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采用活体观察及干银染色法,运用国际间统一特定方法及齿体定位描述方法对16种车轮虫进行了详细的形态学重描述,此类车轮虫隶属于寡膜纲、缘毛目、游走亚目、车轮虫科中的三个属,车轮虫属Trichodina Ehrenberg,1838、小车轮虫属Trichodinella (Rabbe,1950) Sramek-Husek,1953和三分虫属Tripartiella Lom,1959。其中车轮虫属有14种:即重寄生车轮虫Trichodina hyperparasitis Chen&Hsish,1984、网状车轮虫Trichodina reticulata Hirschman&Partsch,1955、杜氏车轮虫Trichodina domerguei (Wallengren,1897)、急尖车轮虫Trichodina acuta Lom,1961、易变车轮虫Trichodina mutabilis Kazubski&Migala,1968、显著车轮虫Trichodna nobilis Chen,1963、喙状车轮虫Trichodina rostrata Kulemina,1968、单型车轮虫Trichodina uniforma VanAs&Basson,1989、卡氏车轮虫Trichodina kazubskiVan As&Basson,1989、拟鲤车轮虫Trichodina prowazeki Grupcheva&Lom,1980、马氏车轮虫Trichodina matsu Basson&Van As,1994、乌莱车轮虫Trichodina wulaiVan As&Basson,1994、异齿车轮虫Trichodina heterodentata Duncan,1977、适度车轮虫Trichodina modesta Lom,1970。小车轮虫属有1种,即周从小车轮虫Trichodinella epizootica Sramek&Husek,1953;三分虫属有1种:即大型三分虫Tripartiella macrosoma Basson&Van As,1987。分别讨论了不同种群的形态学特征。本研究中的马氏车轮虫、杜氏车轮虫、拟鲤车轮虫为四川地区的新记录种;寄主鱼--鲢是喙状车轮虫的宿主新记录。乌莱车轮虫为国内新记录种。
During the investigation of freshwater trichodinids from Minjiang River Valley. Sisteenspecies oftrichodinids were obtained from freshwater fishes, Silurus asotus, Carassius auratus, Misgurnusanguillicaudatus, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, Hypophthalmichthys molitri, Cyprinus carpio andOphicephalus argus. These known species of trichodinids, subjected to genus of Trichodina, Trichodinellaand Tripartiella, Trichodina hyperparasitis Chen&Hsish, Trichodina reticulata Hirschman&Partsch,1955, Trichodina domerguei Wallengren,1897, Trichodina acuta Lom,1961, Trichodina mutabilisKazubski&Migala,1968,Trichodna nobilis Chen,1963, Trichodina rostrata Kulemina,1968, Trichodinauniforma Van As&Basson,1989, Trichodina kazubski Van As&Basson,1989, Trichodina prowazekiGrupcheva&Lom,1980, Trichodina matsu Basson&Van As,1994, Trichodina wulai Van As&Basson,1994, Trichodina heterodentata Duncan,1977, Trichodina modesta Lom,1970,1984, Trichodinellaepizootica Sramek&Husek,1953and Tripartiella macrosoma Basson&Van As,1987. Trichodina matsuBasson&Van As,1994, Trichodina domerguei Wallengren,1897, Trichodina prowazeki Grupcheva&Lom,1980were first record in Sichuan and Hypophthalmichthys molitrix is a new host record forTrichodina rostrata Kulemina,1968. Trichodina wulai Van As&Basson,1994was new record inmainland of china. The observations in vivo were performed and preparetions made by dry silverimpregnation technique were examined under the Nikon E-600phasecontrast microscope. Allmeasurements are presented in μm and follow the uniform specific characteristic system proposed by Lom(1958). A detailed description of the denticles is presented in accordance with the method proposed byVan As&Basson (1989).
     The dissertation is aimed to add parasitology of fish new content and provides some basic referencedata for investigating pathogeny and healthy culture.
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