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From the point of the whole world, whether in developed or developing counties, especially in the Chinese society, the family business has always been existing and progressing in large quantity all the time. Some scholars have pointed out: more than 80% enterprises existing in the world belong to family business. In spite of the prevailing phenomenon, it has not been given much concern. Even there are some opinions that family business is only a kind of classical enterprise organization, and will finally evolve into modern stock company system, which is controlled by professional managers, under interior stipulation of Enterprise growth. Moreover, more scholars didn't get clear understanding of family business and make further research on it. In our country, with development of family business, many scholars have begun to put great emphasis on the research. However, in the opinions of most Chinese scholars, family business is inefficient, has no future and will surely be substituted by modern enterprise syst
    em, but it's only an image in theory and will do no good to the healthy growth of family business. A certain enterprise system should be related to the political, economic and culture environments of the society. The current problem is not the transform of the family business into the modern enterprise system. So we should concern more about how to select growth paths and models of Chinese family business in the different international environment of the new century. Therefore, in the paper, first I summarize the general models and regularities of family business abroad, then suggest several growth models that we can choose for Chinese family business at present based on the actual conditions of China in order to help the family businesses which are in the periods of business undertaking and puzzlement of the growth in our country.
    Enterprise growth is the basis of the country's economic development and prosperity. So the theory of enterprise growth has always been emphasized by researchers and we have gained considerable achievements. However, what the researchers study is the common enterprise, but not family business. In the first part of the thesis, I first introduce the concept, classification and theories of enterprise growth models, then discuss the concept, classification , characteristics and the growth models of family business.
    Most of the large-scale enterprise in the world originated from family business. According to the investigation, in the modern world, family business is one of the most widespread and main enterprise organizations, family business of foreign countries has developed for a long time, so we can grasp their ideal growth models based on their form and characteristics in Europe, America, Japan and South-east Asia.
    The history of the developed market economy in Europe and America is the evolvement history of family business to some degree. With the growth of Enterprise organization, its environment of the market, which it depends on, was becoming more and more perfect. During the process, the single operating models of family business has transformed into a surplus to other enterprise system and constituted "modern enterprise group". In Japan which is influenced both by confucism and western capitalism, it has its own characteristics of family business development. During its development, it incorporates family advantages with the advantages of modern enterprise system and evolves into the operating models in which politicians and merchants have very loose relations. In Japan, it has formed a subcontract cooperation system between large'enterprise group and small-sized enterprise. After the world war II , with the development of Chinese economy in South-east Asia, Chinese organizations of family business has been given
     increasing attention. They have formed their specific growth models during the course of materials, human resources and network integration.
    Family business of various countries and areas undertook different growth paths due to their distinct environments
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