AlGaN/GaN HFET击穿特性分析与耐压新结构
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与Si、GaAs基等传统电力电子器件相比,宽禁带半导体材料GaN不但具有临界击穿电场高、电子饱和速率高、耐高温、抗辐照等优势,同时由于极化效应,可以与AlGaN等材料形成具有高面密度和高迁移率的二维电子气(2DEG)沟道,从而使AlGaN/GaN异质结场效应晶体管(AlGaN/GaN HFET)可以同时获得高击穿电压和低导通电阻,被认为是最具潜力的电力电子器件之一。本论文从器件物理出发,针对目前影响AlGaN/GaN HFET击穿电压、导通电阻以及输出功率等器件性能的相关科学技术问题,建立了带有场板结构的AlGaN/GaN HFET沟道电场分布模型,研究了AlGaN/GaN HFET器件变温特性与高场应力下击穿特性变化,提出了新型AlGaN/GaN HFET耐压结构并分别进行了优化设计。
     (1)带有场板结构的AlGaN/GaN HFET沟道电场分布模型。首先对器件沟道横向电场分布与器件参数之间物理关系进行了分析,接着通过求解泊松方程,结合计算机仿真,建立了器件沟道电场分布模型。该模型同时适用于栅场板与源场板结构,所得模型与仿真结果和实验结果符合良好。基于该模型,导出了最大化器件击穿电压的优化准则,获得了器件最优结构参数的解析表达式。
     实验测试了变温下高场应力后钝化AlGaN/GaN HFET击穿特性的变化,发现器件击穿电压随着温度的升高而单调增大;高场应力后,器件的击穿电压有所增大,证实了钝化后表面陷阱仍在起作用。实验发现只有应力时间大于300s时,表面陷阱才会被充电;表面陷阱充电需要一个特征电场,室温下该特征电场值为0.12MV/cm;200°C时降低为0.09MV/cm。
     (3)提出了一种带有背电极的RESURF AlGaN/GaN HFET结构,以解决普通RESURF AlGaN/GaN HFET中沟道电场分布均匀性差的问题。在器件背部引入一接地的背电极,当器件反向偏置时,该背电极通过感应诱生负电荷来调节沟道电场分布,提升沟道电场均匀性和器件耐压。仿真结果显示,对于栅漏间距为6μm的器件,背电极的引入使器件击穿电压从1118V提升至1701V,同时对器件导通电阻几乎没有影响。
     (4)对垂直AlGaN/GaN HFET(AlGaN/GaN VHFET)结构进行了仿真分析与参数优化。研究发现器件电流阻挡层是决定器件耐压机制与耐压大小的关键因素之一,电流阻挡层最优厚度TCBL-opt与其掺杂浓度NCBL存在以下关系TCBL-opt=1/(0.69NCBL/NCBL0-0.18) μm,其中NCBL0=1×1017cm~(-3)。当电流阻挡层厚度大于TCBL-opt时,器件击穿机制为雪崩电离,反之为泄漏电流,在器件设计过程中,应尽量避免器件由于漏电而击穿。优化设计了器件结构参数,得到了使器件优值达到最大值的最佳器件参数值。
     (5)针对AlGaN/GaN VHFET中由于p型杂质激活率低而导致的电流阻挡层漏电问题,提出了一种带有极化掺杂电流阻挡层的AlGaN/GaN VHFET结构,在AlGaN极化掺杂电流阻挡层中,通过Al组分渐变而产生的极化电场来提升p型杂质激活率,增强电流阻挡层抑制泄漏电流的能力,提升器件击穿电压。仿真结果表明,对于0.5μm厚的极化掺杂电流阻挡层,当Al组分从0线性渐变至0.5时,器件击穿电压较普通结构提升了约35%,同时由于极化掺杂电流阻挡层与缓冲层之间形成的2DEG有效阻挡了耗尽层向缓冲层扩展,器件导通电阻几乎没有变化。
     (6)提出了一种带有p型埋层的AlGaN/GaN VHFET结构,以解决器件缓冲层内电场随着远离缓冲层/电流阻挡层界面而逐渐降低的问题,在n-GaN缓冲层内引入p型埋层后,在每一个反向偏置的p-n结界面均形成电场峰值,从而有效提升缓冲层内电场均匀性与耐压强度。分析表明,当缓冲层厚度为14.5μm,掺杂浓度为1×10~(16)cm~(-3)时,器件击穿电压可达3100V,远高于普通结构的1846V。
     (7)为了进一步提升AlGaN/GaN VHFET击穿电压,提出了一种超结AlGaN/GaN VHFET结构,在缓冲层内形成的横向p-n-p超结结构,反向偏置下p区电场与n区电场相互补偿,从而得到均匀的缓冲层电场分布,提升器件耐压能力。对于9.5μm厚的缓冲层,器件优值达到了6.8GW/cm~2,远高于普通AlGaN/GaNVHFET器件。
Comparing with the conventional semiconductors, e.g. Si or GaAs, the wide-bandsemiconductor material gallium nitride (GaN) show the advantages in critical electricalfield, electron saturation velocity, thermal stability and anti-radiation capability.Moreover, a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) can be induced at the interface ofGaN and AlGaN by polarization effect. The2DEG has high electron sheet density andhigh electron mobility, thus is perfect for the application as transistor channel. Becauseof the above merits of GaN, the heterojunction field effect transistors (HFETs) t hatutilizing AlGaN/GaN heterostructure can achieve high breakdown voltage and lowon-state resistance at the same time. Therefore, the GaN-based HFETs are considered asone of the most promising candidates in power electron devices. However, severaltechnical issues that related to breakdown voltage, on-state resistance and output powerof AlGaN/GaN HFETs are still remaining to be solved. In order to address theseproblems, the electrical field distribution of AlGaN/GaN HFETs with plate field wasmodeled, and the device breakdown characteristics at various temperatures and highelectrical stress were studied. Moreover, several novel structures of AlGaN/GaN HFETswere proposed and optimizations were applied accordingly. The outline of researchtopics and main conclusions of the dissertation are listed as follows.
