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与互联网(Internet)的倍受关注不同,许多工业用途的专用网络离人们的视线比较远,但是它们在人们生活中发挥的作用却非常重要,例如道路监测网络、灾难发生地的临时通信网络等。这类网络的绝大部分都有这些特征:以无线电波为载体、节点能力受限、节点移动频繁、通信环境恶劣等。在这类网络里,用于Internet的协议很难正常工作,于是人们提出延时容忍网络(DTN:Delay-Tolerant Network)的概念来描述这类网络,并努力为之建立一套协议标准。
     在本论文中,DTN被定义为一种抽象的网络模型,它不是针对某一个特定的网络的每个层面,相反,它关注具有延时容忍(Delay-Tolerant)特性的所有网络。延时容忍是指网络协议能够在某些极端情形下仍然能够工作而不至于崩溃;所谓极端(Challenging)情形是指节点之间信道非常不稳定、高不对称,节点处理能力多样,网络整体拓扑不稳定,经常出现长时间的分割,业务分布不可预测等,其中网络拓扑的不稳定是主要特征。从本质上说,DTN否定了传统网络模型中的一个根本前提——在路由期间或者数据包传递期间,存在一条或多条从源端到目的端的路径。这个前提隐含在传统路由协议中,即便是以节点动态性为主要背景的MANET(Mobile Ad hoc Network)的代表路由协议AODV(Ad-hoc On-demand DistanceVector)协议,其路由发现过程也必须在存在路径的条件下完成。
     和众多自组织类网络一样,DTN的核心问题是路由。DTN对传统路由中“路由期间存在从源端到目的端的路径”这一假设的否定,其实是重新定义了路径的概念。在传统网络中,甚至包括MANET,虽然考虑的拓扑的动态性,但是拓扑的稳态持续时间相对于数据包的RTT(Round Trip Time)来说还是还是要高很多;这样,在一次数据投递过程中,拓扑是静态的,路径是与时间无关的。而DTN下,数据包每转发一次之后,网络的拓扑可能已经改变,网络中有的链路已经不存在了,同时又有新的链路建立;这样,从整体看来,路径在时间的维度上是有纵深的,即DTN路径中的每一条链路只有在数据包位于该链路的两端的节点上时该链路依然存在时才是有效链路。在这个基础上,对于路由算法而言,其输入已经不再是一个静态的无向图了,而是一个随时间变化的图,其输出也变成以(链路,时间)二元组为基本元素的序列了。针对这个变化,人们提出了空-时图(Space-Time Graph)来描述DTN的拓扑。在空-时图中,网络中的节点处于很多个层中,每一层代表了一个时刻的拓扑,数据包可能的传递路径就是从第一层的源节点开始逐层往下(沿时间方向)直到遇到目的节点。
     在标准Earliest Delivery算法的基础上,把先验知识的准确性考虑进去,提出AED(Adaptive Earliest Delivery)算法。Earliest Delivery算法只具有理论上的意义,它给出了一种很好的描述DTN路由问题的方式;但是在实用性方面,它对先验知识过高的需求造成实现的困难。但是,从另一个方面来看,现实中存在这一些可以预先知道链路容量函数的场景,例如卫星通信;这时Earliest Delivery算法可以提供更好的路由效果,但是,现实中预知的链路容量函数总是存在误差,如何衡量这种误差,以及如何使Earliest Delivery算法在误差下也能够有较好的性能就成为了本文的一个研究内容。首先,建立误差模型,从理论上分析丢包概率与误差强度的关系,给出了表达式;然后,把误差的标准差作为参数去修正延时,就是AED算法。仿真表明新的算法对误差的容忍能力有明显提高。
     提出一种基于模板运算的运动模式识别框架PM~3D,并提出基于运动模式的路由模型。运动模式是用来描述节点(群)的运动规律的概念,但是本文中的运动模式不关注物理的参数,而是宏观上的模式;这种模式可以从网络的空-时图的各元素(只考虑0和1,也就是通和断)之间的位置关系中反映出来。一种基于模板运算的机制PM~3D被用来从空-时图中识别这些运动模式,并用一个统一的数据结构——访问列表(VL:Visit List)来存储。运动模式的引入并不依赖于具体的路由算法,但是需要在路由决策时加入对VL的应用,即需要一个接口让路由算法来访问VL,并从中获得必要的信息以辅助决定下一跳。仿真结果表明PM~3D能够识别出运动模式,并且运动模式能够反映出网络拓扑的变化趋势,提高了数据投递率。
Being different from the Internet,many networks used in industry seem far from people's sight,but they play an important role in people's life,such as road inspect network,temporary communication network in disaster etc.These networks have the characteristics such as:the com-munication is on radio,nodes have limited capability,nodes move frequently and the environment is tough etc.People present the concept DTN(Delay-Tolerant Network)to describe these networks and want to establish a suit of protocols accordingly.
