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The effects of spraying plant growth regulation and nutritional element on the ratooning property of the hybrid rice was studied with 4 single-fact tests and 4 orthogonal tests of 24 treatments and a control. The hybrid rice Shanyou 63 was used as the materials. The research contents included the relationship of the yield and its components between different treatments and the control, the recommendable method with the most optimal effects on the yield and its components of the ratooning rice, the relationship between the ratooning ability, the yield and its components of every treatment, the relationship between the heading stage, the yield and its components among all treatments and the relationship between the yield, the yield components, ratooning ability and the chlorophyll content among all treatments. The main results were as follows:
    1. The difference of the yield of the ratooning rice was significant by spraying plant growth regulation and nutritional element. The yield of spraying reagent 1 was increased by 59.2% in comparison with the control. The yield of the treatment 7 was increased by 34.5% among treatments of spraying ABA, B and Ce(NO3)3. The ratooning rice yield of all treatments of spraying reagent 2, reagent 3, reagent 4, reagent 5 with the different concentration was increased and the treatment 21 was recommendable for its yield being increased by 63.7% in comparison with the control. So it was able to increase yield of ratooning rice by spraying plant growth regulation and nutritional element.
    2. The difference of the yield components of ratooning rice was significant by spraying plant growth regulation and nutritional element. The plant height reached 80cm or above by spraying solutions combined with reagent 2, reagent 3, reagent 4, reagent 5. The panicle length of treatment 16, treatment 20 and treatment 22 was above 20cm. The total grain number per panicle of treatment 22 was the first among all treatments. The average grains per panicle with 72.4 grains were more than the control by 21.2 grain; the seed setting rate of treatment 11 was the heighest, reaching 93.6%. The productive panicle was the most by spraying reagent 1, reaching 3,047,9900/hm2(more than 634,000/hm2 in comparison with the
    control).And there showed that the effect on different yield components was different by spraying plant growth regulation and nutritional element.
    3. Main crops yield was negatively correlated to the ratooning rice plant height, the total grain number per panicle, the seed setting rate, the productive panicle, the thousand-grain weight and the yield; the ratooning rice yield was significantly correlated to the plant height, the panicle length, the total grain number per panicle and the thousand-grain weight, and correlated to the seed setting rate and the productive panicle. The thousand-grain weight and the total grain number per panicle of ratooning rice are the most important components of contributing to the yield. Thus, increasing the thousand-grain weight and the tonal grain number per panicle was advantange to increase the ratooning rice yield by spraying combined solution.
    4. Orthogonal analysis indicated that the effects of spraying different reagents on yield and yield components were different. Spraying CuSO4, MnSO4 and Ce(NO3)3 was beneficial to increase the yield; the effects of spraying B, CuSO4, reagent 2 and reagent 3 on increasing the total grain number per panicle was better, the effect of spraying B, CuSO4 and reagent 2 on increasing the thousand-grain weight was better; spraying B, MnSO4, reagent 4 was beneficial to increase the productive panicles; spraying Ce(NO3)3, CuSO4, ZnSO4 and reagent 3 was beneficial to increase the yield and the seed setting rate. So CuSO4 was the best reagent to increase the yield, the seed setting rate, the thousand-grain weight and the total grain number per panicle. Reagent 4 was another to increase the yield and the productive panicle. Treatment 21 was the most optimal combination reagent to increase the yield of the ratooning rice.
    5. Ulti
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