Sorting Nexin7调节斑马鱼肝脏发育的机制研究
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肝脏是脊椎动物体内最大的内脏器官,同时也是与代谢相关的最重要的器官,而与肝脏相关的各种疾病一直以来都是对人类健康最重大的威胁之一。阐明肝脏的发育过程及其行使生理功能的分子机制,一直都是生物医学研究的重要领域。分选蛋白(Sorting Nexin,SNX)是一类有着共同的PX(Phox)结构域的基因家族,它们多分布在细胞内膜系统的各个位置,广泛参与细胞内蛋白质的运输和分选过程并起着重要的调节作用。在人类的基因组中,迄今已鉴定并命名了33个SNX家族成员,但目前的研究报道仅仅涉及到其中的一小部分。本论文所论述的研究是第一次用斑马鱼动物模型从胚胎整体和器官发育水平对SNX潜在的生理功能进行的研究,我们发现SNX7是一个在肝脏特异表达的SNX家族成员,它的异常表达能够特异性地抑制斑马鱼胚胎肝脏的发育而对其他内脏器官和整体胚胎的发育则没有明显的影响,进一步的研究发现,由morpholino介导的SNX表达的敲降并不影响早期内胚层前体细胞向肝祖细胞的转化,但接下来肝祖细胞进一步的生长增殖和成熟过程则受到了显著的抑制,在分子水平,我们发现一些与凋亡过程相关的关键因子,如Caspase8,bax,p53及其相关的靶标基因的表达水平在SNX7敲降的斑马鱼胚胎中都有着显著地升高,为此我们得出结论:在斑马鱼胚胎早期肝脏发育过程中,SNX7通过某条抑制凋亡的信号通路对肝祖细胞的存活起着不可替代地调控作用。紧接着,在体外试验中,用siRNA转染特异性敲降SNX7表达的方法在HeLa细胞系中能够有效地诱导出凋亡,并最终找到了SNX7在诱导凋亡过程中重要的下游靶分子:c‐FLIPs,体内挽救实验确凿无疑地证明了c‐FLIPs就是联系SNX7和凋亡的关键分子。在本论文阐述的研究中,我们结合体内外的多种技术手段,分析了SNX7对于包括肝脏在内的内胚层各器官发育的影响,重点研究了SNX7调节肝祖细胞生长/分化/凋亡的机制,并对SNX7调节肝脏发育所涉及的上、下游信号通路进行了初步探究,试图在将来从分子、细胞以及器官和胚胎整体水平阐明SNX7的作用机制,从而建立一个包括SNX7在内的调节肝脏发育的信号通路网络。
Liver is the largest and also the most important metabolism‐related internal organ in vertebrate, liver correlative diseases always a substantial threaten of health. To elucidate the liver’s developmental process and how does this organ exercise its physiological fuction, always been a important and intriguing research area of biological and medical science. Sorting Nexin(SNX) is a gene family which shares the Phox(PX) domain, most SNX genes locate on the endomembrane system and play important role in the transport and sorting process of proteins. There are33SNXs which have been discovered and named in human genome, but we still know very little about the physiologic fuction of this conservative and apparently important family. In this paper, we use a model organism:Zebrafish, to study the potential fuction of SNXs from individual and organ level, throμgh our research, we discovered SNX7specifically expressed in the liver cell, low‐expressing level of SNX7causes severe repress liver development and almost with no influence to other internal organ. Further research revealed that knockdown of SNX7by morpholino‐microinjection does’t affect the process that original precursor cells differentiate into hepatoblast, but SNX7do severely inhibit the following growing/proliferating/maturing procedure. At the molecular level, we found that several pro‐apoptotic molecules including Caspase8, bax, p53and its target genes were up‐regulated in SNX7morphants. We concluded that an anti‐apoptotic signaling pathway involving SNX7was indispensible for the survival of hepatoblasts during embryonic liver development. In the in Vitro part,we induced apoptosis in HeLa celline by transfection of SNX7siRNAs,finally,we found the crucial molecular connect SNX7and apoptosis was c‐FLIPS,we then proved it by rescue test.In this research,we combine multiple research methods, both in vivo and in vitro, to explore how SNX7regulate the development of endodermal organs, especially how SNX7regulates the growing/proliferating/maturing process of hepatoblast, we want to find the upstream and downstream signaling pathways of SNX7‐regulating‐liver‐development, our goal is build a network of signaling pathways of SNX7regulating process, to elucidate the mechanism of such process from different researching leve:molecular,cellular,organic and even embryoic and individual.
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