     DTN is defined as an abstract network model in this dissertation,and it's not for all sides of one particular network but for all the networks which possess the characteristic of Delay-Tolerant. Delay-Tolerant means network protocol can work in the challenging environment in which the links among nodes are very unstable,high asymmetric,the nodes' capability differ from each other, the topology of the network is volatile and suffers from long-time partitioning and the traffic's distribution is unpredictable.Essentially,DTN discards the basic assumption in traditional network—the existence of a path between source node and destination node during the delivery process of a packet.Even AODV(Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector)protocol of MANET(Mobile Ad hoc Network)which deals with the dynamic topology situation needs this assumption—its route discovery procedure can complete only when there exists a path.
     As an self-organized network,DTN's main problem is routing.DTN actually redefines "path" when it discards the basic assumption in traditional network.In traditional network including MANET,the topology is relatively stable compared with the RTT(Round Trip Time)of a packet, so paths have nothing to do with time during the delivery.In DTN,the topology may have changed after one forwarding—some links break down while new ones appear,so the paths have a time dimension,that is,a path makes sense only when it still exists when the packet arrives one of its ends.As for routing algorithms,the input is not a steady graph but a time-variant graph,and the output is not a path but a sequence of(link,time)duplets.Researchers provide Space-Time graph to describe the topology of DTN.In Space-Time graph,the nodes are in a series of layers,and a layer corresponds to a snapshot of the topology,so a likely path of a packet is from the source in the first layer to the destination in the lower layer(along with time).
     This dissertation focuses on DTN routing issues.DTN routing protocols can be classified into two classes:protocols that need Oracles(Oracle is a concept to describe transcendental knowledge in DTN)and the others.The use of Oracles is another important difference between DTN and traditional network.Oracle is part of global routing information,and it can't be constructed by routing information exchange protocol as the traditional network does,because DTN's routing algorithm needs the future routing information.
     By researching the routing protocols of MANET,WSN etc.this dissertation has the contribu-tions to DTN as below:
     This dissertation provides a mathematical model for the one-hop delay which is the most im-portant parameter in routing information set in DTN.The criterion of choosing the optimal path is delay because small delay means packets spend less time in the network so it can save the capacity of the network.This dissertation puts forward a model of the delay and figures out its components: transmission time,queue time,time before the link's set-up and the propagation time.By consider-ing the link as the service window a new "non-exhaustive queue system with probabilistic vacation" is presented to analyze the relationship among the delay issues.The distribution of queue length and delay,and the relation among the mathematical expectations of these parameters are obtained. The simulations prove the conclusions.
     This dissertation considers the precision of the Oracles and presents AED(Adaptive Earliest Delivery)algorithm based on standard Earliest Delivery.Earliest Delivery algorithm needs a very strict Oracle,which makes it hard to use.On the other hand,there exist some situations that their links capacity can be obtained in advance,such as satellite network etc.But the Oracle may have a little difference from the real situation,that is,error.So how to analyze the error and how to make protocol survive from the error should be brought into consideration.Firstly,we put forward a model to describe the error.Secondly,we give the function of the packet drop ratio along with error.Finally,we use the standard deviation to modify the metric then present AED.Simulations prove that AED can endure error much better.
     This dissertation presents a framework PM~3D to detect mobility models based on template operations and a routing model to deal with mobility models.Mobility model is used to describe the characteristics of the mobility of node(s),and it doesn't focus on physical parameters but the macro mobility in large scale.The mobility models are reflected by the up and down state of links) in Space-Time graph.PM~3D is a framework to detect these mobility models and store them in a universal data structure—VL(Visit List).The use of mobility models doesn't depend on routing algorithms,and we provide a set of interfaces to let routing algorithms to visit the VLs and use them in route decision.Simulations prove that PM~3D can detect mobility models,reflect the change of network topology,and improve the delivery ratio.
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