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This research, based on the detailed discussion of achievement goal orientation theory's concept, development, relative research and measurement, investigate the structure of achievement goal orientation of physical education, the distinction of different person as well as the relation between achievement goal orientation and self-efficiency , task-value , personality etc. The relevant date are collected by open questionnaires, researches into some relevant reference, some standard research methods, such as exploratory analysis, factor analysis, regression analysis and correlation analysis are employed.
    The conclusion drawn by this research are as follows:
    1. Achievement goal orientation in physical education has three-element structure: task goal orientation, ego-approach goal orientation, ego-avoidance goal orientation.
    2. Ego-approach goal orientation and ego-avoidance goal orientation have obvious difference on gender and athletic levels, nor does the task goal orientation.
    3. Task goal orientation has positive relation with self-efficiency, task-values, Intraversion-Extraversion and has negative relation with Neuroticism, Psychoticism. Ego-approach has positive relation with self-efficiency, task-values and Neuroticism, has unnoticeable relation with Intraversion-Extraversion and Psychoticism. Ego-avoidance has remarkable negative relation with self-efficiency, task-values and Intraversion-Extraversion, has positive relation with Neuroticism, Psychoticism.
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