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  • 英文题名:Research on Relation between International Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and Human Rights
  • 副题名:以TRIPS协议为视角
  • 英文副题名:Perspective to TRIPS
  • 作者:孙秀红
  • 论文级别:硕士
  • 学科专业名称:国际法学
  • 中文关键词:TRIPS协议 ; 知识产权 ; 人权
  • 学位年度:2008
  • 导师:刘亚军
  • 学科代码:030109
  • 学位授予单位:吉林大学
  • 论文提交日期:2008-03-25
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights is an important agreement under the framework of the World Trade Organization, it entered into force in 1995 along with the establishment of the WTO. It will be the first link international trade and intellectual property protection directly and closely. After TRIPS Agreement came into effect, the characteristics of international protection of intellectual property rights is wider, higher standards and more stringent measures, and dispute settlement is more effective. However, in the process of practice TRIPS Agreement constantly causes new problems, which makes its purpose and substance suspected. One prominent problem started to induce strong concern of the international community -- the relationship between intellectual property rights and human rights.
     The direct goal of Intellectual property laws is to protect knowledge creation and protection of the dissemination, use and spread of knowledge and information, in order to promote economic development and scientific and cultural prosperity of the social and public interests. However, in the economic globalization today, with the entry into force of the TRIPS Agreement, international protection of intellectual property rights has been a departure from its original intention, and is more trade to achieve the country's economic interests. The developed countries will use their economic and technological advantages to try to be the dominant position in development of international coordination and protection, so as to effectively safeguard their national interests. This paper researches the relationship between the international protection of intellectual property rights and human rights after TRIPS Agreement came into effect, and the entry point is intellectual property rights and the rights to spirit, intellectual property rights and the rights to privacy, intellectual property rights and the rights to health, intellectual property rights and environmental rights. The paper analyzes of changes between the international protection of intellectual property rights and human rights after TRIPS Agreement came into effect and the reasons for the changes, and proposes coordinated responses.
     Chapter one, the paper introduces several aspects between intellectual property rights and human rights after TRIPS Agreement came into effect. Mainly from intellectual property rights and the rights to spirit, intellectual property rights and the rights to privacy, intellectual property rights and the rights to health, intellectual property rights and environmental rights discussed. Section I, Intellectual property rights and the rights to spirit. After TRIPS Agreement came into effect, the protection of the rights to spirit was excluded from the field of international protection of intellectual property rights. Be lack of security on freedom of expression and other aspects, which is counter to the objection of human rights. Section II, Intellectual property rights and the rights to privacy. Although TRTPS Agreement upgraded international standards of protection of intellectual property rights, it has not been solved the problem of database privacy. On the contrary, provisions of copyright law to protect the main data make threat to the personal privacy or the family becomes very real and very serious. Section III, intellectual property rights and the rights to health. TRIPS Agreement established the minimum standards of intellectual property protection; it made the traditional objects of protection extended to all areas of technology, including awarding the patent to pharmaceutical products and methods patentable. This led to a patent-protected drug prices rise sharply, developing and least developed countries can not afford the high cost of medicines, which leads to their rights to lives and health threatened. Section IV, intellectual property rights and environmental rights. In purpose of encouraging technological innovation, TRIPS has no concern for the coordination between environmental rights and intellectual property rights. This section discusses from the traditional ecological knowledge and genetic technology.
     Chapter two, analysis the relationship between intellectual property rights and human rights after TRIPS Agreement came into effect. Firstly, the relevant provisions of the TRIPS Agreement on the formulation and implementation of international intellectual property rights led to the international protection of human rights in the system and the implementation of the results uncoordinated. Secondly, the dual value of the intellectual property system goals, namely: the direct target of protection of the knowledge creation, dissemination and use of products, spread of knowledge and information, in order to promote economic development and scientific and cultural prosperity of the social and public interests, which makes it conflict with other human rights inevitable. Finally, the changes behind rights are the conflict between different interests. After TRIPS Agreement came into effect, the change between intellectual property rights and human rights behind, is the conflict of interest between the producers and consumers, between intellectual property rights owners (mainly multinational companies) and the social public, between developed and developing countries. The rapid development of science and technology is the direct reason for the change between intellectual property rights and human rights. The rapid development of technology, extremely abundant knowledge products are easy to intensify intellectual property monopoly. Of course, it also affects the relationship between human rights and the intellectual property rights.
     Chapter three, the coordination between intellectual property rights and human rights. First of all, the basic principles of coordination, which are the cornerstone to resolve the conflict between intellectual property rights and human rights:(Ⅰ)The principle of a balance of interests. The balance of interests is often as the basic principle and idea to solve conflict of interests. Private monopolies should be the appropriate scope of sexual rights, in order to give authors and inventors engaging in a creative and innovative appropriate incentive, at the same time ensure that the public consumers have sufficient access to obtain the efforts of authors and inventors.(II)The principle of respecting and protecting human rights. Human rights is that human beings should enjoy the basic right as human beings. Whether a single country or countries collectively, whether domestic policies and the enactment of legislation, or international policies and the enactment of legislation, we must respect and abide by the principle of respecting and protecting human rights. Therefore, Intellectual property rights and human rights should be coordinated to comply with the principle of respecting and protecting human rights.(III)The principle of equality and mutual benefit .Countries, private sector in the international economic activities should be equal in their legal status, mutually beneficial in their economy. Among them, equality refers to the legal status of equality in the participants in international economic relations. Mutual benefit refers to economic benefit, namely: both parties in economic exchanges can be rational economic interests in participate in international economic activities. In the economic relations between the countries, On the one hand, the principle of equality and mutual benefit requires that a country should not be any unreasonable demands and unequal conditions imposed on another country, no country is allowed to use various excuses or forms bully the weak, bully the small by virtue of its economic strength; On the other hand, equality must be reflected in the economic benefit really. Finally, the implementation of the rights to the specific coordination, basing on the basic principle of text, from intellectual property rights and the rights to spirit, intellectual property rights and the rights to privacy, intellectual property rights and the rights to health, intellectual property rights and environmental rights to solve the problem of the corresponding countermeasures.
     After TRIPS Agreement came into effect, the relationship between intellectual property rights and human rights changed a lot. We must be on a basic requirement for a balance of interests, respect and protect the human rights. Continue to try hard for the development of the intellectual property system, and seek the solution to the relations between international protection of intellectual property rights and human rights.
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