealing Directive, in Klaus J.Hopt and Eddy Wymeersch (eds.),Eururopean Insider Dealing, Butterworth,1991, p.136.
    ②Klaus J. Hopt, The European Insider Dealing Directive, in Klaus J.Hopt and Eddy Wymeersch (eds.),Eururopean Insider Dealing, Butterworth,1991, p.137.
    ③Niamh Moloney, EC Securities Regulation,2nd Edition, Oxford University Press,2008, p.963.
    ①Dangerous Liaisons, Insider Dealing and Criminal Law, Springer,2012, p.22.
    ①Alexander F. Loke, From the Fiduciary Theory to Information Abuse: The Changing Fabric of Insider TradingLaw in the U.K., Australia and Singapore,54The American Journal of Comparative Law123,140(2006).
    ②Inner London Crown Court, June1991.
    ①Wai Yee Wan, Singapore's Insider Trading Prohibition and Its Application to Take-over Transactions,28(4)Company Lawyer120,121(2007).
    ②Darvall v. Lanceley (1986)10A.C.L.R.893.
    ①Report of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (Australia),Fair Shares for All: Insider Trading in Australia (October1989) para4.3.
    ①Z. Su, M. A. Berkahn, The Definition of Insider in Section3of the Securities Markets Act1988: A Review andComparative with Other Jurisdictions, Massey University School of Accountancy Discussion Paper Secries,2004, p.22.
    ①Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee (Australia), Insider Trading Report (November2003), para.1.71.
    ①Alexander F. Loke, From the Fiduciary Theory to Information Abuse: The Changing Fabric of Insider TradingLaw in the U.K., Australia and Singapore,54The American Journal of Comparative Law123,156(2006).
    ②Neha Jain, Significance of Mens Rea in Insider Trading,25Company Lawyer132,137(2004).
    ③Michael J Duffy, Insider trading: Addressing the continuing problems of proof,23Australian Journal ofCorporate Law149,155(2009).
    ①See generally Kevin R. Johnson, Liability for Reckless Misrepresentations and Omissions. Under Section10(b)of the Securities Exchange Act of1934,59U. Cin. L. Rev.667(1991).
    ②SEC v. Macdonald,699F.2d47,50(1st Cir.1983).
    ③William Wang and Marc Steinberg, Insider Trading,3rd editon, Oxford Unitersity Press,2010, p.164.
    ④See SEC v. Clark,699F. Supp.839,845(W.D.Wash.1988).
    ⑤Dirks v. SEC,463U.S.646(1983)
    ⑥William Wang and Marc Steinberg, Insider Trading,3rd editon, Oxford Unitersity Press,2010, p.168.
    ①See Franklin A. Gevurtz, The Globalization of Insider Trading Prohibitions,15Transnatioal Lawyer63,88(2002).
    ①Ratzlaf v. U.S.,510U.S.135,141(1994).
    ②433F.2d48,55(2d Cir.1970)
    ①U.S. v. O’Hagan,139F.3d641,647(8th Cir.1998).
    ②Neha Jain, Significance of Mens Rea in Insider Trading,25Company Lawyer,132(2004).
    ①Paul L Davies and Sarah Worthington, Gower and Davies: The Principles of Modern Company Law,9th edition,Sweet&Maxwell,2012, pp.1147-1148.
    ②See DTI., The Law on Insider Trading: A Consultative Document (December1989), para2.28.
    ①Keith Wotherspoon, Insider Dealing--The New Law: Part V of the Criminal Justice Act1993,57The ModernLaw Review419(1994).
    ⑥See United States v. Mooney,401F.3d940,944(8th Cir.2005).
    ⑦Terry Fleming, Telling the Truth Slant-Defending Insider Trading Claims Against Legal and FinancialProfessionals,28William Mitchell Law Review1421,1441(2002).
    ③98F. Supp.2d1086(N.D.Cal.2000).
    ①362F.3d1292(11th Cir.2004).
    ②684F. Supp.2d378(S.D.N.Y.2010).
    ④See SEC v. Michel,521F. Supp.2d795(N.D.Ill.2007).
    ⑤699F. Supp.839(W.D.Wash.1988).
    ⑥505F.3d578(6th Cir.2007).
    ④240F.3d18(1st Cir.2001).
    ①Juliette Overland, There Was Movement at the Station for the Word Had Passed Around: How Does a CompanyPossess inside Information under Australian Insider Trading Laws,3Macquarie Journal of Business Law241,245(2006).
    ①Report of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (Australia),Fair Shares for All: Insider Trading in Australia (October1989) para4.10.
    ②Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee (Australia), Insider Trading Report (November2003), paral.3.4.3.
    ①Hui Huang, International Securities Markets: Insider Trading Law in China, Kluwer Law International,2006,p.230.
    ②Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§3:13.
    ③Jesse M. Fried, Insider Abstention,113The Yale Law Journal455,485(2003).
    ④William Wang and Marc Steinberg, Insider Trading,3rd editon, Oxford Unitersity Press,2010, p.169.
