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The Chinese traditional opera is an integration art of various art forms united into one. Shangdong, as a great province of operas in history, has a large number of ancient types of traditional operas in existence with local features.
     Liaozhai popular music and songs were composed by Pu Songling according to dialect and slang, and the tune names of popular music after the Mingqing popular tune was spread to Shandong in the early Qing Dynasty. It started the talking and singing art tradition of Mingqing popular tune, and has become the rare remaining sound of the Mingqing popular tune at present. In its development and spreading it has absorbed the literary styles of many operas and thus has a close connection with Shangdong Liuzi opera and Linqing opera (a type of local opera of Linqing city with flute accompaniment).These three types, popular in Shangdong in the period of late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, are operas of strong local color and folk styles.
     This dissertation presents an introduction of the Liaozhai popular music and songs and a contrast with the Liuzi opera and Linqing opera in four chapters and an analysis of their birth and development from the perspective of their tune names, language and the operatic vocal music.
     Chapter 1 Introduction of the birth and development of the Liaozhai popular music and songs, and their global features of art.
     Chapter 2 The style features of the Liaozhai popular music and songs ( analyzed according to their language and use of the tune names)
     Chapter 3 The musical feature analysis of the Liaozhai popular music and songs ( analyzed according to their harmony tonal pattern, organizing body of accompaniment and the operatic vocal music.)
     Chapter 4 Contrast and analysis of the musical nature of the Liaozhai popular music and songs with the Liuzi opera and Linqing opera
     Conclusion Summary of the whole article.
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