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     研究4种单胞藻与海洋红酵母(Rhodomonas sp.)搭配以及单胞藻混合投喂对刺参浮游幼虫体长生长及变态存活率的影响。采用三角褐指藻(Phaeodactylum tricornutum)、小新月菱形藻(Nitzschia closterium f. minutissima)、牟氏角毛藻(Chaetoceros muelleri)和等鞭金藻(Isochrysis galbana)与海洋红酵母分别以1:0、0.8:0.2、0.6:0.4、0.4:0.6、0.2:0.8和0:1的比例搭配投喂刺参浮游幼虫,观测浮游幼虫每天的体长变化以及变态成活率。结果表明,单胞藻与海洋红酵母以适当比例混合投喂能提高刺参幼虫的体长日增长率,单独投喂海洋红酵母的刺参变态成活率也显著高于单独投喂单胞藻组。采用两种单胞藻以0.5:0.5的比例混合投喂浮游幼虫,结果表明牟氏角毛藻与小新月菱形藻混合投喂组刺参浮游幼虫的变态成活率高于牟氏角毛藻与等鞭金藻的混合组。
     试验研究青刺参在不同温度(23, 25和27°C)、盐度(25, 30和35‰)条件下暂养一定时间后的温度耐受性。试验分为两部分:逐渐升高温度和迅速升高温度。结果显示,暂养于不同条件下的稚参的GLT_(50) (LT_(50) of gradual change of temperature)和ALT_(50) (LT_(50) of abrupt change of temperature)与温度正相关,与盐度负相关。当温度以1°C h-1的速率升高时,暂养于23°C-35‰条件下的稚参的GLT_(50)为33.9°C,而暂养于27°C-25‰条件下的稚参的GLT_(50)为35.9°C。当稚参被突然转移到一系列高温海水中72h后,暂养于23°C-35‰条件下的稚参的ALT_(50)为28.3°C,而暂养于27°C-25‰条件下的稚参的ALT_(50)为30.1°C。
     实验研究青刺参与红刺参杂交的稚参在不同温度、盐度组合条件下暂养一定时间后的温度耐受性。设定三个温度梯度(22, 25和28°C)和三个盐度梯度(28, 33和38‰),由此组成9个不同的温度、盐度组合。杂交稚参在这9个预设的实验条件下暂养3周后,分别进行两个单独的小实验:逐渐升高温度和迅速升高温度,并计算出最高临界温度(CTMax)、最高存活温度(STMax)、半数致死温度(LT_(50))。当温度以每小时升高1°C的速率变化时,暂养在温度为28°C盐度为28‰条件下的稚参能耐受最高为34.9°C的水温,而暂养在温度为22°C盐度为38‰条件下的稚参只能耐受最高为32.9°C的温度。当温度迅速上升至一系列高温时,稚参的ALT_(50)的范围为29.3°C-31.3°C。实验结果表明稚参的温度耐受性与暂养温度正相关,与暂养盐度负相关。Two-way ANOVA双因子方差分析显示温度和盐度对两种实验方法下的稚参的LT_(50)有显著影响(P<0.05)。
     实验采用青刺参和红刺参杂交稚参作为实验材料,研究暂养于不同温度(24,26和28°C)和不同盐度(27,32和37‰)条件下的杂交稚参的盐度耐受性。实验采用逐渐改变盐度以(2‰h~(-1)的速度)和迅速改变盐度两种方法。结果表明,杂交稚参的50% CSMax(critical salinity maximum,最高临界盐度),50% CSMin(critical salinity minimum,最低临界盐度),USTL(upper salinity tolerance limit,耐受盐度上限)和LSTL(lower salinity tolerance limit,耐受盐度下限),与盐度正相关,与温度负相关。当盐度以2‰h~(-1)的速度升高或降低时,暂养于27‰-28℃条件下的稚参存活率为100%时的盐度范围为15.0-33.0‰,而暂养于37‰-24℃条件下的稚参存活率为100%时的盐度范围为23.0-46.0‰。当稚参被迅速转移入一系列高盐盐度或低盐度海水中72h后,稚参的半数致死盐度范围相比于盐度渐变较窄。Two-way ANOVA分析表明盐度和温度对50% CSMax、50% CSMin、USTL和LSTL具有显著性影响(P<0.05)。
The sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus) Selenka is an importantly commercial species in China because of its nutrition value and market value.Environmental factors can effect the growth and survival of the juveniles, so to explore the pattern of effect is important to the development of sea cucumber culture. The main results are following:
     1. Effects of marine yeast (Rhodomonas sp.) and four different microalgal diets on larval growth and survival at metamorphosis in the sea cucumber A. japonicus
     The effects of the mixtures of marine yeast Rhodomonas sp. and four types of microalgae and the mixtures of two different microalgae on the growth and survival rate at metamorphosis in A.japonicus were examined. The growth and survival at metamorphosis were observed in the A.japonicus larvae fed on a combined diet of Rhodomonas sp. and four types of microalgae (Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Nitzschia closterium f. minutissima, Chaetoceros muelleri, and Isochrysis galbana) in the ratios of 1:0, 0.8:0.2, 0.6:0.4, 0.4:0.6, 0.2:0.8 and 0:1. The results indicate that when the microalgae were mixed with Rhodomonas sp. in appropriate ratio, the growth rate in body length of the larvae increased markedly. The survival at metamorphosis of the larvae fed on Rhodomonas sp. was obviously higher than those only fed on the microalgae. When two types of microalgae were mixed in the ratio of 1:1, the survival rate at metamorphosis of the larvae fed on the mixture of C. muelleri and N. closterium is clearly higher compared with those fed on the mixture of C. muelleri and I. galbana.