    ①See Report of the Investigation in the Matter of Sterling Drug, Inc.,[1978Transfer Binder] Fed. Sec. L. Rep.(CCH)81,570, at80,295(Apr.18,1978).
    ②987F.2d112(2d Cir.1993).
    ①Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee (Australia), Insider Trading Report (November2003), para.3.8.2.
    ①137F.3d1325(11th Cir.1998).
    ①155F.3d1051(9th Cir.1998)
    ①Michael Blair, George Walker and Robert Purves (eds.), Financial Services Law,2nd Edition, OxfordUniversity Press,2009, pp.403-404.
    ③Jesper Lau Hansen, What Constitutes Insider Dealing?-The Advocate General's Opinion in Case C-45/08,Spector Photo Group, http://ssrn.com/abstract=1499093, sub.4.3.2012年10月20日访问。
    ④Lars Kl hn, The European Insider Trading Regulation after Spector Photo Group,2European Company andFinancial Law Review347,350(2010).
    ①Katja Langenbucher, The ‘use or possession’ debate revisited—Spector Photo Group and insider trading inEurope,5(4) Capital Markets Law Journal452,456(2010).
    ②SEC v. Adler,137F.3d1325,1337(11th Cir.1998).
    ①Phyllis Diamond, Mclucas Hails O’Hagan Ruling, But Says Issuers over Reach of Theory Remain,29Sec. Reg.&L. Rep.1097,1098(1997).
    ②David W. Jolly, Knowing Possession vs. Actual Use: Due Process and Social Costs in Civil Insider TradingActions,8George Mason Law Review233,254(1999).
    ①Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§3:13.
    ③Final Rule: Selective Disclosure and Insider Trading, Release No.33-7881,34-43154, IC-24599,65Fed. Reg.51,716(2000).
    ①Proposed Rule: Selective Disclosure and Insider Trading,64Fed. Reg.72,590(1999).
    ②Final Rule: Selective Disclosure and Insider Trading, Release No.33-7881,34-43154, IC-24599,65Fed. Reg.51,716(2000).
    ③Final Rule: Selective Disclosure and Insider Trading, Release No.33-7881,34-43154, IC-24599,65Fed. Reg.51,716(2000).
    ①Hui Huang, The Insider Trading Possession versus Use Debate: An International Analysis,33(2) SecuritiesRegulation Law Journal130,144(2006).
    ②Karen Schoen, Insider Trading: The “Possession versus Use” Debate,148University of Pennsylvania LawReview239,281(1999).
    ①Hui Huang, The Insider Trading Possession versus Use Debate: An International Analysis,33(2) SecuritiesRegulation Law Journal130,145(2006).
    ②Jesse M. Fried, Insider Abstention,113The Yale Law Journal455,485-486(2003).
    ③Jennifer L. Neumann, Insider Trading: Does “Aware” Really Resolve the “Possession” Versus “Use” Debate?,7Washington University Journal of Law&Policy189,221(2001).
    ②Alastair Hudson, The Law of Finance, Sweet&Maxwell,2009, p.748.
    ①Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§3:17.
    ②See SEC v. Aragon CapitalAdvisors, LLC,2011WL3278907(S.D. N.Y.2011).
    ②See generally Juliette Overland, There was Movement at the Station for the Word had Passed Around:: HowDoes a Company Possess Inside Information under Australian Insider Trading Laws?,3Macquarie journal ofbusiness law241(2006).
    ③Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§3:15.
    ①Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§3:16.
    ②Corporations and MarketsAdvisory Committee (Australia), Insider Trading Report (November2003), para.3.5.
    ③Stephen R.Salbu, Tipper Credibility, Noninformational Tippee Trading, and Abstention from Trading: AnAnalysis of Gaps in the Insider Trading Laws,68Washington Law Review307,333–34(1993).
    ④See generally Jesse M. Fried, Insider Abstention,113The Yale Law Journal455(2003).
    ①Paul L Davies and Sarah Worthington, Gower and Davies: The Principles of Modern Company Law,9th edition,2012,1148.
    ③William Wang and Marc Steinberg, Insider Trading,3rd editon, Oxford Unitersity Press,2010, p.167.
    ④Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§7:9.
    ①Alastair Hudson, The Law of Finance, Sweet&Maxwell,2009, p.749.
    ②William Wang and Marc Steinberg, Insider Trading,3rd editon, Oxford Unitersity Press,2010, p.390.
    ①Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§4:12
    ②Thomas Lee Hazen, Treatise on the Law of Securities Regulation, volume4,6th ed., West Publishing,2009,pp.346-347.
    ③Dangerous Liaisons, Insider Dealing and Criminal Law, Springer,2012, p.28.
    ⑤Dangerous Liaisons, Insider Dealing and Criminal Law, Springer,2012, p.27.
    ①Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee (Australia), Insider Trading Report (November2003), para.3.5.
    ①Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§4:12.
    ②Michael Blair, George Walker and Robert Purves (eds.), Financial Services Law,2nd Edition, OxfordUniversity Press,2009, p.453.
