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The samples of this study was Zhejiang white goose, which is a kind of nutrition and healthfood with its high protein, low-fat and low cholesterol. As in a large class in the geese family,research about the changes of muscle quality and mature mechanism of muscles has extremelyimportant practical significance. The main results were as follows:
     1. In order to investigate the mechanism underlying postmortem proeolysis of goose muscleproteins during meat aging,after goose were slaughtered,take the breast muscles about10g quicklyas the at death sample,the other muscles were stored at4℃for4h,12h,1d,4d,7d,and then quicklyfreezing. A method of quantitative fluorescence probe was used for the determination of ROS(DHE), apoptosis detection using Hoechst dye assay.The results found that fluorescence values at2d are higher than control groups(P<0.05), and Apoptotic cells were showed. The changes ofmyofibril proteins (titin, nebulin, desmin, and troponin-T) and the main activated proteins(caspase-3and caspase-9) expression levels which were highly associated with the meat tendernesswere examined by SDS-PAGE and western blotting, all of these proteins occurred apparentchange(P<0.05). The change of Enzymes activities were showed that caspase-3activity highest at1d and caspase-9activity the lowest.
     2. The experiment was conducted to study the variation of the active of Na~+K~+ATPase andCa~(2+)ATPase and meat quality in different aging time and position. Relationship between enzymeand meat quality was studied. Results indicated: the active of Ca~(2+)ATPase had significantcorrelations with pH value, water boiling loss (WBL) and meat color(L*、a*and b*) in breast meat(P<0.05), and it had negative correlations with b*.the active of Na~+K~+ATPase had significantnegative correlations with water dripping loss (WDL) and tenderness(P<0.05); the active ofCa~(2+)ATPase only had significant positive correlations with pH value and meat color(L*) in legmeat(P<0.05), and lower correlations with other characteris of meat quality. But Na~+K~+ATPasealso had significant negative correlations with water dripping loss(WDL) and tenderness(P<0.05).It was concluded that The best quality of goose after slaughter was from4d to5d at4℃andit hadrelationship between ATPase and meat quality. And analyzed the variation of the content of MEIand MDA, Results indicated: the content of MFI was highest at1d in the breast muscle, and whichhad no significant variation during the aging time(P>0.05) in the leg muscle. The content of MDAwas lowest at1d in the leg muscle, and had no significant variation in the breast muscle (P>0.05)
     3. Investigate the mechanism underlying postmortem after induced the samples by differentmeans (10mmol/L H_2O_2and NAC). A method of quantitative fluorescence probe was used for the determination of ROS (DCFH-DA), The results found that fluorescence values at treated samplesfor1d with H_2O_2are significant higher than control groups (P<0.05). The changes of myofibrilproteins (desmin and troponin-T) were examined by SDS-PAGE and western blotting. Comparedwith the control group, it had significant degradation of desmin and troponin-T in treated samplesat1d (P<0.05). The content of MFI was highest at1d, and grew lower and lower during the agingtime.
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