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With the development of china's rural economic constitution and the entry into WTO .The buyer's market has formed. At the same time, it has been very difficult to sell agricultural product. Therefore, the marketing and branding operation has been put forward.
    The paper has made a systematic research on the branding operation. Firstly, analyzing the connotation and the economic value of the branding operation. Exposing the relation between the Branding operation of agricultural product and agricultural industrialization, the function of branding operation in the agricultural product s competition .Secondly, The paper analyze the present status, the challenge and the advantageous factors, at the same time, in order to achieve the branding operation of the agricultural product the paper inquires into the implementation way, rises that cultivating the marketing and branding consciousness, accelerating the establishment of the agricultural product, strengthening the branding management .At last, giving some good advices on the branding operation of agricultural product. Raising that strengthening the branding construction of agricultural product not only need the strong governmental support, but also depend on the development of science and technology and the construction and perfection of the relevant system.
    Li Qianlan (Economy Management) Directed by Professor Zeng Fusheng
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