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The development of urbanization, industrialization has been developing rapidly since China's reform and opening up. Various forms of economic zones, industrial parks, university complex have occupied thousands of acres of land, a large number of fertile land has been expropriated by the government. Engineering and large-scale constructions are all over the country. However, behind this prosperity, there were a large number of peasants whom become land-lost in the process. The identity of these land-lost peasants has been converted into urban resident. But they are not entitled to the same treatment as urban citizens. One of the significant symbols of urbanization is the urbanization of farmers. The long-term dual system generated the dualistic system of social security which brought obstacles to social security for these land-lost peasants. Problems of land-lost peasants in China's urbanization process are diverse in forms and extremely complicated. The most predominate issue is undoubtedly social security. The other issues include low social security level, poor system reform, narrow coverage, low participation rate, etc.
     From the year1996to2010, due to the rapid national urban expansion, infrastructure construction and other factors, China's construction land area has grown rapidly, increasing from43,771acres to51,181acres, a7410acres increase in number with a rate of16.9%, an average annual increase of5.293million acres._The number peaked in the years following2006. In2010, the total supply of construction land reached645mu, The country's state-owned construction land supply reached588,000hectares in2011,a growth rate of83.3%compared to20063. At the same time, the land transfer income also increased dramatically. From year2001to2010, the national land revenues increased to2.8198trillion Yuan from129.6billion Yuan, an increase by21.8times. The construction area and land revenue has been in a phase of rapid growth at the same time. However over the years, about200to300million4farmers have lost their land due to the rapid city expansions and constructions of infrastructures. According to the history of world urbanization, a one-square-kilometer land can only accommodate a urban population about10,000. According to the relevant research data, with the increase of every one percentage of urbanization level in China comes with a population increase of12.7million, and it would occupy about127,000hectares of arable land. According to the research, under normal circumstances, about1.5farmers would lose their land with requisition of every mu (about0.06755hectare) of arable land. The number of land-lost peasants in China is around5.1-5.525million, if combined with the numbers of peasants who did not get their share of land due to incidents like violating the state family planning policy, the number in total would be over60million. Meanwhile with the existing rate of urbanization and economic development, a number of167-200thousands hectares of agricultural land still need to be requisitioned every year. It is estimated the annual increase of land-lost peasants will be3.75-4.5million. In a few years, this number will be close to100million.
     The resulting employment of land-lost peasants and basic life demands has become increasingly prominent, a large number of land-lost peasants having to deal with "four noes"---no land to farm on, no employment, no social security and no medical insurance.
     This particular group became the poor population in urban area, whose basic life demand can not be guaranteed. As a result, incidents like mass petition, application for administrative arbitration has been on the rise in recent years. Therefore perfecting the social security system for peasants, improving the minimum living standard system for land-lost peasants and ensuring the right to life and the right of development of land-lost peasants has become one of the most significant issues in China's social development.
     An important problem is now facing the academic world:if urbanization and industrialization continue to develop as always, will land-lost peasants get their'decent protection' with the development of urbanization and industrialization? There came a historical starting point for the land-lost Chinese peasants ever since China began to develop under market economy along with urbanization, industrialization, it was also the logical starting point for economy and social analysis. The farmer population has not yet polarized at the beginning of the social reform. Land served as their protection of life, pension, social security and other factors. But with the rapid development rate of urbanization, industrialization, the existing pattern of Chinese farmers has divided into two categories: land-lost peasants and peasants with land.
     This article will study the following points.
     From the perspective of Hainan Province, there are some differences between the actual social security level of Hainan landless peasants and the social security moderate level. At the same time, the social security moderate structure level is not rational. In2011, for example, the results of the analysis showed that Hainan landless peasants actual per capita pension insurance expenditure accounted for57.87%of moderate per capita pension insurance expenditure, which was lower than the moderate level. Meanwhile, Hainan landless peasants actual per capita pension insurance accounted for95.05%of total social security expenditure, which was higher than the moderate range of pension insurance (42.72%-48.09%). Similarly, Hainan landless peasants per capita medical insurance is also at a relatively low level. The maternity insurance and unemployment insurance of landless peasants are even in the blank. From the vertical perspective, although the social security expenditure of Hainan landless peasants was increasing year by year, the growth rate was relatively slow.
     Establishing the calculation model on the basis of specific case studies, taking the landless peasants social security level of Tunchang and Haikou as a sample, this paper conduct a empirical analysis. By the research, this paper further reveals that Hainan landless peasants have a low level of social security. Compared with urban workers social security level, or compared with the rural residents, the social security coverage and treatment standard of landless peasants are lower.From the demands of landless peasants perspective, the supply of social security is short seriously. And the landless peasants have a dissatisfaction with the regional differences. The social security system of landless peasants have the problems of lack of balance and sustainability, decentralized management, lax regulation and so on. In addition, there are regional differences in the social security of landless peasants.
     From rising in the number of landless peasants in Hainan province to analyzing the existing social security of starving landless farmers. Put forward a sound recommendation on the basis of the above existing problems. Further proposed targeted measures on social security of landless peasants, and improved the social security system, enhanced financial capability as well. In order to improving the social security of landless peasants, there are five recommendations as follows:
     Firstly, our government should improve the social security of landless peasants gradually, to lay a solid foundation for the recent mid-term development of urban and rural co-ordination. Secondly, our government should levy the social security tax in due time, to enrich the social security of landless farmers pooling account, therefore the level of social security has been further improved. Thirdly, our government should further complete our collective land compensation standards and mechanisms, to enhance policy coherence and attractiveness. Furthermore, our government should actively explore the agricultural land market trading mechanism, to enlarge land financial support for social security of landless peasants. In addition, our government should pay more attention to the top-level design, to further promote the effective reform of the household registration system. Also, to further consummate the system interfaces.
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