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Delay payment is a popular way of short-term business loan, existing broadly in the business activity, particularly in the retail trade. Widely application of delay payment can make supplier to better understanding of the reputation condition of the retailer;Strengthen to the control of the retailer;reduce the cost of the supplier processing stock and cover up the price discrimination behavior more availably.Usually neglect the funds cost in the traditional retailer inventory decision research, there is a big gap between the optimal price and inventory decision of retailer and the realistic circumstances.
     Firstly, this dissertation put forward worthy of further research of four problems under this background,based on the review of a great lot related research papers:(1)When the delay payment is a temporary behavior, should the retailer need to adjust his nomal inventory decison?And how to make the optimal decision? (2)When the delay payment is conditional,how does the retailer make the optimal price and inventory decision? (3)When consider the retailer also give the delay payment to the customer, namely the two stages delay payment, how does the retailer make the optimal price and inventory decision? (4)How does the delay patment mechanism to carry out the stock coordination in the supply chain in the retailer dominated supply chain?
     Secondly, this dissertation set up the models or improve the existing models for the four realistic problem with mathematics method, using the inventory theory ,calculus, and probability theory etc. mathematics tool, solving these models, and finally give the optimal decision model of these problems.1) Set up the optimal price and inventory models under temporary delay payment. When the temproray delay payement existing one order cycle of retailer,this part give the choice principle and the optimal ordering model;when existing multi-order cycle,this part give the dynamic price and inventory decision model.2)Improving the existing model of coditional delay payment models,release the hypothesis under two kinds of conditions.One is the supplier give multi-cash discount point of delay payment,the other one is the retailer can partially delay payment.This part give the optimal inventory decision models under these two conditions and give the resolve algorithm. 3) Improving the existing model of two-stage delay payment models, release the hypothesis under two kinds of conditions. One is the supplier give full unit delay payment to the retailer,but the retailer give the partially delay payment to the customer.The other one is the delay payment which the retailer give to the customer can influence the customer demand.This part give the optimal inventory decision models under these two conditions and give the resolve algorithm.4) Considering the retailer dominated suppy chain, proved that delay payment can make the coordination of suppy chain when retailer participate to the decision of delay pay.Retailer can carry out the self interest but not to reduce the benefits of the supplier at the same time, This part also give the optimal inventory decision models under these situation and give the resolve algorithm.
     In a word, this dissertation replenished and improved the existing research of delay payment, set up four more effective decision models, have a certain theory and practice value. With related research continued, the hypothesises would be more close to the real world,the process of modeling and solving would be more complex,and the conclusion will be more applicable.
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    7 数据来源:罗兰贝格国际管理咨询公司,2003年中国商品缺货调查报告。此次调研对13个零售商品分类中的约2,000种单品做了连续14天的跟踪调查,其调查对象涵盖北京,上海,深圳3个城市的5家零售商的12家大卖场门店,包括上海联华,华润万家等大型零售企业,总计调查了约250,000个单品扫描数据,1,000份消费者调查数据及500份门店经理人和员工访谈记录研究范围。
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    [2]William H.Cunning ham,Isabella C.M.Cunning ham,Christopher M.Swift.市场营销学-管理方法:第二版,西南出版公司,1987年,P623-633.
    [3]G.Hadley and T.M.Whitin,Analysis of Inventory Systems.Prentice-Hall,Englewood Cliff s,N.J.1963.
    [8]资料来源:毕博管理咨询公司,2002年美国零售行业库存管理状况调查。美国华盛顿库存控制服务(Washington Inventory Service)的协助下,毕博咨询对美国一大批属于各行业的连锁商店进行了广泛的调研,其中包括大卖场、百货商店、超市、医药连锁、家政超市、服装专卖连锁店。大约53%的被调研者是年收入超过5亿美元的企业,另外50%的被调研者是拥有超过10个店面的企业。
    [9]Peterson M A,Rajan R G.Trade credit:theories and evidence[J].The Review of F inancial Studies,1997,10:661-691.
    [10]Wilson N,SummersB.Trade credit firms offered by small firms:survey evidence and empirical analysis[J].Journal of Business Finance & Accounting,2002,29:317-351.
    [11]Gupta D,Wang L.The impact of trade-credit terms on inventory decisions[Z].2005.
    [12]数据来源:2007 年中国零售行业年度报告,赛迪网,http://market.ccidnet.com/report/content/3076/200710/31030.html.
    [16]Peter J.McGoldrick.零售营销(retail marketing).北京:机械工业出版社,2004年,第1页.
    [17]Martin Christopher.Logistics and Supply Chain Management-Strategies for Reducing Cost and Improving Service[M].北京:电子2业出版社,2003.
    [18]Zeller,Thomas L.,Stanko,Brian B.Operating cash flowratios measure a retail firms "ability to pay"[M].Journal of Ap-plied Business Research,1994年.
    [19]Issakson,A.Trade credit in Kenyan Manufacturing:evidence from plant level data.Working paoer,2002.source:/www.unido.org/userfiles/PuffK/SIN_WPS04.pdfS.
    [21]Biais B,Gollier C.Trade Credit and Credit Rationin[J].Review of Financial Studies,1997,10(4):903 -937.
    [23] Chung K J.A theorem on the determination of economic order quantity under conditions of permissible delay in payments[J].Computers & Operations Research, 1998 / 25 / P 49-52.
    [24] Davis R A .Optimal ordering policies under conditions of extended payment privileges[J].Mngement Science, 1985 / 31 / P 499-509.
    [25] Chung K J. Economic order quantity model when delay in payments is permissible Journal of Information and ptimization Sciences, 1998 / P 411-416.
    [26] Peterson M A, Raghuram G R. Trade credit:Theories and evidence[J]. The Review of Financial Studies, 1997.10:661-691.
    [27] Wilson C. A. Model of Insurance Markets with Incomplete Information[J]. Journal of Economic Theory,1977,97:167-207.
    [28] Mian S L ,Smith C W.Accounts Receivable Management Policy:Theory and Evidence[J].Journal of Finance, 1992,47:169-200.
    [29] Mian S L ,Smith C W.Extending Trade Credit and Financing Receivables Continental Bank[J]. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance, 1994,7(1):75-84.
    [30] Fisman R, Love I. Trade Credit, Financial Intermediary Development, and Industry Growth[J], Journal of Finance,2003,58(1):353-374.
    [31] Sopranzeti B J. The Economics of Factoring Accounts Receivable[J]. Journal of Economics and Business, 1998,50:339-359.
    [32] Wilner B S. The Exploitation of Relationships in Financial Distress: The Case of Trade Credit[J].Journal of Finance,2000,55(1): 153-178.
    [33] Marcel F. Trade credit in Zimbabwean manufacturing[J]. World Development,1997,25(5):795- 815.
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