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     然而,设计一个对称密码或者哈希函数并不是盲目的,人们通常首先需要设计一种构造方案,搭建一个基本的骨架,然后再不断细化内部的各个部分。分组密码的常用构造有Feistel结构和Substitution-Permutation-Network结构。再往下具体划分有Lai-Massey, Gen-Skipjack, Gen-CAST256, Gen-MARS, SMS4, Four-Cell, RC6等等。对于流密码而言,很多则是基于线性移位寄存器(LFSR)的构造。有的流密码则是基于分组密码的运行模式直接得到。对于哈希函数,一般流行的方法都实质是基于分组密码的方法的,例如MD4, MD5, SHA-1, MDC-2等等。
     对于哈希函数的构造,自MD5, SHA-1等已被广泛应用的哈希函数相继被找出漏洞之后,整个密码学界也重新掀起了对哈希函数的研究热潮。很多新的可证明安全模型,如Indistinguishability、Indifferentiability等被用来证明哈希函数的迭代构造的安全性。对于压缩函数的构造,流行的方法是采用基于分组密码的方法,但也有一些其他的基于数学困难问题的构造,如基于多项式的压缩函数被提出。
     1.对分组密码中的Lai-Massey构造方案进行了伪随机性分析,找到了对Lai-Massey及Extended Lai-Massey构造的2轮伪随机区分器及3轮强伪随机区分器,并且利用马尔科夫链理论在理论上首次证明了多轮Lai-Massey构造可以达到超出生日界限的安全性,这是已知最好的对Lai-Massey结构的分析。
     2.提出了一种对分组密码结构不可能差分的统一方法,对若干种常用的分组密码构造的方案,如Gen-Skipjack, Gen-CAST256,Gen-MARS, SMS4, Four-Cell, RC6等进行了不可能差分分析,取得了较好的结果,否定了亚密2000年Sung等人提出的猜想,推翻了FSE2009Pudovkina的结论。
Symmetric-key algorithms and hash functions play a fundamental role in modern cryp-tography. They are primitives in cryptography and many high-level protocols can be buildfrom these primitives. However, it is hard to give a provable security analysis on symmetric-key cryptography. Many symmetric-key algorithms and hash functions are built by experi-ence and lack of rigorous theoretical proof.
     Fortunately, there are some principles for us to design block ciphers and hash functions.We usually first build a high-level construction and framework based on some ideal com-ponents, then we consider the details in the internal component. For block cipher construc-tions, there are two main designs: Feistel structure and Substitution-Permutation-Networkstructure, there are also many extended designs such as Lai-Massey, Gen-Skipjack, Gen-CAST256, Gen-MARS, SMS4, Four-Cell, RC6. Usually a stream cipher is based on linearfeedback shift registers (LFSR), but some stream ciphers are built from block ciphers byusing the corresponding mode of operation. For hash functions, actually most constructionsare based on block ciphers, such as MD4, MD5, SHA-1, MDC-2.
     We usually treat a good block cipher as a pseudorandom permutation, thus cryptanal-ysis on a block cipher usually is related to the pseudorandomness or indistinguishabilityof this cipher. If we have an ideal internal component and we can prove the security of aconstruction based on this internal component, we say it is a construction with provable se-curity. It is also a popular research line for researchers in the literature. For LFSR-basedstream ciphers, researchers usually focus on the pseudorandomnes of the key stream, suchas period, balance and auto-correlation property. This method is different from that analysisin block ciphers and more knowledge about finite fields are required. The benefit of this typeof stream cipher is that some of the security properties can be proved, a typical example isthe WG stream cipher which has long period, balance and ideal two-level auto-correlationproperty. LFSR-based stream ciphers are also widely used in practice since they are veryefficient in hardware.
     After flaws in widely used hash functions such as MD5, SHA-1are found, researchon hash functions is becoming hot. Some new security models such as Indistinguishability,Indifferentiability are proposed to prove the security of the iterative modes of hash construc-tions. For compression function constructions, the popular way is to built on block ciphers.But some compression functions are based on hard mathematical problems, such as multi-variate polynomial based hash functions.
     In this thesis we give a structural analysis on symmetric-key algorithms and hash func-tions due to their design similarity. We obtain the following results:
     1. We find that the two-round (extended) Lai-Massey scheme is not pseudorandom andthree-round (extended) Lai-Massey is not strong pseudorandom. We use the couplingtechnology from Markov chain theory to prove beyond-birthday-bound for the (strong)pseudorandomness of many-round Lai-Massey. Currently this is the best securitybound for Lai-Massey scheme.
     2. We give an impossible differential cryptanalysis on Gen-Skipjack, Gen-CAST256,Gen-MARS, SMS4, Four-Cell, RC6block cipher structure and obtain some goodresults. According to the results, we disprove Sung et al.’s conjecture proposed inAsiacrypt’2000and Pudovkina’s claim in FSE’2009.
     3. We design a lightweight stream cipher WG-7based on the original WG stream cipher.We analyze the security and apply it to RFID authentication protocols.
     4. We analyze the security of multivariate polynomial hash functions and point out thesehash functions cannot be secure against high order differential cryptanalysis.
     5. We give a synthesis analysis on blockcipher-based hash functions and solve the openproblem left by Hirose and discover the flaws in the best paper of FSE’2009.
     6. We succeed in attacking a rate-2/3hash construction proposed by Lee et al. Our attackcontradicts its security claims made by the designer.
     7. We give a synthesis indifferentiable analysis of the pfMD, chopMD, NMAC/HMACbased on different PGV constructions. We show that these four constructions havedifferent security under different PGV constructions. We also revise Coron et al. andChang et al.’s security proof.
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