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目的测定常用软坚散结中药及复方的碘含量。方法从大量古今文献中筛选常用于治疗瘿病的软坚散结中药及复方,碱灰化法消化固体饮片,常规水煎中药及复方煎剂,采用中华人民共和国卫生部行业标准规定的方法:砷铈催化分光光度法。同一标本连续测定三次,取平均值。结果海藻饮片碘含量682.46 ug/kg,煎剂碘含量1951.75 ug/L;昆布饮片碘含量794.6ug/kg,煎剂碘含量1760.85 ug/L;黄药子饮片碘含量4.69 ug/kg,煎剂碘含量54.24 ug/L;海藻玉壶汤碘含量1951.75 ug/L;除去海藻、昆布、海带的海藻玉壶汤碘含量51.39 ug/L;消瘿瘤汤碘含量3829.50 ug/L。结论海藻、昆布为碘含量丰富的中药即富碘中药,海藻玉壶汤、消瘿瘤汤为富碘复方。
Objective: To mensurate the content of iodine in herbal medicine and compound prescription used in softening hard mass and disintegrating masses o Method: selected herbal medicine and compound prescription from masses of literature in all times, which were used in curing goiter, digestion fixed the herb of small pieces Alkali-ash method, decocted herbal medicine and compound prescription routinely, using People' s Republic of China medicaldepartment' professionstandard' stipulation: Arseniccerium catalysis spectrophotometric method. The same sample was mensurated three times, we chose the average. Result: the content of iodine in algae (herb of small pieces)was 682.46 ug/kg, while the result in decoction was 1951.75 ug/L; the content of iodine in kunbu (herb of small pieces)was 794.69 ug/kg, while the result in decoction was 1760.85 ug/L; the content of iodine in huangyaozi (herb of small pieces)was 4.69 ug/kg, while the result in decoction was 54.24 ug/L; the content of iodine in the decoction of haizaoyuhu was 1951.75 ug/ kg;but the result in haizaoyuhu decoction was 51.39 ug/h with the exception of algae、kubu、haidai; the content of iodine in the decoction of xiaoyingliu was 3829.50ug/kg. Conclusion: Algae and Kubu were full of iodine in herbal medicine, as well as the decoction of haizaoyuhu and the decoction of xiaoyingliu in compound prescription.Key words: softening hard mass and disintegrating masses; herbal medicine; compound prescription; the content of iodine
     Objective: To study the effect of Tiaojiaping on thyroid function and morphology in goiter Wistar rats due to iodine deficiency.
     Methods: Replicated Iodine-deficient Wistar rats and divided into 4 groups: normal group, model group, iodine excess group, Haizaoyuhutang group, Tiaojiaping group. Observed various outcome in each group, including the relative thyroid weight, serum TT3、TT4、TSH、rT3, thyroid TT3、TT4, the height of thyrocytes, the areas of thyroid follicular cavities and the thyroid morphological changes under optical microscope. Results: Giving the processing factor 28 days later, therelative thyroid weight、TSH、the height of thyrocytes and the areas of thyroid follicular cavities had no discrepancies in both Tiaojiaping group and the normal group, but there was obviously discrepancies in Tiaojiaping group and the model group. serum TT4、r-T3 and thyroid TT3、TT4 values inTiaojiaping group were obviously lower than normal group, obviously higher than model group, serum TT3 had obviously discrepancies in both Tiaojiaping group and the normalgroup, but no discrepancies existed in Tiaojiaping group and the model group(P<0.05). Conclusion: Tiaojiaping results in the goiter in iodine deficiency Wistar rats completely recover, but the thyroid function(except TSH) does not completely recover. It lacks comparison with long therapy.
     Objective: Professor Gao(Gaotianshu) think that goiter can be divide into two kinds Yang goiter and Yin goiter. The former one can be divide into Liver-Qi stagnation; Stagnation of Qi and blood; Liver-fire bloom; Excess-fire in the liver-heart; Deficiency-Ying in the liver-kidney; Hyperactivity of liver-Yangand the later one can be divided into Liver-Qi stagnation; Liver-Qi stagnation and spleen-Qi deficiency; Spleen-Qi deficiency; Deficiency-Yang in the Spleen-kidney: Flood due to deficiency-Yang. If Bianzheng Lunzhifrom liver, spleen and kidney is used in clinic, the level of self-immunity antibody in thyroid gland could be reduced obviously and there will be double-effect to the level of the patient' s goiter hormone, and the curative is observably. Professor Gaopoint out: To treat goiter, the best doctor treat Liver;the better one treat spleen and the common one treat kidney.
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