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The study on the supervision of sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) shall be started from nature of SWFs and their investment activities. As a result of the financial globalization and global economic imbalances, the sovereign character and the giant size of SWFs have attracted much attention. Due to their sovereign and commercial character, the requirement of the regulation of SWFs has been influenced by various appealings of interests. How to grasp the eccentials of the regulation of SWFs from the hot debates is a task of the academia and the SWFs.On clarifying the meaning of SWFs and their characters, this article tried its best to deepen the study of the regulation of SWFs.
     In chapter I, the author analysed the definition and characters of SWFs, and the historical reasons of the rise of SWFs and their trends, analyzed the attention and the debates to SWFs, and discussed the frame of the regulation of SWFs. SWFs are funded controlled by the foreign exchange assets owned by the government by a country, managed according to market principals, mainly invested as medium and long-term investors. SWFs have both sovereign and commercial characters. The reasons of the rise of SWFs include the shortage of the international monetary system, the financial globalization, the occurrence and the spreading of the subprime crisis, the global economic imbalances and the depreciation of US Dollars. Due to the influence of the subprime crisis, the sizes of SWFs are bigger and bigger, commercial management is becoming a main trend, and their investment areas are becoming broader and broader. The sovereign character and the giant size have attracted much attention to their potential risks to international financial market and caused the debate on whether it is necessary to supervise the SWFs and how to regulation them. The regulation of SWFs involves the relationships between the home country, the host country and the target companies, and involves the governments of home country and host country, and also some international orgnizations, and the content of such regulation includes the regulation of establishment and the regulation of management.
     In chapter II, the article probed into the theoretical foundation of the regulation of SWFs. The theoretical foundation of the rise of SWFs includes the theory of the international capital flow, the national economic rationality and the new state capitalism theory. The theoretical foundation of the opposite of the regulation is the financial liberalization theory. The theoretical foundation of the regulation of SWFs includes the theory of incompleteness of the financial market, information economics and the theory of the negative externalities of financial system. The changes in the area of financial regulation have also influenced the regulation of SWFs and to some extent put forward the birth of the international rules on the regulation of SWFs.
     In chapter III, the legal problems of the regulation of SWFs in home country were discussed. The regulation of SWFs in home country can be divided into two parts:the regulation of intiation and the regulation of daily management. The regulation of intiation includes the regulation of the legal frame of SWFs, the legal status, the goal of management and the independence of SWFs. The regulation of daily management includes the capital system of SWFs, the investment system of SWFs and the risk management of SWFs.
     In chapter IV, the legal problems of the regulation of SWFs in host country were studied. The regulation of SWFs in host country can be divided into the regulation of access and the regulation of their operation in host country. The regulation of access includes access industries and the national security review. The regulation of SWFs's operation in host country includes transparency and information disclosure, the compliance and so on. Due to the close relationship with home countries, the sovereign immunity right in host countries was alo discussed in this chapter.
     In chapter V, the author expounded the problem of the international harmony of the regulation of the SWFs. The reasons for the international regulation of SWFs are the giant size and quick development of SWFs, the lack of international regulation rules on SWFs and the needs of the global financial governance and so on. The author compared the various projects on the regulation of SWFs, and commented the newest fruit of the international regulation of SWFs-< Santiago principales>.
     In chapter VI, the author offered some suggestions for the development of the Chinese regulation system on SWFs. For China, developing SWF can reduce the pressure of the management of the foreign reserves, diversifying the periodical risks and heignten the influence in international financial market of our country. Meanwhile, the exterior environment of the development of Chinese SWFs is becoming severer and severer, the uncertainty of the future of international regulation, the balance between transparency and confidentialty, and how to realize scientifical governance. On these disscusstions, the author offered suggestions for the development of the Chinese regulation rules on SWFs.
    ② See Larson, Stuart E. Eizenstat and Alan, The Sovereign Wealth Explosion, Wall Street Journal, Nov 12007,p19.需要强调的是,布什政府对外国主权财富基金逐渐滋生的恐惧,还与美国与其他一些国家的经济理念差异有关。美国近年来一直在鼓吹私有化,希望其他国家出售国有企业。而美国一些经济学家认为,主权财富基金的跨国并购有可能变成“跨国国有化”,走向对别国政治和经济的干涉。
    ③ Larry Cata Backer, The Private Law of Public Law:Public Authority as Shareholders, Golden Shares, Sovereign Wealth Funds, and the Public Law Element in Private Choice of Law, Tulane Law Review, Vol.82,
    参见Andrew Rozanov, (Who Holds the Wealth of Nations), http://alexanderhamiltoninstitute.org/lp/Hancock/Special%20Reports/Sovereign%20Wealth%20Funds/Who%20 Owns%20the%20Wealth%20of%20Nations%20-%202005.pdf。
    ② Gerard Lyons, State Capitalism:The Rise of Sovereign Wealth Fund, Standard Chartered Bank,2007.
