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     结果:患牙主观感觉良好,无叩痛,牙龈无炎症,牙龈缘高度与邻牙协调, X线片示牙周、尖周、牙槽嵴无异常。牙齿断端劈裂至龈下1-2㎜的比到龈下3-4㎜的效果要显著的多。
Objective:to investigate the efficacy and recovery of clinical cases of teeth through crown lengthening surgery
     Methods: supply crown lengthening surgery to 10 sick teeth, according to pre-operative off the teeth and lingual margin to the alveolar ridge defect depth under the crown were divided into two groups, two groups were compared before and after a 6 weeks 4 results, The postoperative 1, 4, 6-week prognosis of clinical observation, two groups were compared before and after operation: (1) the change of color, shape, quality and good stump exposures in gum after;(2) the plaque index, bleeding index and mobility degree after operation ;(3) position before and after surgery ends: the top and the ends of the alveolar ridge alveolar crest distance and the distance with gum;(4) cingival margin after the first position and the position relationship between the adjacent gingival margin (tongue side), upper anterior gingival papillae after postoperative recovery
     Results: Subjective feeling good ofsick teeth, no percussion pain, no gum inflammation, gingival margin height of coordination with adjacent teeth, X-ray film showed periodontal, periapical, alveolar ridge without exception. Meanwhile, off in the gingival margin of the teeth under the effect of 2.5mm or less than the broken edge in the subgingival tooth between 2.5mm to 4mm achieve much more.
     Conclusions: It benifits the preservation and restoration of alveolar crest off the bottom edge of the teeth by Crown lengthening surgery.To lay a good foundation for the health of periodontal through dental restorations
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