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It's a basic task for the reform and development of higher education to cultivate the high quality innovative talents who can meet the new requirements of knowledge economy and scientific innovation. Aiming at developing the students' creativity spirit and innovative ability, the higher innovative education should be put into practice.
    The essence of higher education is the vocational education based on the discipline. Developing the students' discipline innovative ability is of important purpose. This thesis mainly researches on the structure of the discipline innovative ability and its development strategy, which has four parts.
    The first part is about the fundamental conception of the ability. The ability is combined and overlapped both discipline special ability and creativity thinking quality. So based on the traditional discipline ability, the new one has become to an overall ability to settle information and analyze problems, and also a coordinated capacity. The ability is developed based on the support of the educational innovation, like being acknowledged by the teachers as well as the campus culture.
    Secondly, while designing the ability structure with great care, we should put more attention on the theory of person's all-round development, the students' growing law of nature, and also creativity theory, some rules should be obeyed, too.
    In this thesis, the course, English, is designed as an example to show the structure of the discipline innovative ability and the function of the guidance and reference on the classroom teaching.
    Finally, about the research on the development strategy of the ability, the current curriculum should be improved to create the good external innovative environment. The optimized teaching methods should be attached, like Case-study method, Internet-based Teaching method and Practice method are given in-depth analysis, which aim at matching the teachers' different choices.
    The discipline innovative ability put forward by this thesis is of important current significance and reference value to perfect the developing system on the innovative talents of higher education.
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