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The Ecol-compensation is regarded as a kind of effective environmental economics and management measure, which has been the hot issue in recent years. With the development of society and the deepening of the process of Industrialization, the human material culture needs have been satisfied fully, however, the human living environment also suffers from the great harm. Constructing the Eco- compensation mechanism and restoring the Ecological value is good to narrow the gap of interdistrict , and is in line with the main melody of our times that is Harmonious and Development. And now, the theories of Eco-compensation which aim at forest, wetland, mineral resources and drainage basin are matured, but the research on oxygen is rare, because oxygen is always counted as the inexhaustible power. However, human has pay a little attention on the potential threaten of oxygen depletion. The thesis is based upon the research of oxygen, and puts forward a new Study about the Oxygenous Regional Eco-compensation , and tries to construct the Eco-Compensation mechanism, which could control the consume of the oxygen and protect the source of oxygen released to guarantee the living rights and developing rights of human being. What's more, this thesis hopes to supply a new rationale and measure to the theory of fiscal transfers.
     At the first place, the thesis has summarized how the Ecological Compensation is carried out and implements in China and other countries, and analyses the Oxygenous Regional Eco-compensation systematically by means of the theory of value, the theory of externality, the theory of regional development, the theory of transfers, and the theory of the Harmonious Development of Society. Then the thesis simply describes the problems of the oxygen environment on the earth and the harm of oxygen depletion, and comes to the conclusion that it is extremely urgent to research the Oxygenous Regional Eco-compensation and formulate the related policies.
     Secondly, the thesis analyses the main means to consume oxygen and to compensate the terrestrial oxygen. The main means to consume oxygen include: burning the traditional fuel, burning the new fuel(hydrogen), human respiration, oxygenation of domestic waste and oxygenation of the industrial exhausted fuel and water. The main means to compensate the terrestrial oxygen is releasing oxygen by the photosynthesis of the forest, glassland, wetland and the urban vegetation cover. The thesis also analyses the leading reasons to descend the concentration of oxygen by data and materials, which include: burning the traditional fuel heavily, decreasing forest greatly, promoting population dramatically and the exploitation and usage of the hydrogen. The writer builds a model in view of the difference of gross oxygen consumed and gross oxygencompensated:M=(?)(gross oxygen released),N=(?)(gross oxygenconsumed), K=a~*V~*(M-N)( gross oxygen compensated).After that,the thesis analyses the subjects of the Oxygenous Regional Eco-compensation , the standard of compensation and the use of the compensation.
     What's more, the thesis analyses the data which collected in the unit of province. And the result displays that generally speaking, the concentration of oxygen reduces day by day in the developed provinces, but in the underdevelopment provinces, the concentration of oxygen comparatively maintains stability or increases. Such result supplies the new rationale and measure guide to the theory of fiscal transfers. However, we find that, the concentration of oxygen in a spot of economically disadvantaged provinces still drops. Therefore, National compensation is the main model of the Oxygenous Regional Eco-compensation .
     The last but not the least, the thesis analyses the safeguard mechanisms to insure the compensation to be paid correctly and in time. The main points include: constructing and complementing the regulations and laws about the Oxygenous Regional Eco-compensation; clearing and definiting the responsibilities and obligation in law, which helps the mechanisms operate normatively; the government should make related policies to supervise the Oxygenous Regional Eco-compensation, and adopt the comprehensive ecological management measure to guide the protection and construction; constructing and perfecting the incentive policy to encourage the social and non-governmental capital to be leaded into such field; perfecting the system of fiscal transfers; constructing the coordination safeguard mechanism to make sure the governments have considered the national macroeconomic aims and the local physical truth ,and coordinate the protection of the oxygen ecology and the balanced development of economy; building the competitive mechanisms to enhance the efficiency of the Oxygenous Regional Eco-compensation by the market measure and economic stimulation.
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