    ①Richard Jooste, A Critique of The Insider Trading Provisions of the2004Securities Services Act,123SouthAfrican Law Journal437,446(2006).
    ①Final Rule: Selective Disclosure and Insider Trading, Release No.33-7881,34-43154, IC-24599,65Fed. Reg.51,716(2000).
    ②Jesse M. Fried, Insider Abstention,113The Yale Law Journal455,490(2003).
    ①Stanley Veliotis, Rule10b5-1Trading Plans and Insiders’Incentive to Misrepresent,47American Business LawJournal313,328-330(2010).
    ②Allan Horwich, The Origin, Application, Validity, and Potential Misuse of Rule10b5-1,62The Business Lawyer913,945-950(2007).
    ③Stanley Veliotis, Rule10b5-1Trading Plans and Insiders’Incentive to Misrepresent,47American Business LawJournal313,342-350(2010).
    ④Karl T. Muth, With Avarice Aforethought:Insider Trading and.10b5-1Plans,10UC Davis Business LawJournal65,75(2009).
    ①Karl T. Muth, With Avarice Aforethought:Insider Trading and.10b5-1Plans,10UC Davis Business LawJournal65,82(2009).
    ②Stanley Veliotis, Rule10b5-1Trading Plans and Insiders’Incentive to Misrepresent,47American Business LawJournal313,357(2010).
    ③Jesse M. Fried, Insider Abstention,113The Yale Law Journal455,492(2003).
    ②Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§12:13.
    ③Broker-Dealer Policies and Procedures Designedto Segment the Flow and Prevent the Misuse of MaterialNonpublic Information, Fed. Sec. L. Rep.(CCH)84,520(Mar.1990).
    ①See generally William Wang and Marc Steinberg, Insider Trading,3rd editon, Oxford Unitersity Press,2010,pp.869-871.
    ③Christopher M Gorman, Are Chinese Walls the Best Solution to the Problems of Insider Trading and Conflicts ofInterest in Broker-Dealers?,9Fordham Journal of Corporate and Financial Law475,495(2004).
    ③Australian Securities Commission v Citigroup Global Markets Pty Limited [2007] FCA963.
    ②Dangerous Liaisons, Insider Dealing and Criminal Law, Springer,2012, p.30.
    ③即所谓的“白衣骑士”(white knight)。
    ①Report of the Emerging Market Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissioms:Insider Trading—How to Jurisdictions Regulatie It (March2003), p.12.
    ②Report of the Emerging Market Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissioms:Insider Trading—How to Jurisdictions Regulatie It (March2003), p.13.
    ②Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§3:2.
    ②Jesper Lau Hansen, MAD in a Hurry: The Swift and Promising Adoption of the EU Market Abuse Directive,2European Business Law Review,192(2004).
    ③See the praemble of Directive2003/6/EC.关于欧盟禁止内幕交易立法目的演进的详细介绍,参见傅穹、曹理:《内幕交易规制的立法体系进路:域外比较与中国选择》,载《环球法律评论》2011年第5期,第132-133页。
    ④Michael Blair, George Walker and Robert Purves (eds.), Financial Services Law,2nd Edition, OxfordUniversity Press,2009, p.362.
    ⑥Report of the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (Australia),Fair Shares for All: Insider Trading in Australia (October1989) para3.3.6.关于澳大利亚禁止内幕交易立法目的转变的详细介绍,参见傅穹、曹理:《内幕交易规制的立法体系进路:域外比较与中国选择》,载《环球法律评论》2011年第5期,第133-134页。
    ②Hui Huang, International Securities Markets: Insider Trading Law in China, Kluwer Law International,2006,pp.227-228.
    ③SEC v. Blue Bottle Ltd.&Stokes (Blue Bottle Lit. Rel.1), Litigation Release No.20,018,2007WL580798(Feb.26,2007); SEC v. Lohmus Haavel&Viisemann (Lohmus Lit. Rel.1), Litigation Release No.19,450,2005WL2861257(Nov.1,2005).
    ④United States v. Evans,486F.3d315(7th Cir.2007).
    ①E.g., Kuehnert v. Texstar Corp.,412F.2d700, Fed. Sec. L. Rep.(CCH)92406(5th Cir.1969).
    ②Donna M. Nagy, Insider Trading and the Gradual Demise of Fiduciary Principles,94Iowa Law Review,1315(2009).
    ①Donald C. Langevoort, Insider Trading Regulation, Enforcement, and Prevention, Thomson Reuters,2012,§9:9.
    ⑥See the praemble of Directive89/592/EEC.
    ①See generally Franklin A. Gevurtz, The Globalization of Insider Trading Prohibitions,15Transnatioal Lawyer63(2002).
    ②La Porta, Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes, Andrei Shleifer and Robert Vishny, Law and Finance,106Journal ofPolitical Economy1113,1155(1998).
    ③Niamh Moloney, EC Securities Regulation,2nd Edition, Oxford University Press,2008, pp.924-925.
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