    ③ See OECD-Investment Committee Report, Sovereign Wealth Funds and Recipient Country Policies,2008.4, p.2.
    ① IWG, Sovereign Wealth Fund Generally Aeeepted Principles and Practices-Santiago Principles, Washington DC: International Working GrouP of Sovereign Wealth Funds,2008, p.27.
    ② See GAO, Sovereign Wealth Fund:Publicly Available Data on Sizes and Investments for Some Funds Are Limited, p.46.
    ③参见中国人民银行: 《2007年国际金融市场报告》。
    ④ See GAO, Sovereign Wealth Fund:Publicly Available Data on Sizes and Investments for Some Funds Are Limited, p.46.
    ⑤ See GAO, Sovereign Wealth Fund:Publicly Available Data on Sizes and Investments for Some Funds Are Limited, p.47.
    ① See IWG, Sovereign Wealth Fund Generally Aeeepted Principles and Practices-Santiago Principles, Washington DC:Intemational Working GrouP of Sovereign Wealth Funds,2008, p.34.
    ① See Edvin M. Truman, A Blueprint for Sovereign Wealth Fund Best Practices, p.1.
    ③ See IWG, Sovereign Wealth Fund Generally Aeeepted Principles and Practices-Santiago Principles, Washington DC:International Working GrouP of Sovereign Wealth Funds,2008, p.34.
    ④ See IWG, Sovereign Wealth Fund Generally Aeeepted Principles and Practices-Santiago Principles, Washington DC:International Working GrouP of Sovereign Wealth Funds,2008, p.38.
    ①See Peterson Institute, A Scoreboard for Sovereign Wealth Funds, October,2007, p.23.
    ① See What Does Sovereign Wealth Fund-SWF Mean? Available at http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/sovereign wealth fund.asp, last visited on April 8,2010.
    ②摩根斯坦利预测,SWFs的资金规模到2015年将达到12万亿美元。See Aaditya Mattoo and Arvind
    ①宋玉华、李锋: 《主权财富基金的新型“国家资本主义”性质探析》,《世界经济研究》2009年第4期。
    ② See Simon Johnson, The Rise of Sovereign Wealth Funds:We Don't Know Much About these State-Owned Players, F&D (A Quarterly Magazine of the IMF), Vol.44, No.3, Sept.2007.
    杨杉:《主权财富基金与金融稳定》, 《中国金融》2009年第11期。
    ① See Edwin M.Truman, Sovereign Wealth Fund:the Need for Greater Transparency and Accountability, Policy Brief,2007, p.6.
    ② See Peterson Institute, A Scoreboard for Sovereign Wealth Funds, October,2007, p27.
    ① Gawdat Bahgat, Sovereign wealth funds:dangers and opportunities, International Affairs 84:6, Nov.2008, p. 1204.
    ② Daniel W. Drezner, Sovereign wealth funds and the (in)security of global finance, Journal of International Affairs 62:1, Fall-Winter 2008, p.120.
    ①蒋海、刘少波: 《金融监管理论及其新进展》, 《经济评论》2003年第1期。
    ②蒋海、刘少波: 《金融监管理论及其新进展》, 《经济评论》2003年第1期。
    ③ IMF:Sovereign Wealth Funds-Current Institutional and Operational Practices, P5.
    Diana Farrell, Susan Lund and Koby Sadan, The new power brokers:gaining clout in turbulent markets (San Francisco:McKinsey Global Institute,2008), p18.
    ① Diana Farrell, Susan Lund and Koby Sadan, The new power brokers:gaining clout in turbulent markets (San Francisco:McKinsey Global Institute,2008), p18.
    ①See IMF, Sovereign Wealth Funds:Generally Accepted Principles and Practices (Santiago Principles), October 2008.
    ① See IMF, Sovereign Wealth Funds:Generally Accepted Principles and Practices (Santiago Principles), October 2008.
    ① Stefan Schonberg,'Sovereign wealth alarm', The International Economy 22.1, Winter 2008, p.57.
