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     (3)岩石骨架模型的建立和骨架参数的求取对含流体双相介质波的传播研究十分重要,但目前常用的岩石骨架模型的形态各异,参数计算方法也不相同,给实际应用带来困惑。因此,建立和推导岩石骨架模型参数的统一表示式是非常必要的。通过分析和比较现有的岩石骨架模型与公式,如Esheby‐Walsh、Pride、Geertsma、Nur、 Keys‐Xu以及Krief等模型和公式,我们得到了带有两个调节参数的岩石骨架模型的统一表示式。通过对调节参数赋予具体的数值,可获得某些有特定物理意义的岩石骨架新模型,这使得我们有可能结合实际地质、地球物理条件,选择最适当的岩石骨架模型,以实现合理的地震孔隙度反演。
This dissertation deals with some oil and gas prediction problems related to seismic exploration technologies and petro‐physical theoretic and empirical results with emphasis on calculations of rock matrix and skeleton parameters and seismic inversions based on Biot‐Gassmann equation. The solution of these problems is quite important for applying rock physical empirical results to reduce fuzziness of seismic interpretation and inversion and to increase hydrocarbon prediction reliability. Several main research progresses and innovative methods in rock physics fundamental works and seismic porosity inversion for hydrocarbon prediction are acquired:
     (1) By petro‐physical modulus measurement and analysis of rock samples which were collected from outcrop rocks and drilling cores in carbonate layers,some basic mechanic and acoustic parameter characterizations and regularities varying with reservoir pressure and temperature of those carbonate samples are obtained. Combining those empirical and research results, we develop a set of technologies and methodologies for carbonate sample’s measurement and analysis that will promote to improve the carbonate reservoir predictions and to set up a new mechanic test software system for carbonate reservoir identifecation.
     (2) Due to the importance and complexity for calculating rock matrix modulus in fluid‐bearing porosity reservoir,a linear regression method (LRM) for computing this parameter is presented in this dissertation and the LRM relation is derived from reasonable simplifying the Biot‐Gassmann equation and adding a porosity shape parameter in the equation. Comparing with some conventional methods for computing the modulus, the LRM is simple and accurate.
     (3) Because the formulation of a rock skeleton model and derivation of a useful formula for calculating rock skeleton modulus are very important for wave propagation in two phase material and some existing rock skeleton models and their calculating relations are quite different from each other that will confuse us to apply them correctly, therefor a uniform expression of rock skeleton models and computing formula are requisite. A uniform expression with two adjusting parameters is acquired through analysis and comparison of conventional rock skeleton models and computing formula including Esheby‐Walsh, Pride,Geertsma,Nur, Keys‐Xu,Krief model and formula. By endowing the adjusting parameters with specific values, some unique rock skeleton models with specific physical meaning can be constructed That is an opportunity for us to select most suitable rock skeleton model from real geological and geophysical conditions and to do a reasonable seismic porosity inversion.
     (4) Based on the modified Biot‐Gassmann equation with a porosity shape parameter and the LRM method for calculating rock matrix modulus as well as the uniform rock skeleton model,a new seismic porosity inversion relation and it’s completion steps are presented. This seismic porosity inversion method is suitable especially for fluid‐bearing reservoir identification in area where distribution of hydrocarbon‐rich strata is controlled by reservoir porosities. The new seismic porosity inversion is also an example of the combination of rock physical research results and seismic inversions.
     (5) As an example of hydrocarbon prediction and fluid identification we apply seismic porosity inversion associated with rock physical measurement and analysis results to ZJ basin where the existence of an abundant hydrocarbon reservoir is dependent on a middle porosity range that means we can use the seismic porosity inversion’s results to identify oil reservoir and dry or water reservoirs. The seismic real data inversions show that it works quite well.
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