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This paper develops a nomal model of the cigarette distribution system of HongTa group by analyzing the environment, factors,mechanism about the cigarette distribution system of HongTa group,It analyze the reason, way of the cigarette channel of HongTa group conflict by quoting the theory of conflict of Orgnazition Behavior,put thes forward to some measures to manage and coordinate channel conflict.It also,from the manufacture's (HongTa group)position,designs some indexes and methods for evaluating distributors(tobacco company),channels and the cigarette distrubution system of HongTa group,which evaluates distributions between qualitative aspect and quantitative aspect,evaluates channel by using channels' value-lose-table method and results comparing method,evaluates the cigarette distribution system's of hongta group competitive power by applying an envaluating model which develops from Fuzzy and AHP.According to the environments changing,channel conflict,envluating results,it analyzes the reason and steps
    about the adjustment of the cigarette distrubution system the cigarette,offors the style and content of the adjustment,also puts foaward to three styles of innovation of the cigarette distrubution system the cigarette by quoting the innovation theory.
    Besides another focal point of this paper is that it applies the above theories to the HongTa group,ao as to explore the application to the reform of the tobacco field of China distrubution system.
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