     (1) The relationship between lateral electrical field distribution along the channeland device parameters of an AlGaN/GaN HFET with field plate was studied. By solvingPoisson equation, a model for channel electrical field distribution is established. Themodel is applicable for both source-and gate-connected field plate structures. Themodel shows good agreements with numerical simulation and experimental data. Basedon the results from the model, optimization guidelines were put forward to maximizebreakdown voltage of the devices. Analytical expressions for the optimal devicestructure parameters were obtained.
     (2) The electrical characteristics of AlGaN/GaN transmission line measurementstructures and AlGaN/GaN HFETs were measured at various temperatures. The resultsindicate that the device performance degradation is mainly due to the decrease of2DEG mobility. The2DEG mobility at200°C is only34%of that at room temperature.
     The breakdown characteristics of passivated AlGaN/GaN HFETs were also studiedat various temperatures and high-field stress. It was found that the breakdown voltageincreases monotonically with the temperature. Moreover, the breakdown voltageincreases after high-field stress is applied, indicating that surface traps still take effectafter surface passivation. The experiment results indicate that surface traps cannot becharged unless the stress time is larger than300s. A critical electrical field is alsorequired to charge surface traps. The value of the critical electrical is0.12MV/cm atroom temperature, and it decreases to0.09MV/cm when200°C is applied.
     (3) To improve the electrical field uniformity in the RESURF AlGaN/GaN HFET, anovel RESURF AlGaN/GaN HFET with back electrode was proposed. When the deviceis reverse biased, negative charges are induced by the back electrode and thus thechannel electrical field distribution can be modified. This leads to better uniformity ofchannel electrical field and, as a result, higher breakdown voltage. The simulationresults show that the breakdown voltage of RESURF AlGaN/GaN HFET with backelectrode can be as high as1701V, comparing with the1118V of the conventionaldevices. Meanwhile, the as-proposed device structure has negligible negative impact onthe on-state resistance.
     (4) Vertical AlGaN/GaN HFETs (AlGaN/GaN VHFETs) structure was studied bysimulation and the parameter optimization was performed. It is found that the currentblocking layer (CBL) is critical to determine the breakdown mechanism and breakdownvoltage. The optimal thickness of CBL (TCBL-opt) has a relationship with CBL dopingconcentration (NCBL), which is TCBL-opt=1/(0.18+0.69NCBL), where the unit of NCBLis1017cm~(-3). While CBL thickness is larger than TCBL-opt, the device breakdown is due toavalanche ionization; otherwise the device breakdown is caused by leakage current.Leakage current induced breakdown should be avoided in device structure design. Thestructure parameters were optimized according to the above mechanisms and theoptimal device parameters were obtained for maximized figure of merit.
     (5) To solve the CBL leakage problem due to low activation rate of p-type dopantin GaN, an AlGaN/GaN VHFET structure with polarization-doped current blockinglayer (PD-CBL) was proposed. In the AlGaN PD-CBL, the p-type dopant activation ratecan be improved by the polarization electrical field induced by graded Al fraction. Thus, the leakage current suppression effect by PD-CBL is enhanced and the devicebreakdown voltage increases. The simulation result shows that the breakdown voltageof AlGaN/GaN VHFET with0.5-μm-thick PD-CBL (the Al content increases linearlyfrom0to0.5) increases by35%compared with that of the conventional device. Inaddition, because the2DEG formed at the buffer/PD-CBL interface can preventdepletion region from extending to the buffer, the device on-state resistance does notdegraded.
     (6) To alleviate the electrical field lowering effect in the buffer regarding to thedistance from the buffer/CBL interface, an AlGaN/GaN VHFET structure with p-typeburied layers was proposed. As the p-type buried layer is introduced in the n-type GaNbuffer, peak electrical field is formed in each of the reverse biased p-n junction interface.This improves the electrical field uniformity and thus the breakdown strength of thebuffer layer effectively. When the buffer layer thickness is14.5μm and the dopantconcentration is1×10~(16)cm~(-3), the device breakdown voltage can be boosted to3100V,much higher than the1846V of the conventional device.
     (7) To further improve the breakdown voltage of AlGaN/GaN VHFET, asuper-junction AlGaN/GaN VHFET structure was proposed. In the as-proposedstructure, the p-n-p super-junction is along the lateral direction of the buffer. When thedevice is reserve biased, the electrical fields in the p-type regions and n-type regions arecompensated by each other, and a uniformly distributed electrical field is obtained in thebuffer. As a result, higher breakdown voltage is expected. For the device with9.5-μm-thick buffer, the figure of merit is6.8GW/cm~2, which is much higher than thatof conventional AlGaN/GaN VHFETs.
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