    ② David M. Marchick and Matthew J. Slaughter, Global FDI policy:correcting a protectionist drift (New York: Council on Foreign Relations,2008), p.27.
    ③ United States Senate, Current and projected national security threats, hearings before the Senate Selec Committee on Intelligence (Washington DC,2008).
    ④为了执行埃克森·弗罗里奥条款,里根总统曾于1988年10月颁布《关于处理某些合并、收购和接管事项的指示》(Interim directive regarding disposition of certain mergers, acquisitions, and takeovers),委任财政部长行使新法所赋予总统的部分权力。其后,依照总统授权,作为CFIUS的主席机构,美国财政部于1991年11月颁布了行政规章《外国人合并、收购和接管条例》以作为其实施条例,并于1994年、2003年、2008年先后三次修订。
    ① U.S.Government Account Ability Office, Foreign Investment:Foreign Laws and Polies Addressing National Seeurity Concerns, available at http://wwwgao.gvo/archive/1996/ns96061, last visited on June 8,2010.
    ② Regulation Implementing the Foreign Trade and Payments Act:Section 7 Protection of Security and External Interests, available at http://www.bafa.de/bafa/en/export control/legislation/export control awg en.pdf, visited on November 7,2008.
    ③解正山: 《主权财富基金投资法律环境新变化——评IMF<圣地亚哥原则>》, 《江西财经大学学报》2009年第3期。
    ① Edwin M.Truman.A Scoreboard for Sovereign Wealth Funds, Washington.DC:Peterson Institute, October 19,2007.
    ② USGAO, "SWF—Publicly Available Data on Size and Investments for Some Funds Are Limited", September 2008, p.4.
    ④ The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior; Ronald J. Gilson; Curtis J. Mihaupt, Sovereign Wealth Funds and Corporate Governance:A Minimalist to the New Mercantilism,60 Stan. L. Rev.,2008 p1354.
    ① Gerard Lyons. State Capitalism:the Rise of Sovereign Wealth Funds, Law and Business Review of the Americas,2008, (14).
    ② Tamara Gomes, The Impact of Sovereign Wealth Funds on International Financial Stability, available at http://www.bankofcanada.ca/en/res/dp/2008/dp08-14.pdf.
    ① Edwin M. Truman, Sovereign Wealth Funds:the Need for Greater Transparency and Accountability, available at http://www.iie.com/publications/pb/pb07-6.pdf.
    ②See Edwin M. Truman, A Blueprint for Sovereign Wealth Fund Best Practices, Policy Brief,2008.4, p5.
    ① See Treasury ReachesAgreement on Princip les for Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment with Singapore and Abu Dhabi, March 20,2008, available at http://www.treas.gov/press/releases/hp881.htm.
    ② See Treasury Reaches Agreement on Principles for Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment with Singapore and Abu Dhabi, March 20,2008, http://www.ustreas.gov/press/releases/hp881.htm.
    ① See Commission of the European Communities,, p.5.
    ① See Commission of the European Communities,
    主要内容参见OECD-Investment Committee Report, Sovereign Wealth Funds and Recipient Country Policies, 2008.4.
    ③ See Sovereign Wealth Funds and Recipient Country Policies, Report of the OECD Investment Committee, http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/34/9/40408735.pdf.
    ①Kuwait Declaration, A. Purpose of the Forum, Artical 3.
    ① IWG. Promotes operational independence in investment decisions, transparency, and accountability, available at http://www.iwg-swf.org/pr/swfpr0806.htm.
    ④ IWG, Generally Accepted Principles and Practices-Santiago Principles, October 2008, p.5.
    ⑤ Statement by the Finance Minister of Singapore on the Santiago Principles, http://www.iwg-swf.org/pr/swfpr0807.htm.
    ⑥ Statement by the European Commissioner on the Santiago Principles, http://www.iwg-swf.org/pr/swfpr0808.htm.
    ①Paul Rose, Sovereign As Shareholders, North Carolina Law Review,2008, (87).
    ① See Communication from the commission, COM(2008)115 def, at 8-9; also See BIS Warns Against Fragmented Regulation, financial Times 25 January 2008.
    ③ See Treasury Reaches Agreement on Principles for Sovereign Wealth Fund Investment with Singapore and Abu Dhabi, available at http://www.ustreas.gov/press/releases/hp881.htm, visited on 8 April 2009.
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    ③黎原: 《主权财富基金威胁论与我国的发展对策》, 《浪潮》2009年第2期。
    参见中国投资有限责任公司网站http://www.china-inv.cn/about cic/aboutcic overview.html。
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