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The dissertation is focused on the allocation of regional water resources. According to the practical problems in regional water resources allocation, the conception of harmoniousness of water resources allocation is put forward and is explained in width and depth. The water resources allocation system is divided into three subsystems: water supply system, hydraulic engineering and management system, and water demand system. The harmoniousness among the three subsystems, among the main factors in the subsystems and between the system and exterior environments are measured by the degree of harmoniousness of water resources.
    The function of water resources allocation is discussed. The function of water resources allocation in development of social security, social civilization and social culture is explained, and, by use of the fuzzy evaluation method, a conclusion is drawn that water resources is a comparatively important factor in social development. The function in the promotion of the economic development is studied through analysis on the Investment - Yield Model and efficiency of utilization of the water resources. As a mid - produce, water resources is comparatively sensitive and has a great influence. The function of the water resources in ecosystem environment protection is studied from four aspects: conserving groundwater, mitigating flood disaster, improving water quality, and maintaining energybalance. An assessment index system is designed to estimate the function of water resources allocation in social, economic and ecosystem development. According to the promotion and protection function, the purpose of water resources allocation is to seek harmonious development of society, economy and ecosystem. Based on the synthetical benefits, the degree of harmoniousness of the water resources allocation system is estimated by the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). According to the characteristics of self- organizing and self - adaptability of the water resources allocation system, the harmoniousness is analyzed, and the main harmoniousness topic and the mechanism of harmoniousness are determined. Based on the research, the warning countermeasure of the water allocation system is designed.
    On the basis of characteristics of flexibility of harmonious of water resources allocation, a multi - objective regional allocation optimization model and an interval analysis model are established by use of interval mathematics, providing a quantitative method for the solution of multi -objective and non - structural problems in water resources allocation. According to the dynamic characteristics, a harmoniousness warning model is established based on the theory and method of system analysis, considering the entropy degree, self - organizing, self - adaptability and functional effect of the system. Through application of the harmoniousness warning model, some useful decisions can be made. In the dissertation such mathematical tools as Investment - Yield model, Data Enveloped Analysis, Fuzzy Evaluation, and interval analysis method are used.
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