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     (1) 界定了灾害心理的概念及内涵。包括灾害心理的涵义、灾害心理研究的目的和意义、地震灾害心理的内容、地震灾害心理的消极影响、地震灾害心理的特征以及灾害、生存条件和灾害心理之间的关系。
     (2) 系统研究分析了地震灾害心理的内容及结构。本文将地震灾害心理解析为九个方面,分别是灾时应激反应异常、灾后需求倾向的异常、灾后心理情绪的异常、灾后生理反应的异常、灾后心理适应的异常、灾后认知过程的异常、灾后交往心理的异常、灾后行为反应的异常、灾后创伤后应激障碍。
     (3) 在研究了地震灾害心理的影响因素的基础上,从时间进程、生成过程、影响因素三个方面探讨了地震灾害心理生成的动力学机制,并进一步分析了唐山地震、岫岩地震、印度洋地震海啸三次灾害的数据,对地震灾害同心理伤害的相关性进行了实证研究,揭示了地震灾害同灾害心理之间的内在联系和关系。
     (4) 本文根据前述研究,结合地震灾害救灾实际,设计了地震灾害心理救助措施体系,提出了针对不同灾害心理类型的救助方法,最后讨论了我国开展灾
Earthquake damage is extremely sever which includes material damage and psychological trauma. So psychological rescue is a very important part in disaster relief, the attention should not only be paid to the material rescue, but also be paid to the psychological relief of disaster victims. Due to the suddenness and unpredictability of the earthquake disaster, its psychological impact to people is tremendous. The study of domestic and international disaster psychological research focuses on the specific psychological disaster relief technology、 the systematic research of the occurrence of disasters and psychological factors, 、 dynamic mechanism by which to conduct the research aiming at psychological relief measures ,which still remains unsolved. The process of earthquake psychological development is typical and universal to other disasters. Therefore, the research on earthquake disaster psychology can theoretically perfect the system of disaster psychology, and fulfill the research problem,apply the theory in guiding disaster relief work, help those survivors in the support of disaster relief.
    On the basis of the research literature of disaster theory and disaster psychology theory, this article first defines the concept and content of disaster psychology , and then analyzes the content of earthquake disaster psychology and its generated dynamic mechanism, and analyzes the relativity between earthquake disaster and psychological trauma by using statistical analysis, and finally designs a series of psychological earthquake relief in psychological measures . The main elements of the study (results) can be divided into the following sections:
    (1) The paper gives the definition of the concept of disaster and psychological connotations, including the disaster psychological meaning 、 the purpose and significance of disaster psychological research、 earthquake psychological content、 the negative psychological impact of the earthquake disaster 、 the earthquake psychological characteristics and the relationship between disasters survival and disaster psychology.
    (2) The paper presents a systematic study of the psychological analysis of the content and structure of the earthquake disaster. This article explains the earthquake disaster psychology in nine aspect: Abnormity of stress reactions in disaster; the abnormity of requirement incline after disaster; the abnormity of emotion after disaster; abnormity of physiological reaction after disaster; the abnormity of psychological adaptation after disaster, the abnormity of cognitive processing after disaster; the abnormity of interaction psychology after disaster; the abnormity of behavioral response after disaster; post-traumatic stress disorder after disaster.
    (3) On the basis of the study of the earthquake psychological factors, the article explores the course of disaster psychology generation、 the factors of disaster psychological trauma、 the dynamic generated mechanisms of earthquake psychology and by using the data of Tangshan earthquake、 Xiuyan earthquake、 the Indian Ocean tsunami, the paper studies the relevance of earthquake and the psychological trauma and reveals the intrinsic link between earthquake disasters and disaster psychology.
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