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Globalization is a double-edged sword, on the one hand, developing countries, uses the export of capital from developed countries to promote the progress of the industry in their own countries, which resulted in huge economies of scale, and led to the rapid growth of the entire national economy. However, On the other hand, in the process of globalization, the developed countries,which are in the monopoly and dominant position,not only control the direction of the global economic development, but also occupy the highest part of the global industrial chain through elimination of outdated technology and industrial transfer resulting in not only the developing countries' environment pollution problems, the economy is not sustainable development, industry attachment and industry security issues, but also even the crisis of developing countries in economic, political and cultural security. Globalization has brought about development opportunities of developing countries in the same time it also incurs great risks.
     At present, under the impact of the global financial crisis developing countries, especially China's coastal industrial clusters, based on primary factors of production and export-oriented development as a center of gravity, and suffered a collective collapse; its development was a serious challenge and dilemma. The difficulties faced by export-oriented industrial clusters, mainly due to the economic development of China's industrial cluster model,which is built on the beach with no independent core technology to support own brand of "world factory" of the industrial economy and can not form the core competitive edge, more do not have the ability to resist market risk. China's coastal industrial cluster development are generally facing the plight of industrial upgrading, how to optimize and upgrade industrial clusters to enhance the core competitiveness has become a major issue that we must face. In this paper, it is deeply thinking on these issues based on proceed.
     This thesis mainly along three main lines. Firstly, it is about the introduction of the problem. The current situation of the development of China's Industrial cluster in the context of globalization and the global financial crisis is overviewed and the difficulties and problems which the development of China's coastal industrial cluster was facing are put forward. Secondly, it is about analysis and thinking. It analyzed the upgrade China's industrial clusters and the choice of its development model, with emphasize on analyzing the problem of how to create upgrade owned brand in the upgrade process of the industrial clusters, constructed a cluster brand development strategy based on autonomy and innovation. Finally, it is related to the conclusions and policy recommendations. Proposed to industrial cluster upgrading and clusters of innovation brand-building platform, service platform, policy platform and the construction of the key responses and suggestions.
     1、paper analyses China's coastal industrial cluster facing the development of industrial upgrading as the main problem, with the problems of facing Chinese industrial upgrading and sustained development, proposed the core question of the Chinese industry upgrading:First, the collection is outstanding, the scale is uneconomical. Second, being short of core technologies and the owned brand, independent innovation ability is not strong. On the basis of an analysis that the current situation of the China's Industrial cluster development, learned from Western developed countries, the successful experience of the development of industrial clusters, has further analyzed the Chinese industrial cluster promotion and the pattern innovation, clarify the Chinese industrial cluster's promotion way under the GVC frame.
     2、The paper focuses on analyzing creating cluster brand during the upgrade process of the industrial clusters. Proposed to the core question of industrial clusters upgrading is that its own brand of R & D, Industry Cluster Upgrade and brands are the two key points which are integrated. Papers exploring the pattern innovation of China's industrial clusters upgrading, sought that the integration point for industrial clusters upgrading and owned brand is the intrinsic mechanism which the owned brand advancement industrial clusters upgrading. The paper has made a further discussion in the theory of the brand building, while has emphasized three practice patterns and clusters of brand effect.
     3、From the height of the proposed national strategy to propose a Development Strategy about building industry cluster which based on autonomy and innovation is the key to upgrade and transform China's industrial clusters and enhance the core competitiveness of China's industrial clusters. Autonomy and innovation is a major strategic of national economic development, a brand strategy with independent intellectual property rights is the core for Cluster Brand building. Core technology and brand is the most prominent Economic advantage for owning intellectual property rights, and these are This will be the Core Proposition for Cluster Brand building and a important strategic for China's Industry Cluster to upgrade and Win an international competitive advantage. This Paper were independent intellectual property brand strategy for design innovation, technological innovation, development of proprietary product innovation, process innovation to explore in depth the core content.
     4、The paper on the basis of analyzing above questions in the foundation, learns the successful experience of development model which developed countries have built the cluster brand of country industry, combines realistic foundation which the Chinese industry cluster develops, constructs Chinese industry upgrading and the cluster innovation network, innovation talented mechanism, the policy supporting platform, cooperative supporting platform which cluster brands build. While proposes crucial policies and policy-type suggestions.
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