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With economic globalization and the rapid development of manufacturing, large structures or components have been transported between continents or oceans. In order to ensure the stability and security of the structures or components during the transportation and their clamping fixture to have the best optimization of technology performance, manufacturing costs and optimum service life under the reliability requirements, it is necessary to apply advanced analytical tools, the use of computer simulation technology to do the reliability of structures analysis and verification. After extensive research, a large clamping fixture model of aircraft has been set up to simulate the marine operating conditions and the model with the contact processed has been simulated and analyzed the strength under different strength conditions. Then based on probabilistic finite element and structural reliability theory, the probability analysis document is written for further analysis. The response method and Monte Carlo simulation method are used to do the reliability analysis. Many relevant parameters are obtained to summarize the general process of structural reliability design and analysis. The results can provide reference for the project and some suggestions for improvement. Main contents:
     1 The basic theory of structural reliability analysis methods and finite element software used in the reliability of the methods and principles have been introduced
     2 Back fuselage finite element model of clamping fixture is established. Certainty strength analysis is finished under the simulation marine conditions on different ship types and some improvements are recommended.
     3 Parametric modeling method is used to set up the probabilistic finite element model. Then the probability document for the reliability analysis is written. The structure is calculated under the limit load from design specification (some probability) and the parameter information, including the failure probability, reliability, reliable safety factor, sensitivity etc. ,are achieved.
     4 Response method and Monte Carlo method are compared and analytical error is analyzed. It is obtained that response methodology for complex reliability analysis of marine structure has good precision , less computation times and time-saving advantages .
     This article takes a large aircraft components clamping fixture as an example to finish certainty strength analysis and reliability analysis, uses the traditional allowable stress method and realistic probability analysis method to get the conclusions that the structure is safe and reliable. The way to solve the reliability problem of complicated structure is explored by comparing the response surface method and Monte Carlo simulation data results. Response surface method will be used widely between more complex structures because of the advantage and it is feasible.
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