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密码哈希函数(简称哈希函数)是密码学领域三大原语之一(其他两个分别是加密算法与签名算法),它在现代通信、金融以及安全计算等领域起着基础作用。哈希函数的传统而且重要的安全性质是抗碰撞性、抗第二原像性与抗原像性。本文使用中间相遇方法对六个哈希函数MD4、Extended MD4、3轮HAVAL、SM3、DHA-256与SShash的抗第二原像性与抗原像性进行了分析。
     MD4是由Ronald L. Rivest设计的在1990年CRYPTO会议上提出的哈希函数,许多重要的哈希函数比如广泛应用的MD5、SHA-1与SHA-2的设计理念都是来源于MD4。MD4目前仍在被使用。我们提出了中间相遇原像攻击MD4的复杂度计算公式,提出了多中性字部分固定技术并设计了自动化计算复杂度的算法,对Kazumaro Aoki等人在SAC2008会议上提出的一块的MD4原像攻击进行了改进,由原先的2107的时间复杂度改进为295。Extended MD4是MD4的256比特的扩展版本,我们也应用类似的方法对Yu Sasaki等人在ACISP2009会议提出的对Extended MD4伪原像与原像攻击进行了改进,时间复杂度分别降低了2~(25.2)与2~(12.6)。这是目前最好的MD4与Extended MD4原像攻击。一块的原像攻击没有利用Merkle-Damg ard性质,它直接攻击的是压缩函数,这是令人兴趣的地方。
     HAVAL是郑玉良等人在1992年AUSCRYPT会议上提出的哈希函数,包括3轮、4轮与5轮的版本。我们组合了各种方法,对Yu Sasaki等人在ASIACRYPT2008会议中的对3轮的HAVAL的伪原像与原像攻击进行了改进,相应的时间复杂度由原先的2~(192)与2~(225)分别降低到2~(172)与2~(209.6)。
     DHA-256是由Jesang Lee等人在2005年11月由美国国家标准技术研究院主办的密码哈希算法的讨论会上提出的哈希函数,总共64步,哈希输出256位。我们分别提出了对一块的27步的DHA-256与两块的35步的DHA-256的原像攻击。这是对DHA-256的抗原像性进行分析的第一个结果。
     SShash是由Somitra Kumar Sanadhya等人在ASIACCS2009会议上提出的哈希函数,包括SShash-256与SShash-512,分别包含64与80步。我们对SShash的28步进行了原像攻击。这是对SShash的安全性进行分析的第一个结果。
Cryptographic hash functions, known as hash functions, are one of threecryptographic primitives (others are encryption algorithm and signature algo-rithm). Cryptographic hash functions play important role in modern commu-nications, finance, and security computation, etc. The classical and importantsecurity properties of hash functions are collision resistance, second preimage re-sistance, and preimage resistance. The second preimage resistance and preimageresistance of six hash functions: MD4, Extended MD4,3-pass HAVAL, SM3,DHA-256and SShash, are analyzed in the thesis.
     MD4is a hash function designed by Ronald L. Rivest and published atCRYPTO1990. The design philosophy of many important hash functions, suchas MD5, SHA-1and SHA-2, root in MD4. Moreover, MD4is still used in somecontext. We present the formula for computing complexity for the meet-in-the-middle attack on MD4, and propose the multi-neutral-word partial-fixing tech-nique, and also design the algorithm for computing complexity automatically,such that we give an improved preimage attack on one-block MD4with the timecomplexity295MD4compression function operations, as compared to the2107complexity of the previous attack by Aoki et al.(SAC2008) with the new tech-niques. Extended MD4is the256-bit version of MD4. We also use the similartechniques to improve the pseudo-preimage and preimage attacks on ExtendedMD4with2~(25.2)and2~(12.6)improvement factor, as compared to previous attacksby Sasaki et al.(ACISP2009), respectively. The attacks are the best preim-age attacks on MD4and Extended MD4. The preimage attacks on one-blockhash functions are particularly interesting, as the attackers do not use the char-acteristics of the merkle-damg ard construction and they attack the compression functions directly.
     HAVAL is a hash function proposed by Yuliang Zheng et al. at AUSCRYPT1992, including3-,4-and5-pass versions. We use a nice mix techniques to im-prove pseudo-preimage and preimage attacks on3-Pass HAVAL at the complexityof2~(172)and2~(209.6), respectively, as compared to the previous best known results:2~(192)and2~(225)by Sasaki et al.(ASIACRYPT2008).
     SM3was published by China State Cryptography Administration in Dec.2010. SM3is a dedicated hash function with output length of256bits and64steps of operations. We present a preimage attack on30-step SM3, which is thefirst result that analyzes preimage resistance of SM3.
     DHA-256(Double Hash Algorithm) was designed by Jesang Lee et al. andproposed at the Cryptographic Hash Workshop hosted by NIST in November2005. DHA-256is a dedicated hash function with output length of256bits and64steps of operations. We show a preimage attack on35-step DHA-256. Wealso show one-block preimage attack on27-step DHA-256. To the best of ourknowledge, this is the first result that analyzes preimage resistance of DHA-256.
     SShash is a hash family proposed by Somitra Kumar Sanadhya et al. inASIACCS2009, including SShash-256(64steps) and SShash-512(80steps). Weshow pseudo-preimage and preimage attacks on28-step SShash. As far as weknow, this is the first result that investigates the security of the SShash hashfamily.
     The preimage attacks can be trivially turned into the corresponding secondpreimage attacks in the thesis, as they can deal with the operations about themessage, such as the message padding rule and appending the length of theoriginal message.
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