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     对发酵动力学曲线进行了分析,确定了种子液适宜发酵时间为20h,通过抑菌能力测定得到发酵罐适宜放罐时间为36h。通过正交试验初步得到发酵最优组合为接种量10%, pH 8,通气量600L/h,转速200 r/min。
     B2菌株10倍液拌种后,能有效抑制丝核菌引起的马铃薯病害和疮痂病的发生,但对马铃薯产量影响不明显。B2 10倍液拌种后,一级薯和二级薯的个数比对照分别增长了8.33%和6.25%,并可有效抑制丝核病和疮痂病,处理较对照感染个数分别下降17.71和46.8个百分点。
The fermentation conditions of Baclillus subtilis B2 in fermentor and the methods of measurating whose quantity were studied elementarily, synchronously, its colonization dynamics around the rhizospheres of Angelica sinensis, Astragallus mongholicus and tomato and the disease prevention experiments for Angelica sinensis and potato in field were investigated. The results were as follows:
     1. The study on the fermentation technique of Baclillus subtilis B2
     Through the analysis of fermentation kinetic curves, the moderate fermentation time was 20h, through detecting the antifungal activity, the fiting harvest time was 36h,through othogonal test, the optimal match was inoculation rate 10%,pH 8.0 ventilation size 600L/h, rotate speed 200r/min.
     2. The study on the colonization dynamics of B2 around the rhizospheres of Angelica sinensis, Astragallus mongholicus and tomato
     The colonization variety trendency of B2 around the rhizospheres of Angelica sinensis, Astragallus mongholicus and tomato in this year was gently than that in last year, the active bacterial quantity of B2R on the root of Astragallus mongholicus reduced markly in the last coloning phase, finally, the order of magnitude went down nearly two, the active bacterial quantity of B2R around and on tomato fell remarkably, both went down two orders of magnitude, namely, the coloning abilities of B2R around the rhizospheres of Angelica sinensis and Astragallus mongholicus were strongly, while, the coloning ability around the rhizosphere of tomato was not very good.
     3. The prevention experiment of B2 for the root rot Angelica sinensis
     The prevention effect of B2 for the root rot Angelica sinensis was 69.26%, which was distinctly higher than 52.56% of 20% Cupric acetate treatment, by treating Angelica sinensis with the twenty-fold liquid of number one bacterium screened newly, its yield increased 30.56%, the prevention effect reached to 82.60%.
     4. The prevention experiment of potato seed dressing with B2
     After dressing potato seed with B2, the potato diseases caused by Rhizoctonia spp and scab were controlled effectively, the yield of potato did not influenced makedly. By dressing potato seed with ten times liquid of B2, by contrast to the standard, the quantity of the fist and second class potatoes went up by 8.33% and6.25% respectively, meanwhile, Rhizoctonia spp and scab were restrained availably, by contrast to the standard ,the treatments went down by 17.71and 46.8 percentages.
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