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As technological innovation is developing rapidly across the world, scientific andtechnological achievements are widely applied to all fields. New industries keep emergingand consequently the choice of new industries has become the main means for all countriesto occupy international market and gain competitive edge. As the most dynamic and mostpromising new industry, strategic emerging industries (SEI) can play an important leadingrole in a country’s economic development and thus all countries value them highly andattach great importance to them in restructuring industries and choosing economic growthpoint. The competition among various SEI is already visible and whether a country canutilize its superior resources to fully develop SEI and seize the commanding height ofinternational competition has become an issue that determines the success of a country’slong-tern sustainable economic development. Therefore, it’s of great strategic significance tostudy the growth and development of SEI.
     In October2010, the government officially declared to boost SEI and decided tosupport and develop in particular energy saving and environmental protection industry,newinformation technology industry, bioindustry, advanced equipment manufacturing industry,new energy industry, new material industry, new energy automobile industry and set specificgoals and development route for each of them. To boost SEI in China, which is an emergingeconomy, can not only fasten industrial restructuring and the transformation of economicdevelopment mode but also help economic society get on an innovation driven, endogenousgrowth and sustainable development track. In recent three years, many areas and regionshave made certain achievement in cultivating and developing SEI. However, the unevendevelopment among different areas has become more and more prominent. Especially inlate-developing areas, the slow development of SEI has hampered the progress of industrialrestructuring, transformation of economic development mode and the narrowing of economic gap between regions. Although late-developing areas have realized the importanceof SEI in leading the whole economic development and have made related programs andspecific measures, the problem of how to advance sustainable development of SEI hasn’tbeen fully solved.
     Therefore, this paper has SEI in late-developing areas as the research subject, exploresthe conditions for its formation, sources for its growth momentum and its evolutionmechanism and works out dynamic mechanism for its growth and measures to guarantee thefunctioning of the mechanism. It also uses case analysis to test the research findings andtherefore it’s of great practical significance to the sustainable development of SEI inlate-developing areas. The paper makes research on the issues related to the growthmomentum mechanism of SEI in late-developing areas and mainly covers the followingaspects:
     Firstly, the paper explains the background, significance and goal of this research andalso introduces the main content, key issues to be solved, methodology and structure of thepaper besides defining the key concepts and theoretical basis of the paper. It on one handcombs the theories involved in the study which are Late-Developing Advantage Theory,Industry Life Cycle, Industry Chain Theory and System Dynamics and on the other handanalyzes and reviews the researches home and abroad related to the development of SEI,traits of late-developing areas and industrial growth which lays a solid theoretical foundationfor the development of the paper.
     Secondly, the paper researches the conditions for the formation of SEI and its powersource. It analyzes the general mechanism in the formation of SEI and illustrates the generalcharacteristics of economic development in late-developing areas and its late-developingadvantages and comparative advantages. It also analyzes the conditions for the formation ofSEI and its power source and concludes the factors to promote its growth momentum: theimpetus given by government, motivation by need, driving force by enterprises and leadingpower by innovation. Then on the basis of the analysis of the change pattern of growth cycleof SEI in late-developing areas, the paper designs an expert questionnaire on these factors,gets the corresponding scores and uses Principal Components Analysis to calculate the weight of these factors and the dynamic change of their contribution in different stages ofenterprises development. The quantitative measure of the factors to promote the growthmomentum of SEI reveals the evolution pattern of growth momentum of SEI inlate-developing areas.
     Thirdly the paper concludes four typical models of SEI growth momentum and themodels of SEI growth momentum in late-developing areas in different stages of itsdevelopment. It designs and models the growth momentum system of SEI in late-developingareas and the five operating mechanisms: the initiating mechanism with government as themain impetus, the amplification mechanism with need as the motivating power, theexpansion mechanism with enterprises as the driving force, the proliferation mechanism withinnovation as the leading power and a linkage mechanism that combines different factors. Italso works out the specific measures to guarantee its functioning.
     At last the paper makes a case study of the new energy automobile industry of JilinProvince. It first makes a general introduction to the development of the new energyautomobile industry of Jilin Province and analyzes its advantageous factors. The paper alsodetermines the power source and the factors that improve the growth momentum of theindustry, analyzes quantitatively the contribution of these factors and puts forward thedeveloping model of the new energy automobile industry of Jilin Province. Through theanalysis of the factors that improve the growth momentum and the dynamic mechanism ofthe industry, the paper gets the conclusion that corresponds to the conclusion stated above. Itfurther proposes countermeasures and suggestions for the development of the industry tosolve the problems in its dynamic mechanism.
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