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    通过增强卵巢功能、延缓卵巢衰老来提高雌二醇(E2) 的含量,以增强激素内分泌环
Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture on femals'climacteric age depression,and to explore its operating mechanism.
    Method: 60 patients were randomly dividied into a treatment group(30 cases treated by acupuncture)and a control group(30 cases treated by antidepression drugs).they were treated for 6 weeks,HAMD, HAMA Rating Scale and Kupperman index were used to assess therapeutic effects.The main symptoms, HAMD, HAMA and Kupperman index scores , blood follicle-stimulating hormone(FSH), estradiol(E2) ,5-hydroxy indoleacetic acid(5-HIAA) , noradrenaline(NE) , dopamine(DA) were observed before and after treatment. On the other hand, 15 volunteer healthy climacteric age women were selected as the normal control group in this study.
    Result: There are 58 valid patients were statisticed in the end.In the treatment group,the highly effective rate and total effective rate were respectively 26.67%and 86.67%,depressant symptoms were obviously relieved.Result indicated that E2 and 5-HIAA,DA,NE were increased after acupuncture. FSH has no obvious change.There was no marked difference between the treatment of acupuncture and antidepression drugs(P>0.05),but compared with the control group,there was no side effect in the treatment group. So acupuncture has a obviously therapeutic effect in improving femals'climacteric age depression.
    Conclusion: Acupuncture was a good method to treat femals' climacteric age depression, which realized its effect by adjusting whole body's function and increasing the function of ovary.
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