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小麦(Triticum aestivum L.,2n=6×=42)和大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.,2n=2×=14)是世界上两大重要的麦类作物,通过小麦和大麦的远缘杂交,可以将大麦的优良基因及其相应性状导入小麦,如早熟、耐生物和非生物胁迫及各种品质性状。小麦成熟期穗发芽是一种世界性自然灾害,穗发芽时小麦α-淀粉酶活性提高,对胚乳中淀粉分解能力增强,不仅影响小麦产量,而且还会影响小麦的营养品质和加工品质。位于大麦2H染色体长臂上的Isa基因所编码的大麦α-淀粉酶抑制蛋白BASI(bifunctional α-amylase/subtilisin inhibitor),可以通过与小麦α-淀粉酶相结合而抑制其活性,从而降低小麦穗发芽的危害,提升小麦品质。
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.,2n=6×=42) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.,2n=2×=14)are two of the most important cereal crops worldwide. The hybridization of wheat and barleymakes it possible to transfer desirable genes and traits, such as earliness, tolerance to biotic andabiotic stresses, and various nutritional parameters, from barley to wheat.The wheat pre-harvestsprouting is a worldwide natural disaster. In the course of high activity of α-amylase, pre-harvestsprouting can not only result in a great decrease in wheat yield, but also dramatically degrade thenutritional and processing quality of the seeds. The bifunctional α-amylase/subtilisin inhibitor(BASI) encoded by the Isa gene on barley chromosome2HL could inhibit wheat α-amylaseactivity by reducing pre-harvest sprouting and improving the quality of wheat.
     Regenerated plants were derived from immature embryo culture of hybrids of common wheatvarieties Zhengmai9023, CB037and Zhongmai16with the wheat-barley2H alien substituionlines2H(2A) and2H(2B) after callus induction, subculture and differentiation.10SSR molecularmarkers specific to barley chromosome2H located on short arm and long arm were selected frombarley Betzes, wheat CS, wheat-barley2H addition line, wheat-barley2H substitution line2H(A),2H(2B) and2H(2D). The presence of barley2H chromatin was detected in regenerated plants(SC1) and their selfed progenies (SC2-5) using homoeologous group2SSR markers from barley,and further identified in selected SC4and SC5lines using genomic in situ hybridization withbarley genomic DNA as probe and CS genomic DNA for blocking. The Isa gene from theidentified SC4and SC5lines was also amplified using Isa specific primers. We identifiedwheat-barley2HL chromosome heterozygous translocation lines, a homozygous translocationlines, monotelosomic lines, ditelosomic lines, and an isochromosome line carring the Isa gene.Metaphase I pairing of line32-4-9, line32-4-18, line32-4-11indicated that both the wheat-barley2HL chromosome heterozygous translocation line and homozygous translocation line shouldregularly disjoin and be stable in cytology.
     During the process of alien germplasm introduced into wheat genetic backgroud, extensivegenetic variations of genome structure and gene expression could be induced in wheat. Tounderstand genetic changes associated with introduction of barely chromosome2H into wheatgenome, a set of barley Betzes, wheat CS, wheat-barley2H addition line, wheat-barley2Hsubstitution line2H(A),2H(2B) and2H(2D) were analyzed by fluorescence AFLP. Using64primer combinations,3157bands were obtained in barley and4736bands in other materials.AFLP amplification patterns indicated that elimination bands and novel bands were detected inaddition line, but on genome variation were dectected in substitution lines. Several AFLP bandsspecific to chromosome2H,2A,2B,2D were recoveried and sequenced respectively, for STS primers design. Finally,2AFLP-STS molecular markers specific to barley chromosome2H and1AFLP-STS molecular markers specific to each one of wheat chromosome2A,2B,2D wereestablished.
     To understand epigenetic variations associated with introduction of barely chromosome2Hinto wheat genome, fluorescence MSAP detection system was constructed based on fluorescenceAFLP, for the methylation patterns detection of a set of barley Betzes, wheat CS, wheat-barley2Haddition line, wheat-barley2H substitution line2H(A),2H(2B) and2H(2D). The results thatmethylation variations were detected in wheat and the methylation extent increased in barleychromosome2H.
     To understand gene expression characteristics associated with introduction of barelychromosome2H, we used the fluorescence cDNA-AFLP to analyse the different expression of aset of barley Betzes, wheat CS, wheat-barley2H addition line, wheat-barley2H substitution line2H(A),2H(2B) and2H(2D). A large number of differentially expressed genes were isolated andexpress patterns of barley2H chromosome were confirmed
     In order to understand the protein expression differences associated with introduction ofbarely chromosome2H, iTRAQ technology was used for differential proteomics analysis forabove materials, and a total of589proteins were identified.
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