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This paper, including literature review and clinical research in two parts.
     Literature Review on the subject for cardiovascular disease and kidney damage progress in understanding of Integrative Medicine, reviewed the past few years at home and abroad on cardiovascular disease and related risk factors for chronic kidney disease and the impact of heart and kidney disease related to the understanding of Chinese medicine. Clinical long-term high blood pressure, heart function does not lead to kidney damage plenary session, but the vast majority of chronic kidney disease patients caught with varying degrees of hypertension, coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases, cardiovascular disease and that close to kidney disease.In this paper, heart and kidney physiology and pathology of a link analysis, clinical from chronic heart failure, coronary heart disease, cardiovascular disease risk factors on the three aspects of cardiovascular disease on the impact of chronic kidney disease.Chinese medicine through the intersection of heart and kidney and heart and kidney non-payment of understanding to explain the impact of the heart to the kidneys.
     Clinical studies of the retrospective analysis of the Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital in October 2006 to March 2008 treated 197 patients with acute myocardial infarction in patients with clinical manifestations, such as laboratory results, the data-analysis, found that patients with acute myocardial infarction Patients with heart function classification (Killip classification) and renal function is directly proportional to grade, age and patients with renal function is directly proportional to grade. Multi-factor analysis, found that patients with age, plasma total cholesterol levels and inversely proportional to GFR, and triglyceride level is directly proportional to GFR. Results in triglyceride levels and GFR is directly proportional to the results of the current majority of clinical reports do not match. Clinical findings that patients with acute myocardial infarction after renal function may be some degree of reduction in the disposal of patients with acute myocardial infarction, renal function should give full attention to the level to prevent acute myocardial infarction and renal insufficiency become a vicious cycle. As the number of cases of this study less, but also for the retrospective study, it is necessary to further expand the number of samples for research.
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