     2. Effect of temperature and salinity on temperature tolerance of the sea cucumber A.japonicus
     Sea cucumber (A.japonicus) juveniles were examined for temperature tolerances at nine different environmental regimes (23, 25 and 27°C at 25, 30 and 35‰) by increasing temperature at a rate of 1°C h~(-1). They were also tested for the LT_(50) (median lethal temperature) when transferred directly into a series of higher temperature (27-33°C). The GLT_(50) (LT_(50) of gradual change of temperature) and ALT_(50) (LT_(50) of abrupt change of temperature) were increased directly with the acclimated temperature, but were inversely related to salinity. The GLT_(50) of the juveniles that maintained at 27°C and 25‰was 35.9°C, and those maintained at 23°C and 35‰was 33.9°C°C. The ALT_(50) of the juveniles that maintained at 27°C and 25‰was 30.1°C, and those maintained at 23°C and 35‰was 28.3°C°C.
     3. Effect of temperature and salinity on temperature tolerance of the juveniles that crossed by two color types of A.japonicus
     The effects of temperature and salinity on temperature tolerance of the juveniles which were crossed by two color types of A.japonicus (Red and Green) were examined.The juveniles were acclimated in different environmental conditions (22, 25 and 28°C combined with 28, 33 and 38‰) for 3 weeks, then examined for temperature tolerance by two experiences: increased temperature at a rate of 1°C h~(-1)and transferred directly into a series of higher temperature. The CTMax (critical thermal maximum), STMax (survival thermal maximum), LT_(50) (median lethal temperature) were positively correlated to the acclimated temperature, but negatively correlated to the acclimated salinity. When temperature increasing at a rate of 1°C h~(-1), the STMax of the juveniles acclimated in the conditions of 28°C-28‰exhibited 34.9°C, higher than acclimated in the conditions of 22°C-38‰. When the juveniles were transferred directly into a series of higher temperature, the range of LT_(50) is between 29.3°C and 31.3°C. Two-way ANOVA showed that temperature and salinity had a significant effect on the LT_(50) (P<0.05).
     4. Effect of salinity and temperature on salinity tolerance of the juveniles that crossed by two color types of A.japonicus
     The effects of temperature and salinity on salinity tolerance of the juveniles which were crossed by two color types of A.japonicus (Red and Green) were examined. The juveniles acclimated in different environmental conditions (24, 26 and 28°C combined with 27, 32 and 37‰) for 3 weeks, then examined for salinity tolerance by two experiences: increased or decreased salinity at a rate of 2‰h~(-1) and transferred directly into a series of higher or lower salinity. The CSMax (critical salinity maximum), SSMax (survival salinity maximum), USTL (upper salinity tolerance limit) and LSTL (lower salinity tolerance limit) were positively correlated to the acclimated salinity, but negatively correlated to temperature. When salinity increasing or decreasing at a rate of 2‰h~(-1), the SSMin-STMax of the juveniles acclimated in the conditions of 27‰-28℃were 15.0-33.0‰, but the SSMin-STMax of the juveniles acclimated in the conditions of 37‰-24℃were 23.0-46.0‰. When the juveniles were transferred directly into a series of higher or lower salinity, the range of LS50 is narrower than the LS50 when salinity increasing or decreasing at a rate of 2‰h~(-1). Two-way ANOVA showed that temperature and salinity had a significant effect on 50% CSMax、50% CSMin、USTL and LSTL (P<0.05).
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